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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Quote: Good analysis inmy estimation...and yes I partly say that because we're mostly in agreement. as you said, I believe that TT will come out, and that he will be used primarily (or be if you prefer those words) as pf. That's his game, his skill. he seems to like the paint well enough though I am slightly concerned (for no good reason) that he didn't receive more hype coming out of HS...strange to see what he's doing this year and not have him have been a more highly touted grad. We might even be fine with Smoove/TT at the forwards, though if we do that i'd prefer (and I'm sure you'll likely jump for joy at this) to find some trade for Marvin and retain Al. We need the vet leadership and we need someone who can play in the post on offense. If Alwill return at a reasonable price, even if we are to trade him in a year or so, then someone of the 'four' forwards would need to go...Smoove, Williams, TT (be newly drafted), or Al (be newly resigned). there simply isn't enough pt to play/develop them all. Agreed. Noah, Thomas and Aldridge all have their warts and all will need some time to develop. I have actually been quite impressed by Davis. I doubt he ever becomes a star but he would be a great guy to bring in when you need some points in the paint. With his girth he might be able to play center.
  2. Length alone does not equal post defense. Not even close. If it did then any seven footer would do, but that is not the case.
  3. That 2004 high school class is looking better and better each day. You have current pros Howard, Smoove, Jefferson, Livingston, Williams, Telfair, etc. Then you have college sophs like Aldridge, Gay, Thomas (he is a redshirt freshman), Morris, Davis, Rondo, etc. It will be interesting to see which of those players realize their potential. Dwight Howard so far is the only sure thing.
  4. While every team in the league - including the Hawks - could use a Nowitzki, if Bargnani's game is perimeter oriented then he is likely not the best fit for the Hawks, whose primary need is a defensive oriented low post presence.
  5. Thomas is athletic but he is not very skilled. I am sure he can play at the NBA level but unless he develops some skill he won't be anything more then a Stromile Swift. Big Baby is a player though. He would be a good fit with the Hawks because of his low post skills.
  6. Amazing how you and KB can turn a post praising Josh Smith - a guy who is actually producing on the court - into an opportunity to denigrate a 20 year olds accomplishments while at the same time hype your favorite player. For the record - WE ALL GET IT! YOU BOTH THINK MARVIN IS GREAT. NO NEED TO TURN EVERY POST INTO A THINLY VEILED MARVIN HYPE FEST!!!!!!
  7. Quote: for me it's less about height and much more about style of play. I don't see either as being a 'go to scorer' and yet I think both are learning to 'need the ball.' I'd say that Aldridge has less of this in him than Noah (and I rarely trust guys who 'truly come on' this late in the season)... honestly, with the team built as it currently is/ is headed, I want a big, athletic big who will GUARD the paint. I could care less about how well they can or cannot score... I agree 100%. The Hawks need an enforcer down low, not a finesse player. What they really need is a young Mourning, someone with that type of attitude.
  8. Diesel has probably been waiting months to use that line.
  9. Given the dearth of big men available in free agency the draft is really the Hawks only option in terms of getting some legit bigs on the team. Let's hope BK doesn't mess this up.
  10. I agree to an extent, but until Dallas or Phoenix wins a championship I will have reservations about building a team deviod of a low post presence. Plus, Phoenix will have that presence once Amare is back.
  11. No question the limited roster last year allowed Smoove and Childress to play more and thus develop - Marvin doesn't have that luxory. But I still believe both Smoove and Childress had better rookie years then Marvin is having to date.
  12. As long as one of the two turns into a good player I am fine, doesn't matter which. So far, Smoove is a better player then Marvin. I also believe Smoove had a better rookie year then Marvin is having, despite the fact that Smoove was younger at the time and right out of high school. But we will see. There are always guys who when you watch them the skills are obvious - guys like Marvin, Derrick Coleman (when he was with 'cuse), Jimmy Jackson (he was great at Ohio State), Grant Hill, etc. Not all of those player are able to translate those skills into actual on the court production. Dominique Wilkins was like Smoove in that he really didn't have the greatest skills (Dominique did not have the prettiest shot or the best handle), but he used what gifts he had to become one of the best players in the game. Smoove may be one of those guys.
  13. Talent is key, but the team is in danger of becoming overwhelmingly perimeter oriented. If Al goes there really is not reliable post presence left on the roster. That definitely is a concern going forward.
  14. I disagree. I think Salim's lack of ball handling and indifferent defense make him a liability on the court when he is not hitting his shots, which has been the norm of late. Again, best case scenario for Salim is that he becomes a Vinnie Johnson type offensive weapon of the bench. Absent that, he will have a Tony Delk/Eddie House/Fred Hoiberg type career.
