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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. Quote:


    Outside of Smith and Diaw (who had to go elsewhere to re-discover his game because he didn't have much of one here), who else has really exceeded expectations?

    That's half of the 4 1st rounders he's drafted. Plus he got what seems like a long term contributor out of the second round, which isn't bad.

    Who would that be? Ivey, Donta, Salim?

    Donta probably has the most potential of the bunch but he will be hard pressed to show it behind the myriad of other small forwards currently on the roster.

    Ivey is lucky to be in the NBA at this point.

    Salim is a hired gun, nothing more really than an Eddie House. Maybe he becomes a solid bench scorer but he is never going to get extended minutes on this team with JJ in front of him.

  2. Quote:

    No, but you criticizing every move Billy makes and trying to say what he should be doing is the equivalent of you trying to tell me how to treat something like focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. He's simply telling you what I would tell you. Sit back, relax, and watch the professional do his job.

    Now I know why you like BK so much. shocked.gif

    Let's face it, BK has never built a winning team. His two greatest accomplishments are (1) apprenticing with Donnie Walsh and (2) fleecing Pete Babcock in a trade. Other than Pau Gasol and Josh Smith has any draft pick of his exceeded expectations? Not exactly a lot to hold your hat on.

    On the other hand, he has one of the all-time worst records as a GM, has hired some of the worst coaches in NBA history and has a proven track record of making endlessly duplicative draft picks.

  3. That is fine, but he is still not a center (and is likely two plus years away from filling out enough to play center), so he would need to play power forward leaving Josh Smith or Marvin on the bench.

    It just presents a bit of a problem.

  4. Quote:


    That is kind of an unfair assessment. The Hawks have some great young talent, but it is largely redundant talent.

    Given the nature of the draft, the Hawks probably draft a real power forward this summer and trade one of the small forwards for a legit point guard. A real power forward would help mask Zaza's deficiencies in the paint. Those moves would result in a better team.

    People want to compare the Hawks to the Suns or Pistons because of their untraditional line-ups but until the Hawks get a two-time MVP or 4-time defensive player of the year such comparisons are crap and we need to get a little more traditional.

    how are the listed players redundant? all three can be on the floor together.

    Well, because the Hawks previous 4 first round picks were used on small forwards. Bargnani (or Thomas, Williams, etc.) is another forward, though at least argueably a real power forward. Assuming he is a power forward, then he will be on the floor with either Marvin or Josh Smith at the Small Forward position. Josh Childress is a more than capable reserve at that same position. So ergo, the Hawks have some redundancy and would be best served by trading a redundant talent for an area of critical need.

  5. Quote:


    Drafting Bargnani means Smoove or Marvin pretty much has to be traded to fill the gaps in the roster at the point and center positions.

    No it could just mean the end of Al Harrington. Josh Smith, Marvin Williams, and Bargnani could all co-exist in our frontcourt. Zaza would be nice size off the bench.

    You could do that but why? Two of the three would not be playing in their optimal positions and there still is no real interior defense outside of Josh Smith's shotblocking. From the videoclips and photos I have seen Bargnani is very skinny and would not offer much more in the way of defense then Zaza.

  6. That is kind of an unfair assessment. The Hawks have some great young talent, but it is largely redundant talent.

    Given the nature of the draft, the Hawks probably draft a real power forward this summer and trade one of the small forwards for a legit point guard. A real power forward would help mask Zaza's deficiencies in the paint. Those moves would result in a better team.

    People want to compare the Hawks to the Suns or Pistons because of their untraditional line-ups but until the Hawks get a two-time MVP or 4-time defensive player of the year such comparisons are crap and we need to get a little more traditional.

  7. Quote:


    Remember, this article was from last year..I only posted it to show Bravo the BK did personally scout euro players..Maybe BK has tempered his vision since then..

    Ok well there you go.

    Like I said, BK made it very clear that our issue is lack of big men, and Bernie made it very clear that no SF's are wanted now. Even a guy with a BPA mentality is going to realize when too much is too much.

    Let us hope that is the case.

    I still am having trouble envisioning how the Hawks give time to all their forwards if they draft someone like Thomas, Bargnani or Williams. Aldridge, Splitter and O'Bryant you can at least make the argument that they can play minutes at center. I know Al will likely be out of the equation but Smoove, Marvin and Childress will all need more minutes to see exactly what it is they can do.

  8. Agreed. Obviously he has potential but it is real difficult to pin any sort of hope on him as far as becoming the teams interior defensive presence.

    I rather draft a prospect a little further along in the development stage like Patrick O'Bryant (even though he is far from a sure thing as well).

  9. Definitely an interesting question.

    Drafting Bargnani means adding another talented forward, which is good when viewed in a vacuum, but bad when you consider the fact that the Hawks last for first round draft picks were for forwards.

    Drafting Bargnani means Smoove or Marvin pretty much has to be traded to fill the gaps in the roster at the point and center positions.

    BK would need to decide whether he likes a forward tandem of Bargnani and either Smoove or Marvin (with Childress in reserve) or Smoove and Marvin.

    For some reason, some people on this board seem to get upset when you mention these facts.

  10. Quote:


    Sene is a player that is probably more than a year away from being a big minute contributor. Right now, he represents size and potential, but he's very raw according to reports.

    But do the Hawks plan on making a playoff push next year anyway?

    If anyone thinks that draft would be bad then they are overly pessimistic or have a grudge against international prospects. Sene would right away have the longest wing span in the NBA and with his size and tenacity on defense he could be the next Mutombo. Bargnani at worst would be a better scorer than Zaza Pachulia. At best, he could be an NBA all-star.

