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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. Quote:

    When your whole team plays bad defense, then everybody looks bad and your bad defenders look worse.

    For example.

    Steve Kerr was a horrible defensive player... UNTIL he went to Chicago. When he got to Chicago, they found out that he can stay in front of his man and make it hard for his man to shoot.

    Another example...

    Mario Ellie. All while Ellie was in Houston, the word on him was that he didn't try on defense. He went to San Antonio where he was backed up by Duncan and Robinson and became clutch on offense and defense.

    Even Big Dog.

    Big Dog was ridiculed here. However, last year in the playoffs/Championship, Big Dog became a defensive stopper in one of the finals game...

    Check this out.. And it rang true:


    Robinson is not known for his defense, but Popovich said they can work around that.

    "The good thing is that he's intelligent and he understands the game," Popovich said. "He'll pick up the team-defense concept, so he won't have to be the best individual defender."

    As Macdaddy said, there are some things about Al's game that you just can't find... Namely, an inside/outside game offensively... A lot of you tried to compare Al to Reef, but when has Reef ever been good from outside or fast enough to take a four off the dribble??

    We try to compensate for a badly coached defense by getting rid of good offensive players (WITHOUT equal compensation).. That's welfare.

    This is a remarkably sane post. Good point about how a good team defensive scheme can mask an individual players shortcomings.

    Al was never considered a defensive liability in Indiana. Quite frankly I think Al's problem with the Hawks - and the teams defensive shortcomings as a whole - are in large part due to lack of effort and a bad scheme.

    I blame the coach.

  2. Quote:

    Okafor is a PF/C, not a SF.

    Their normal lineup is






    If they trade Knight for Al, they would start






    Wallace is a SF, but he can easily play SG. He doesn't give you too much outside shooting, but Al does.

    Again, I don't think they'd do it, but it's not completely impossible. To me, it would be a money issue, they won't be willing to give him the cash he will get from someone.

    I don't think Wallace would play shooting guard. It would be akin to playing Smoove at shooting guard - sure he could do it on some level but it makes no sense with his skill set. Wallace is a small forward, period. The dude is a better shot blocker then Smoove (I only know because he is on my fantasy team). They need outside shooting desparetly to open things up inside for Brezac, Okafor and Wallace.

    Al makes no sense for them. Sorry.

  3. There, I said it. Unbelievable what a few good pieces that work well together can do.

    They have a shot to get better if JR Smith can find a way to turn himself into a player, otherwise their upside is a little limited and they will have to replace PJ in a few years.

  4. I realize we don't need to spend it this off-season - which seems impossible anyway given the dearth of available big men.

    Realistically, I see Nene as the Hawks best shot to get a legit big, assuming you consider him legit. Pryz, because of his past history here, I doubt he signs unless we way overspend. That leaves Ely or someone like him who are really back-ups.

    Maybe there will be more available the following off-season, but going through another season without a point guard or big man will be unconsiconable.

    Maybe they can get one in the draft, but those guys will be a few years away from contributing (unless the pick is Sheldon Williams, who does not seem like a BK guy).

  5. Quote:


    Anyone acquiring Lue is acquiring him with the idea he will be a back-up, at best.

    No actually the Lakers were pursuing him in the offseason but he chose to stay here. You may not like it but the simple fact is that Lue is the best 3pt shooter and best ball handler on the team.

    I would trade Lue for Smush Parker in a heart beat, so LA can have him if they want. He didn't want to go to LA because he knew Kobe would ride him to play some defense.

  6. Quote:

    Everyone knows that Lue is made to be a backup. That does not mean that he is worthless. He and Bobby Jackson are 2 of the best backup PG's in the league. You could get something in return. Maybe not a starter, but something.

    There are a lot of other back-up point guards in this league that I rather have, from young guys (Jack, Felton, Devin Harris, Livingston, Mo Williams, Udrith, Calderon, Barbosa, Blake, Head, Duhon, etc.) to old guys (Claxton, Daniels, Jackson, Tinsley, Snow, McInnis, Arroyo, Watson, Boykins, etc.).

  7. If we don't sign Al this off-season what are teh Hawks going to spend the money on. I am not lobbying to resign Al because of the duplication on the roster (though I like Al as a player and would be all for keeping him if BK did not draft Marvin).

    Nene may get $8+ this off-season but none of the other free agents the Hawks should be interested in (i.e., Pryz, Ely, other big man) are going to get more then $5 million.

    If the Hawks don't use the money this off-season, then don't they have to start worrying about signing their own players next off-season and start saving money for big extensions for Smoove, Marvin, etc.?

  8. Quote:


    Your right or teams would have pursued him stronger when he was a free agent this past off-season.

    We got Stephen Jackson because other teams did not pursue him strongly in the off-season and traded him for Al Harrington. I'm not saying Lue has that kind of value (he doesn't) but I wouldn't write him off as a guy another team would be interested in acquiring.

    I would.

    Al and Jackson were both acquired with the idea that they would be starters. Anyone acquiring Lue is acquiring him with the idea he will be a back-up, at best.

  9. Woodson should start and play for a majority of the game - a lineup of Ivey, Childress, Smoove, Batista and Edwards (when healthy) and tell them to play defense like their careers depended on it, then see if everyone else gets the message.

    There really is no downside since it is unlikely they would win anyway.

  10. Agreed. Moreover, the Bulls success came only after the team shifted its drafting strategy to drafting college players who could come in and contribute immediately - i.e., Hinrich, Gordon, Duhon and Deng.

  11. Chicago is also lamenting how piss poor Tyson Chandler is playing. Another waste of talent. They won't be good until either Chandler steps up or they get another legit big man. Similar to the Hawks really accept a lot further ahead in their development.

  12. I am just worried that if the Hawks go all young then once they all come off their rookie contracts it will get real expensive real fast and then the nucleous is blown-up before any good can be made of it.

    The Hawks do need a veteran leader, someone like a Mark Jackson/Avery Johnson vet point guard or Alonzo Mourning who can enforce the law with the kids.

  13. How does that math work? There are two forward positions - 48 minutes a piece, total of 96, divided by 4 that is 24 minutes each.

    I guess Childress could play a few minutes a shooting guard, but JJ plays 40 per night and Salim should get around 10.

    None of the 4 can play center, even for a few minutes should be discouraged because of the defensive shortcomings.

  14. So he is still a complete unknown quantity. I wouldn't necessarily be against acquiring a young bigman talent, but it is likely he is a few years away from legitimatly making a contribution. Since Al would be gone that would leave the Hawks dangerously young. I don't think being that young is a good idea. I would much prefer getting a young guy that has actually played a bit (like a Nene or something) and we at least know can provide 20 minutes a night from the get go.

  15. How come Biedrins doesn't get any time in Golden State? Sure he is young, but Adonal Foyle is below average, so its not like there is a big minutes roadblock.

    I have never seen him play so as far as I know he is just another tall stiff until proven otherwise.

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