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Posts posted by REHawksFan

  1. Not that anybody asked, but I feel like I want to go on record as saying I want no part of Love or Wiggins. No thanks. Just too many red flags for me and not interested in either contract. 

    My order of preference of the things discussed (understanding that none of these may be actual options on the table)

    1. Trade for JC for JJJ AND trade picks for Capela

    2. Trade for Adams and keep JC

    3. Trade for Capela and keep JC

    4. Wait til summer (bummer)




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  2. 6 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Something is getting lost in translation with your notes @NBASupes

    Break it down please:

    What are the Hawks giving, what are they getting??

    Would Love accept coming off the bench?

    Yeah.....one post @NBASupes say Hawks steal Wiggins, then in another he shows Trade Machine with Wiggins to Cavs and Love to Atl. Don't make no sense. 

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  3. 48 minutes ago, Buzzard said:

    No one is saying that

    You specifically stated the poor defense was due to 2 things:  

    1. LP doesn't know enough to change up the defense; and

    2. LP is too stubborn to change the defense. 


    Where do you acknowledge the lack of players at all???? 


  4. 6 hours ago, JTB said:

    I wish you were wrong but I seem to think so too to a certain extent ! But adding capela for Collins is extremely not worth it! It’s not a trade that would make sense right now if aren’t keeping Collins. 

    yeah I can’t go completely against your opinion without seeing JC paired with a good starting center first but I think it’s a shot in the foot to move him for a starter center who can’t score very well like capela

    I agree swapping JC for Capela is a bad move. I'd want Capela to pair with JC. I'm just saying I'm not opposed to trading JC altogether. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    Can't because Covington is available for a mid 1st which we have due to Brooklyn. Because a wing would be the obvious which would be Robert Covington but I don't see how it's possible with Atlanta unless MIN is willing to trade Layman to ATL as Turner would have to go to MIN.

    This is the only possible deal involving Atlanta: 


    Not that it matters but how in the holy hell does swapping Len for Capela equate to -18 wins for the Hawks?!?!?!

    Also, I'd be down with adding Capela fir the Bkn pick as long as we kept JC. That would be brilliant. 

    Makes no sense to trade JC for Capela though. 

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  6. 9 minutes ago, Vol4ever said:

    The more you read looks like Schlenk might have soured on JC.  

    I'm of the opinion that JC is not the number 2 option on a title team which is to say he shouldn't be considered off limits imo. I'm hoping Schlenk feels the same way, especially if JC could bring a big return that fits with Trae. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Jody23 said:

    Still don't think it happens.

    Would think this HAS to be one of the multi team deals as I don't see anything the Hawks have and are willing to give up being of interest to Houston. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Buzzard said:

    I am not over reacting. I think LP is better than Woody; but Woody was suppose to be a defensive coach. To me with all the switching, our D looks very similar to Woody's. I do not see any creativeness or game planning; much less half time adjustments.

    Its the same old formula that has not worked defensively for a season and a half. In my mind this is due to two things:

    1 - He does not know enough to change things up.

    2- He is to hard headed to change things even when they are not working.

    This is not his 1st season. He has coached over 120 regular season games. LP needs to learn more about defense; or he needs an assistant coach who is good at it to take over the D.


    Yeah I'm sure it has nothing to do with not having players capable of playing defense. It's all because LP doesn't know defense. I'm sure that's it. 

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  9. 23 minutes ago, gurpilo said:

    Sorry that makes no sense, we go nowhere this season, we own one of the 3 worst records and ha a shot as a legit star in Edwards or Wiseman, why risk that chance for not making the playoffs? Sorry makes no sense. We are still on year 2 of the rebuild process, patience is a need, this summer is the summer to get immediate help for a young roster but first you need to know the pieces you have unless something you cannot reject is offered. Love is not that, Adams neither although for the right price... JJJ might be.

    I disagree completely that Wiseman ir Edwards is a legit star. Not even close actually. There doesn't appear to be ANY immediate impact player in this draft. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. No thanks to Love. Don't want any part of his salary or injuries. Also don't want his tantrums. 

    I kinda like the idea of JJJ but I wanna legit PF to replace JC if that's the route they go. Bold move though. 

    Still think Adams and Gallinari are the best fit for the trade deadline. 

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  11. This may be unpopular but I've been thinking JC needs to be the 3rd or 4th option on a title caliber team. I could see Trae being the 1st option, Cam developing into the 2nd option and with JC or someone not currently on the roster as the 3rd option. 

    I'm just less convinced now that a team with Trae and JC as the 2 best players could win a title. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Marvin24Williams said:

    Just imagine him with a competent roster. Goona be great.

    Hell yes. I've been saying all year Trae could have 12 dimes every game if guys would just hit their open shots and make the bunnies. They did that in the 1st qtr and look what happens. Most Assists EVER for an Atlanta Hawk in a quarter. 

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