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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. If they dump Theo and Patterson, who do they have left making any real coin - other then Randolph and Miles? Randolph has a max contract and Miles has a large one, but otherwise isn't their roster entirely made up of young players:

    Outlaw, Telfair, Blake, Jack, Monia, Kryapa, Webster, etc.

  2. Quote:

    It helps Dallas to get Al because it would give them a 2nd top notch post scorer, but also a guy who can step out and hit the 3 when he is on. They have been dying for a guy to be able to score on the low block for years to team up with Dirk and this would finally enable that. Stack can play the 2 for them and provide the outside and mid range game.

    This makes no sense for Dallas. They have plenty of scorers, they need defense and we know Al does not help them in that regard.

    In addition, I am fairly certain that Dallas is very happy with their current starting small forward - Josh Howard. No way they give up that athleticism and backcourt depth for Al.

  3. Quote:

    In the 2006-2007 season, 40-45 wins will be a reasonable expectation, IMO, as well as a playoff push.


    I just wanted to take the opportunity to call you a hypocrite. A few weeks ago you called me a "moron" for suggesting those very same expectations for next year.

  4. Quote:

    His freshman numbers on a per 40 minute basis, compared to their per 40 minute numbers, were the best out of all of them.

    If he had stayed at NC for three years, he may have gone down in history at the greatest player to ever play at North Carolina, and that's saying something.

    BTW, his per 40 numbers at NC as a freshman was 20 points and 12 rebounds per game. Jordan only averaged 17.5 points per 40 minutes as a true freshman.

    Per 40 minute numbers do not in any way equal to real world accomlishments of the many great players that played for UNC.

    Do not belittle their accomplishments with some trivial argument about how Marvin is the greatest player of all time.

  5. Quote:


    I think you might get some different opinions on that from guys named Jordan, Worthy, Dougherty, Perkins, Carter, Jamison, Stackhouse, Wallace, etc.

    Actually it's completely factual that he's their best ever freshman on a per 40 minute basis. Best player? no. Best freshman? probably not. Best freshman per 40? Certainly

    We can only speculate as to how well he would have done with more minutes though

    KB claimed he was one of UNC's best players ever, that is what I was refering to. No way do his per 40 minute number equal the real contributions those other guys made to that program.

  6. Quote:

    You just proved my point.

    Marvin brings everything to the table, relative to skill set, that Jamal Mashburn brought to the table, and Marvin adds elite level athleticism and super length to the equation.

    Marvin also put up the greatest freshman per 40 minute numbers in North Carolina history, so he can be considered one of their best players of all time.

    I think you might get some different opinions on that from guys named Jordan, Worthy, Dougherty, Perkins, Carter, Jamison, Stackhouse, Wallace, etc.

  7. Quote:

    I posted not long ago that a veteran coach like Mike Fratello might have 3-4 more wins at this point than Mike Woodson does right now with this team.

    How long have I been stressing that this is all part of the natural progress a young team makes.

    For those that haven't noticed, the Hawks have matched last season's win total, and it isn't even the All-Star break yet.

    The Hawks are on pace to win around 23 games, which is a 10 game improvement over last season. I believe the Hawks will probably end up somewhere between 25-30 wins, which would be a truly astonishing turn around from last season. You can take a look at the history of the NBA and see that teams rarely have 10+ game turnarounds from one season to the next.

    San Antonio (35 and 36 game improvements), Cleveland (18), Denver (26), Phoenix (33), NO(on pace for big improvement), Miami (17 game improvement 2 years in a row), Chicago (24) are some recent examples, so I don't think going from historically awful (13 wins) to just plain bad (25-30 wins) is very meaningful until we see if the team makes additional strides towards being competitive next year.

  8. I imagine there is but the chances are very slim given that the team should be significantly better next year because of (1) the experienced gained by the rookies and second year players and (2) further reinforcements brought in through the draft and free agency.

    I think it is reasonable to expect major improvements from the team given those factors. If they don't then Oden becomes a possibility, but that would mean three years of rebuilding would result in no improvement.

  9. I can somewhat appreciate what Hots is saying. I was as positive as anyone until this summer (go back and check my posts if you want) when BK lost his marbles. I just have been very disappointed with the way the team and organization have been put together.

    I understand that Rome was not built in a day but the Hawks are still lacking in the two most critical areas on the floor (the positions that arguably take the longest to develop - center and point guard) and all 3 of the first round draft picks in the past two years have been used on players who play the same position. In addition, the coaching and defensive effort is terrible.

    There hasn't been an NBA champion in over twenty years that lacked good interior defense and yet the Hawks have not addressed this area - unless Josh Smith can harness his raw athleticism into something more than a weak side shot blocker.

    As fans we need to question the direction the team is taking. I will give BK one more off season to put this team in the right direction, but if he pulls more of the "JJ is our point guard" type of BS then he has to go.

  10. Quote:

    I'd like to see where you get this from. I haven't heard/read/seen one thing that would suggest this.

    Just watch him play, he doesn't have the vision or court awareness that a point guard needs. There is a reason he has played ownly sporadicly for a few years.

    What makes you think he is a good player other then his draft position?

  11. Quote:

    you must not know how it works

    we could outright sign any domestic player that was available with that pick; so the only way to get anything of value with that pick was to sign a young euro and stash him overseas for a few years

    cenk is playing very very well and looks to be a STEAL if he continues to progress

    if u have the 40th-50th pick in the draft, you go for BPA...when you have one of the last 2-5 picks, you go for the best potential in euro since u can leave them there to develop and any domestic players you can just sign the next week

    I would much rather have the rights to Randolph Morris then Cenk.

  12. Quote:


    LeBron is too big of a star for the dunk contest, he knows it, the league knows it, and we as fans know it.

    But he is perfect for the world-famous superstar phenomenom that is the PG skills challenge?

    Probably, but I have never heard of that skills competition.

  13. Quote:

    i call it cowardice...not just cowardice to lose when you're a big name...but cowardice that you're afraid you're going to get some mythical stigma as just being a dunker..

    it's ignorant...how can you be labeled something if you already do much more than that?..why is it for the "lesser minute" guys?...

    it's a diss when you say basically that your holiness will leave some crumbs for the lesser players to fight over with just a slam dunk trophy...

    just like kobe and the rest...

    why can't people be honest? why not just say i don't think i'm one of the top dunkers in the league..i can hold my own but not in a competition...

    tell me this Lebron...you think if you get beat by say, hakim warrick, that when you're playing each other, anyone's going to say something...it's going to tarnish your legacy?

    that's why noone will ever be the next michael jordan..he didn't care, he wanted to compete, he was a competitor..i hope josh smith reads that and takes it to heart and gets fired up....

    i also hope he doesn't back out the next couple years because of this attitude that is spreading..

    i miss Jordan, Dominique, Barkely, Bird, and Magic.

    The reason why none of the top players participate in the dunk contest anymore is because it really isn't that important anymore. It was much newer and exciting during its first ten years - there was much more buzz. Now it is not as novel a concept and there is far less fan appeal. Most of the dunks are rehashes of what has already been done by the dunk pioneers like Dr. J, Dominique and Jordan. Prior to the 1980's there was very little attention given to dunking as an art form - heck in most high school gyms you weren't allowed to dunk. Interest in the dunk contest was somewhat revived when they brought it back after a few years without, but that interest has waned now.

    As such, the league has essentially set the dunk contest up as a vehicle to generate interest in some of its young stars. This makes sense because it introduces fans to a new generation of players.

    LeBron is too big of a star for the dunk contest, he knows it, the league knows it, and we as fans know it.

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