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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. Quote:

    Well don't take it badly...a western team due to the fact that Gozaga gets much more media coverage out there.

    Boston just because they are likely dreaming of the

    "next Larry Bird"...

    Isn't every team in the league dreaming of the next Larry Bird?

  2. Quote:


    If you had to pick 2-3 forwards to play defense, would you guys really pick this 20 year old? He's a good shot blocker, but that doesn't make him an all-NBA player.

    of course not. Smith isn't even our best defensive player.

    He is one of the best shot blockers in the country, not one of the best defenders. Just like he is one of the best dunkers, but not one of the best scorers / offensive players in the league.

    If there was an all-blocking team he would possibly make it

    Agreed. Plus there is absolutely no way anyone from one of the worst defensive teams in the league deserves inclusion among the league's best defenders.

    Smoove has potential, but he has a ways to go before he is referred to as one of the games premier defenders.

  3. I think the fact that the Hawks have not had a winning season in so long is a big reason why attendence is so bad. It really has been a while since they have been competitive and it will take a winning season or three to restore fan confidence in the viability of the franchise.

  4. Quote:


    and if his bitchfits keep coming

    if it became a real problem, yes. But we are a long way from that. Where we are is a guy who makes faces when being put in / pulled out of games. There are many more steps between that and being a real problem. A few notable steps along the way might include swearing at your coach, refusing to enter a game, going against your coach's order in a game/practice, giving the fans the finger, fighting with your teammates, etc, etc...

    We are at step 1a, making a face while doing what the coach asked you to do.

    All I am saying is give the guy a chance. He is a rookie making faces. Let's not act like he just started a brawl in the stands.

    I don't know, his attitude leaves a lot to be desired. Is there any job in the country where a college graduate can get away with this type of attitude? I would fire someone on the spot if they gave me that type of attitude as an entry level employee.

  5. Quote:

    I know most of you wanted AL traded and some have called BK every name in the book because he did not pull the trigger.

    Was he right or wrong? This is what we already know:

    Denver, Chicago, Indiana, and New York are amongst the teams who wanted AL. None of these teams are in the championship hunt and needed AL to put them over the top. So why would they offer anything of value now and get AL for the rest of ths season not knowing if he will bail on them at the end of the year. When the season is over and these team along with others are trying to build their teams up then AL will be a top priority. The price will go up.

    My job has me traveling throughout the country; everywhere I go and talk about the Hawks, Al is a star. Not a superstar, but a star. WIth that being said;

    Al would be a fool to just leave the Hawks. No agent would let his player leave a team who owns his bird rights and go to another team for less money in the prime of their career. If he was an older player and wanted a chance at a ring or something then I would worry about losing him for nothing.

    I cannot speak for Denver, Chicago or Indiana, but I can assure you know one in New York not named Isiah Thomas believes Al is a "star." A good player yes, but not a star player.

    For what it is worth.

  6. I think the team is playing better but I am very concerned about the reliance on outside shooting. I think it is fine for the regular season but not so good for postseason success. The defense also remains below average.

    The Hawks will need to address these issues in the offseason, I think defensive issues are priority number one and then secondarily they will need to work on inside scoring via a post scoring presence or drives from the permimeter guys.

  7. Quote:

    This is typical of the mindlessness that is on this board.

    Memphis's 50 win season in 2003-2004 was due to the foundation that Billy had put into place. Ever heard of a guy named Pau Gasol? Billy Knight traded for him during the draft, sending Shareef Abdur-Rahim to Atlanta for him, Lorenzen Wright, and Brevin Knight.

    Ever heard of Shane Battier? Yep. He was also drafted by Billy Knight.

    The only pieces Jerry West added that were legitimate contributors to the 2003-2004 50 win season in Memphis were James Posey and Mike Miller. Jerry's draft picks in Memphis: Drew Gooden, Troy Bell, Dahntay Jones, and Hakim Warrick. Only Jones and Warrick are still with the team.

    The Memphis Grizzlies success in 2003-2004 is based largely upon the foundation of Pau Gasol, Shane Battier, and Lorenzen Wright that Billy Knight put into place, and the one player he didn't want to bring to Memphis but was overruled by ownership in Jason Williams. The deal BK wanted to do but was overruled on was Bibby for Odom. Versace and Heisley overruled him and sent Bibby to Sacto for Jason Williams.

