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Posts posted by REHawksFan

  1. 1 minute ago, Plainview1981 said:

    I’m not convinced you can build a winner with a Young/Collins combo... You might can with one, but not both. Building a winner with two bottom of the league defenders is tough.

    I don't think Collins can be the 2nd option on a title team. He needs to be 3rd or 4th. Trae can be the 1 though. I'm convinced of that. Right now I think we have the 1st and 3rd options for a playoff team. Unfortunately we dont really have the 2nd option or the 4th-10th options. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Peoriabird said:

    Wasn't Vince suppose to prevent all of this?  You know, teach the guys how to take care of their bodies and not to break the rules? 

    Ok. You are just being petty now. No one wanted Vince to get the prime minutes he's gotten this year.  No one. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, AHF said:

    Memphis has been pretty healthy and had no suspensions.  They haven’t been running out a VC equivalent at PF or C because they were missing 3-5 front court players. That said, they were constructed to be more competitive than us this year.  

    I'm not sure how anyone can complain about the extent of the losing this year given the casualties they have had to deal with. 

    The 6 players thought to be the core group of the team has missed 60 combined games. Add in another 20 games missed by Parker prior to the trade and the team never had a chance to be successful.

    Now, that isnt to say there isnt legitimate criticism due for the construction of the team. There is. But this team could easily have another 8-10 wins if JC wasn't suspended, Parker didn't miss 20 games, Kevin 10, and Trae 6. It they were 23-30 right now instead of 14-39 they would still be bad but it wouldn't feel THIS bad. 



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  4. 28 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    None of those guys are SFs at all. I'll rather just to continue developing Hunter.

    They play the 4 because their defense is bad at the 3.

    Hunter can still develop off the bench. With Cam, JC, and Capela starting, I'd rather have Hunter's defense on the 2nd unit with Jeff and Kevin.  

    As for Bertans and Gallo, I don't really care about their defense. I want shooters. But if not them, surely there are quality starting SFs available this summer that can shoot and play D.


  5. 1 hour ago, NBASupes said:

    This is likely what the future looks like when Cam is offensively more reliable. Jeff & Kevin is clearly a nice ass backcourt fit wise for the bench. I still would like to upgrade either the backup three into more of a shooter role if possible. Maybe Kenrich Williams or Torrey Craig. This is such a weak shooters class of SFs for the draft and free agency. Obviously we can make a run at BI but I know he will just get matched.

    I am not feeling the idea of adding Joe Harris next to Kevin. Maybe look to upgrading the backup PG position in the draft. Skal looked great as a backup 4 before his injury in POR so i want to give him a chance as well as Bruno at the spot as well. Skal is a career 35% 3pt shooter on limited volume but let's see what he in can do in our system.

    For centers, I am pretty good with what we got moving forward. 

    Once Goodwin is locked up, I am good at the 3rd string PG spot as well.

    I want to see Hunter coming off the bench. I'm hoping TS goes out and finds a legit SF shooter. Bertans, Gallinari, etc...

  6. 49 minutes ago, sillent said:


    PG Trae Young

    SG Cam Reddish

    SF DeAndre Hunter

    PF John Collins

    C Clint Capella



    PG Jeff Teague

    SG Kevin Huerter

    SF DeAndre Bembry

    PF Bruno Fernando

    C Dewayne Dedmon


    PG Brandon Goodwin

    SG Charlie Brown

    SF Vince Carter

    PF Skal Labissiere

    C Damian Jones

    Just wanted to see what this looked like on paper. I don't want to jinx it but it looks like this time we got it right. 


    About as good as could have been expected for this season. 

    For next year, I want TS to go find an experienced NBA SF to start over Hunter and push Bembry down the list a bit. Then add a Vet PF backup as well. Also need a Vet backup PG be it Jeff or someone else. Those are my 3 biggest priorities for the summer.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, AHF said:

    Vince was a positive voice in the lockerroom who still had enough left in the tank to show up every once in a while in very limited minutes.

    I've actually been *relatively* pleased with Vince this year. Considering his age and what they've asked him to do, I think he's fared better than I would have expected if you had told me this was his role coming into the season. 

    20 minutes ago, AHF said:

    And all of that wasn't supposed to be playoff worthy - just good enough to win 30 games and let our youngsters develop.