    That draft would never happen. First of all, Sene is a 1st round pick especially after he does his workouts if anyone is bold enough to challenge him. And Bargnani is a top 4-5 pick and we won't be that lucky in the lottery.

    KB is exactly right on this. Sene is likely years - not one one year, but three plus years - away from making a meaningful contribution in the NBA. Think of him as a less developed Diop or Mbenga. The reality is there are legions of players with NBA level athleticism that never develop. Sene may develop into a player, but he has a long road to travel before that is the case.

    You can't just project someone into greatness because they have long arms. What ever happened to Badiane (sp? - drafted a few years ago)?

  11. I tend to agree, Okafor would be a great fit for this team and you have to give talent to get talent. The only hiccup is Okafor's injuries - if he was cleared medically you have to at least think about it.

    Why has Okafor maxed out on his development? He made enormous strides in college and is still relatively new to the game. He could become and Elton Brand.

  12. Is Gordon really different then the undersized shooting guards the Hawks currently have trying to play point guard? He is more talented for sure, but unless he is a lockdown defender I think the Hawks are better off looking at someone with more playmaking skills to complement JJ.

  13. I actually agree with Diesel to an extent. There is no question that Sheldon Williams is the type of player that the Hawks need (i.e., a physical, tough low post presence on offense and defense). The problem is that it is unclear whether Williams' game translates to the NBA, where on average players are bigger and stronger. I am not advocating that we take Williams but I absolutely believe acquiring that type of player is essential to the Hawks long term success.

    Bargnani is a talent, but does he really help the Hawks in anyway other then providing additional trade bait? He is much more Dirk then Gasol (Gasol was always a paint player) so he will not play center and will essentially force the Hawks to trade or give up on either Smoove or Marvin. Smoove and Bargnani would actually be an interesting forward combo but then what do you do with Marvin?

    People need to start thinking about how this team is being put together. If you pick a Bargnani, Gay, Morrison, etc., then you have to trade one of your assets (read: one of Childress, Smoove or Marvin) to fill the gaping holes in the roster.

    This team simply will not win without gaining some measure of roster balance.

  14. Quote:

    Marvin timed faster in the 3 quarter court sprint than Chris Paul did. Why does he need a speed coach?

    Some of you just keep coming up with some of the most ridiculous crap in an attempt to demean Marvin Williams. I can't wait to see some of your reactions when Marvin becomes the Superstar everyone in the NBA knows he will be.

    Everyone will be ecstatic if Marvin becomes a superstar, who are you kidding. He has a long way to go, which is appropriate given his age.

    Realistically he should be on a Chris Bosh plan - get experience your first year, step up as a primary player in year two and dominate in year three.

  15. Quote:


    Honestly KB, unless Bargnani can play the 5 we don't need him..We are better off trading the pick..BK's time is up..The Hawks ownership won't happily bend over for him giving them another year celler dwelling...If Bargnani is a 3/4 combo as widely advertised, who do you want to ride the bench, him, Marvin or Smoove?..

    In case you didn't notice, the NBA has changed. You don't need a true Center anymore to succeed. Is Big Ben Wallace a 7 footer? Is Boris Diaw a true center?

    Looks like those teams are doing well.

    As far as comparing Bargnani to Skita, the only two things those two have in common is that they are both 7 foot European big men that played for Benetton Treviso.

    Look at Skita's numbers in the European league.

    Andrea Bargnani's numbers are closer to Dirk's than they are to Skita's numbers. Skita barely saw the floor and as you can see he barely had any production.


    Big Ben Wallace plays alot like Big Wes Unseld. Meaning, he plays a lot bigger then he is. Not sure you can say that about Dirk or Bargnani.

    Again, I think TMac hit the nail on the head - even though Bargnani is very skilled and is tall his game is finesse and skill. The Hawks have plenty of skilled forwards. What they need is a banger with muscle that will provide an interior defensive presence.

    Personally, the very limited clips I have seen of Bargnani does not suggest he is a banger.

  16. Quote:

    Aldridge will bulk up. Smith is so much bigger than when he got here it's ridiculous.

    I notice you left out Camby's weight. Smith-Aldridge would be pretty much a defensive clone of the KMart-Camby frontline, which more than handles its own on D, particularly on the inside (although obviously both have been injured).

    If you think that a team's prowess is measured by height and weight, how about the fact that our backcourt is big and we should be able to take advantage of that in due time?

    The bottom line is that height and weight don't determine how good you are, otherwise Al Harrington would do more on D than get out of the way.

    I think it is a little premature to compare Aldridge to Camby defensively. Obviously Aldridge has talent and could approximate what Camby does but is unfair to expect him to be a top 5 interior defender.

  17. If the Hawks bring in a young big man then I think a veteran point guard would be a tremendous asset for all the young players on the team.

    I am not sure who that veteran is, I think Cassell is good but a little too old for our purposes. Best fit is speedy Claxton, he is not perfect but has good experience and has performed well under pressure (he was very good when with SA). He would not command huge minutes (and hopefully not huge dollars) but would be available for 25-30 minutes a game to stabilize the team offensively and more importantly defensively.

    Outside of Speedy, I don't see any good options, which only compounds the Hawks problems.

  18. Quote:

    I agree.

    But the good thing about Gibson declaring is that he is likely to get picked before Rondo, and maybe even before Collins or Williams, depending on individual workouts.

    And that could be enough to make one of those other points fall to us.

    I highly doubt Gibson is drafted higher then Williams or Rondo.

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