    Posey was the Grizzlies best player in the second half of the 2003-04 season.

    And basically you are saying the foundation BK built for Memphis is based on his fleecing of Pete Babcock - one of the worst GMs of all time. Very impressive record indeed.

  8. Quote:

    If BK cant make a trade to send Tony to another team, then the Hawks need to buy out his contract so he can sign with another team. Management has absolutely bombed in the PR department with this situation as far as I'm concerned.

    How is this a PR problem? Delk just is not very good so no reason he should be playing when the team already has two identical players (Salim and Lue). Delk is lucky to be collecting an NBA pay check at this point.

  9. Quote:

    I'm tired of hearing we have 'a logjam at the wing position' What other team gets accused of having too much talent? We have Al, Smoove, Chill, Marvin to man 2 positions. Is that a logjam? And if so who cares?

    It is a logjam if 4 of your 5 best players essentially play the same position.

    Still, that deal stinks. If it was for a Devin Harris type of young point guard then I would do it, but not for a fringe NBA player like Smush.

  10. Quote:


    We don't even have a system

    So that'd be perfect for him.

    I'm thinking that Al is going nowhere so I'm trying to figure who we can get for Delk. Ideas?

    For Delk the Hawks would be lucky to get a bag of slightly used basketballs.

  11. Well in defense of Diesel, the NY media (everyone from the Post to the Times and the news casters) said yesterday that the deal would involve Crawford, Taylor and Ariza. Obviously that is not the deal that was made, and I certaintly can't blame Orlando for not wanting Crawford's contract as it is grossly disproportionate with his value as a player.

    In the end though, Isiah is an idiot.

  12. That is what I am worried about. If he is not a good defender then there is no point in trading for him even if he can rebound very well. I have read that his lack of passing and recognition skills can kill the Bucks offensive motion. Since he is limited in this manner offensively, then the only way I would want him - especially for anything resembling max money - is if he is a real honest to goodness lock down interior defender. Meaning he is a top 10 defensive center (although I am not sure that means much).

    Otherwise he might not be a fit and the Hawks are better off pursuing options that fit better with the team.

  13. Magloire is intriguing for sure. He definitely is an excellent rebounder but is he really a good interior defender? He is not much of a shotblocker, but does he really play good solid man-up defense on the interior? With his previous injuries does he still have enough mobility to be a defensive force?

  14. Why would they want Al over Maggette? They have Brand and Kamen to man the post, but need a slasher to go along with Mobley (a shooter) at the wings. Maggette can drive to the hoop so he is a much better fit for them.

    Plus they already have one guy with an ending contract now in Radmonovic.

  15. Quote:

    This is the guy that I feel will emerge, in time, as the best point guard to come from this draft.

    Over his past six games, Raymond Felton is averaging 17.5 PPG, 6.7 APG, 5.5 RPG, 1.7 SPG, .500 FG%, .478 3P%, and .800 FT%. His play has really picked up.

    IMO, Raymond Felton is easily the most athletic of the point guards that were drafted. I also think he has the best instincts for dishing the ball when in the open floor. He penetrates into the lane at will.

    The only way I would have passed up an opportunity to get Marvin Williams was if I could have made a move to ensure getting Raymond Felton and Sean May.

    so you are saying Felton's numbers over six games are about the same as Paul's for the season?

  16. Since the Hawks are so much better without Al why doesn't Billy trade him?

    Wouldn't it make sense to trade him now as opposed to after the season because his value is likely to decline - assuming the young guys take his minutes over the second half of the season they his value in a sign and trade goes into the toilet after the season.

  17. Quote:


    I have no doubt you guys can shoot, I doubt very seriously either of your can "consistantly " make 9 out of every 10 3 pointers you take..I guess it might come down to your definition of consistantly..

    Shooting one right after the other I would bet i could make 26 of 30 or better it until I got tired, assuming the guy throwing the ball back to me doesn't move me all over the place. I bet there are other guys on the board who could do the same. It isn't that hard once you get in a grove.

    Shooting in games is a different story. Nowadays I am hot and cold, just like most people.

    So you are saying you could win the 3 point shooting contest at the all star game? I don't think the winners hit 26 out of 30.

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