  15. Salim is not a starting caliber guard either - especially starting point guard. Same is true of Lue, although he is arguably the best the Hawks have currently.
  16. Quote: We need another scorer to start the game. You see how the other team always leaves him open and he misses the shots. While they are leaving him open they are clamping down on Joe defensively. As as well as Joe has been playing lately he maybe playing a little better if we were starting someone more offensively capable than Ivey. I say that we should start Childress at the two or at the one, I have noticed that he plays alittle point. I know that Chillz isn't a lights out shooter but he has to be respected more offensively that Ivey and I doubt that a the other team would leave his open as much as they do Ivey. I doubt Ivey is in the NBA next year. Hopefully the Hawks address their glaring hole at the point guard position in the off-season.
  17. I don't think he is immortal. He has his limitations. that said he is one of the best point guards in the NBA at the age of 20.
  18. Quote: sarcasm on) Well thought out response there. I'm impressed. (sarcasm off) Your post deserved it. Accept the fact that Paul is rookie of the year and move on. Why rip off the scab? Because a 20 year who has played big minutes leading his team to an improbable run at the playoffs may have hit the rookie wall? Being critical of Paul is a joke.
  19. Sarcasm on) I am sure New Orleans is regreting the pick now. (sarcasm off).
  20. Quote: btw, smoove could be that 20/10 pf...it's not unrealistic to think he could grow into a 20/10/5/3/3 player Are you kidding me? Duncan and Garnett have never done that - what makes you think Smoove can? Unless you are talking about 5 fouls, 3 turnovers and 3 dunks per game. Unbelivable.
  21. Packfill

    Marvin vs Al

    Why can't Woody get him to play some D?
  22. Quote: Better yet: Neal: " Big Al Out to JJ, JJ from the corner over to Paul, from the top of the key, Paul Drives, Dishes to Smoove..... BOOM"... Smith: " That's what good Ball movement can get you.". Neal: " The Crowd is standing up. That was Paul's 12th assist on the night and we're just in the 3rd quarter with the Hawks leading 78 to 63."... My eyes just got a little misty.
  23. Quote: They would not all start..but mix those guys in with what we have right now.....ZZ would play more 4 ...this team would make the playoffs...if Milwaukee and Chicago can be in the hunt..... Lue/Ivey JJ/Salim Chillz/Marvin Smoove/ZZ/Elson Pryz/Cato/ this team would make the playoffs this year. That line-up is no better then what they have right now. Lue, Chillz (to a lesser extent) and Pryz are borderline starters at best. In reality JJ can have a leading role (option 1.a) on a winning team, it is just that needs an option 1.b. That option 1.b may eventually be a Smoove or Marvin, but what is really needed is a Jermaine O'Neal type. I do not understand why people get so offended when someone says that JJ or some other Hawks player is not a basketball god. JJ is very good but he just is not on the level of a Jordan or even a Kobe, Wade, Pierce, etc.
  24. Quote: Quote: Quote: That was tongue in cheek dumbazz Then what the hell is your point here? Just trying to get a rise out of people? Marbury is nothing like Nash, Kidd or any other true point guard and does nothing but drag down the teams he plays for while collecting a huge check. Allen Iverson is a chucker but he is a chucker who plays his #$ off and wins games. I can root for a chucker like that. How can you expect anyone to root for the Hawks to acquire someone like Marbury? I am just arguing the devils advocate side because people are quick to dismiss this deal without looking at the positives. Marbury is the only player besides Oscar Robinson to Avg 20 pts and 8 assists for a career. You can't just dismiss that and say that he is just a chucker. You do not avg 8 assists per game by mistake. How are you going to laud A.I. for his work ethic, when he bitches about practice,and you never heard Marbury bitch about practices. From what I seen from Marbury he hustles, and plays with pain. He plays decent defense (He avg 1.28 steals per game for his career). Marbury just has the arrogance of someone who was told he was the best since 8th grade...hell they named a sandwich after him while he was still in high school! If you want to say that he makes too much money, fine If you want to say that he has an attitude that may rub some folks the wrong way, fine But you can't deny his talent and that he could add something to this team..personally I don't know. But I can get way more excited about Marbury at the point next year than Royal Ivey, Speedy Claxton, Earl Watson, or Rondo..that is all that I am saying. There are NO POSITIVES to the acquisition of Marbury. None. He would destroy what little chemistry the team has been able to generate and he would poison the young players.
  25. Quote: i'd hope we can get one of the 3 portland pgs without giving up too much i say we snt al for blake/pryz/2007 first Why would Portland need another forward with Randolph, Miles, Outlaw, Monya, etc. already on their roster? Plus they have Webster who can play at the forward position. I would love Blake too but we have nothing of value to Portland.
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