    Said it before, but I think Schlenk's philosophical concept of this season was off on two fronts. First, he underestimated the improvement in Trae from Year 1 to Year 2. Had he known Trae would be All Star Starter, Top 5 Assist and Points in the NBA in Year 2, I HIGHLY doubt his horizon would have been 30-31 wins. He thought - incorrectly - that Trae would be better but not yet elite in Year 2. He was (as we all were) sorely mistaken in that thought. I can't really fault him for that. 

    BUT secondly, as you and others (including TS) have mentioned, he MASSIVELY overrated the construction of the supporting, veteran pieces that he put on this club. Crabbe, Turner, Jones, Len, and even Parker to an extent were FAR worse than he anticipated them being, imo. Combine that with the lack of JC and Kevin early on, Trae's prominence, and rookies that really needed development, and it just highlighted the complete dud of a roster construction he implemented. 


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  8. 8 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Might be closer to $50 mil

    I'm thinking $53 or $54 depending on where the draft pick falls. The weird thing is I keep reading from the eggsperts that they only have $40 something which I can't figure out unless they think we were keeping Nene.  

    Bottom line we should have PLENTY of money to sign some quality players this summer. The real question is what will we have for the big FA year? Dedmon could be off the books. So too could John if they don't resign him. But Hawks will own his Bird rights so no real advantage there. The contracts this summer will be fascinating to watch. Long term vs short term that is. 


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  9. 22 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    Are we done trading now? I would like Josh Richardson on this team if we could get him.

    Best I can tell the Hawks don't have anyone left to trade for Richardson, salary wise, unless they trade one of the core guys.  I suppose they could package Bembry, Jones, and Bruno to get him but then I'm not sure the 76ers have the roster space or the desire to acquire any of those players. They aren't just unloading Richardson for a pick, imo. 

  10. 7 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    Can the Hawks catch Orlando? We have the weakest schedule in the NBA coming up, we got depth, we got vets, we got a center, we got 2nd half Trae and Killa Cam, we got 2nd half LP, let's get it!

    I'm going to say the same thing I said the last time someone brought up the playoffs........

    I just want to see the team win more than 2 in a row before I get overly excited. Also, injuries is what is most likely to derail your optimism. As a reminder, Capela, Cam, Hunter, Bruno, and Heurter have all spent time out for injuries this year (not to mention Trae with his bum ankle). So while the wins and losses may be a daunting, but doable task, the injury situation is what concerns me more. 

    Get healthy. Win more than 2 in a row. Then let's talk. 

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  11. 5 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:



    According to https://www.spotrac.com/nba/atlanta-hawks/cap/2020/   Hawks have 8 players under contract for 20-21 season with a total Cap Charge of $56,202,336 after (and assuming) cutting Nene.  The salary cap for next year is set at $115,000,000 which means the Hawks still have $58,797,664 to spend in Free Agency.  @thecampster is all that math correct? 


    PG: Trae / Open / Open

    SG: Cam / Kev / Open

    SF:  Hunter / Open Open

    PF: Collins / Open / Open

    😄 Capela / Dedmon / Bruno

    Also have a draft pick that will eat into the number a bit. Still need six players. 




    • Thanks 2
  12. 21 minutes ago, NBASupes said:


    Hawks are looking for players who can make an impact who fit within the system and plan moving forward. 

    They aren't going out their way looking for shooters and are still open to deals that could bring back assets.

    Kevon Looney is the most likely move for the Hawks he says. 

    He said the Hawks have been talking to a lot of teams. It's about finding the right moves that fit what they want to do. He said, those in the industry expect the Hawks to potentially trade their OKC 1st for a key role player that fits their timeline. 

    Considering the trade for Capela, I can't help but think this is for a wing/guard. The player to keep an eye on he said is: 

    Josh Richardson 

    Philly wants Luke Kennard and are trying to stockpile future protected picks for him. 

    Also Alex Len is not out of the woods yet. There is still some interest around him and obviously Parker. Watch for that as well. 

    Said talk is Atlanta will sign Harrell. Some think it could be the end of Collins but he said it seems like Atlanta wants him in the role he's with LAC and to split mins with Capela and Collins. Atlanta wants four quality bigs.

    Another news that's huge is they want to keep Bruno but he isn't safe. That's a change from what I heard as recent as a couple of days ago but when you add significant talent, things change.


    Name to keep an eye on for Houston is Thomas Bryant

    Houston also reached out to NY about Mitchell Robinson and was declined 

    Aron Baynes is another name.

    Houston is willing to part with a protected 2022 1st as well. 

    You think Hawks would have any interest in Justin Holiday either now or in FA this summer?  He can shoot and play defense.  McDermott is also an interesting name.  

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