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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. Quote:

    Late in the 4th, when we needed points, Al (and JJ a few times) started their one on one routine and that is why we lost the game. Forget all the horrible coaching decisoins (which there were many). Forget the turnovers and the complete lack of defense. We stopped moving the ball Al, mostly Al, started going 1-on-1, making bad shots and turning the ball over. I pin some of that on JJ. But most of it was Al's fault. I wouldn't go as far as to call him a cancer. But it has happened enough that you can definitely note the negative impact it has.

    BS. JJ had at least 3 turnovers in the 4th quarter and the whole team settles for jump shots. WTF is the coach not getting involved and telling them to go down low or drive to the hoop? That or why isn't our point guard setting up a freaking play that involves getting the ball inside? It is plain and simple terrible coaching or terrible execution.

    No way you can pin last nights loss on Al, no way. Woodson, JJ and whomever was trying to guard LeBron are all in line before Al as far as blame for last

    nights loss.

    And there is no freaking way he can be considered a cancer. Artest is a cancer, Steve Francis is a cancer, Al is nothing of the sort. It is incredulous to even say that.

  2. First, it is not covering for both Al and Zaza - Zaza would be riding pine. Further, the the utter lack of a coherent defensive scheme or attention to defense by the coaching staff is a huge reason for the teams defensive shortcomings. I strongly believe that even a modicum of direction with the coaching staff would make for great improvements. The Hawks do have great athletes so it shouldn't be that difficult.

    Second, historically there are alot of big men who would be perfect: Deke, Mourning, Robinson, Chief, Hakeem, Russell, etc.

    I am sure there is no one available to the Hawks that deserves being mentioned in that group - unless you consider Ben Wallace available to the Hawks (which I do not).

    Third, it is getting less and less likely that Al will be signed beyond the end of this season - if BK does sign him like he said he would then the Marvin pick is even more of a disaster.

  3. Check your facts, Acguire did start, along with Lambier and Mahorn, with Thomas and Dumars in the backcourt. Salley, Rodman, Johnson and Edwards were brought off the bench.

    I am not saying finding a defensive center is easy, but BK has painted the team into a corner so we need one.

  4. If they get a real center Zaza is on the bench, so that is a non-issue. If they get a coach who can coach, instill good team defense, then Al is no longer the liability you claim he is now.

    Be careful, your "Al hate" is putting you in the same boat as Diesel and KB.

    Plus that vaunted detroit team started Mark Aguire at small forward, and he certaintly was no defensive stalwart.

  5. Quote:


    Name a team other than Detroit who has 3 EXCELLENT interior defenders in the entire NBA.

    I didn't say they all have to be excellent but they can't have someone playing significant minutes who sucks.

    Let's see you and EDS think that all the Hawks have to do is add one defensive center and that will improve the Hawks interior D from one of the worst in the league to one of the best.

    Does this defensive beast have a name? Or are you just dreaming?

    They would also need to add a point guard that plays defense and a coach who can, well, coach. But yes, those three things and the there is no reason the Hawks can't be an average to above average defensive team.

  6. I don't think anyone who saw him play previously expected him to be a Kobe/Tmac type of player. That is an unrealistic expectation - he just isn't that good. If nothing else, the very fact that he needs a quality point guard to fully exploit his abilities is evidence of that - remember his shooting percentages were not great pre-Nash. Guys like Kobe, Tmac, Wade etc. can dominate with junk at the point position.

  7. Quote:

    We get a pretty good distributer in return and we help relieve the log jam at forward because Swift only needs about 25 minutes to be effective.

    No way, Rafer is a head case and Swift is a tremendous waste of talent. Not worht it, especially if McGrady stays healthy because the Rockets will not end up with a lottery pick.

  8. It is a pipe dream to think we are getting all that in the off-season. The team had the exact same needs coming into this past season and the only thing BK did about it was sign another shooting guard (JJ), draft another small forward (Marvin), draft still another shooting guard (Salim) and sign a solid back-up bigman to fill a starting role (Zaza).

    So to sum up, team went into '05 off-season needing a starting caliber point guard and big man and came away with neither.

    So excuse me if I think it is crazy that BK will now somehow be able to obtain two starting caliber centers and a starting caliber point guard - especially after he already traded away two future first round draft picks and gave out a max contract.

  9. Quote:


    So how come Rondo doesn't take it to the basket? All he does is swing it around the perimeter.

    Two reasons: (1) his outside shot is bad enough that defenders sag off of him which makes it harder to drive; (2) UK's offense has been so bad this year and has had so little movement that teams just collapse on him when he drives and he has been told not to force it.


    I have watched 3 Kentucky games and haven't seen him drive successfully one time.

    lol You haven't watched much UK basketball if you haven't seen him drive successfully one time.


    However I have seen him get routinely pushed around trying to guard the opposing pgs of unranked teams.

    Oh, never mind you must have seen a lot of his games. Or maybe not.

    Rondo has actually underacheived defensively this year in part because he doesn't have the defensive support he had last year with Chuck Hayes and Kelenna Azubuike. He hasn't been able to pick as many passes off in the lanes, although he still has a great touch stealing the ball. Despite what I would consider overrated D from him this season, he has not gotten routinely pushed around by any stretch of the imagination.

    This is not good. If his shot is bad enough they can sag off him in college things won't get much better in the pros. And if he has a problem with the cat's stagnant offense, what will he do when he comes to Atlanta with out stagnant offense? Isn't the point guard supposed to help prevent stagnant offense?

    And he is overrated on D because he doesn't have the support he had last year? What support will he have here in the pros where the opponents are bigger, faster and more experienced - and he would be coming to a terrible defensive team?

  10. Pryz is o.k. but my concern is that his history in Atlanta will actually work against us as far as him wanting to sign here. There has to be some reason he choose Portland and potentially limited playing time and Atlanta and potentially infinite playing time. Family? Money? Direction of the team? I don't know, but if he likes the West Coast to be closer to his family/home then our chances of signing him will remain slim to none.

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