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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. The good news about Isaiah's terrible GM'ing is that BK will never be the worst GM in the league.
  2. I voted $8-9 million, but realistically he should get more. If JJ can get $12+ then Al should get 9-10 easy.
  3. If Al can't play D on a forward then he has no business playing center. Same for Salim playing point with no point guard skills.
  4. I am just worried that if the Hawks go all young then once they all come off their rookie contracts it will get real expensive real fast and then the nucleous is blown-up before any good can be made of it. The Hawks do need a veteran leader, someone like a Mark Jackson/Avery Johnson vet point guard or Alonzo Mourning who can enforce the law with the kids.
  5. How does that math work? There are two forward positions - 48 minutes a piece, total of 96, divided by 4 that is 24 minutes each. I guess Childress could play a few minutes a shooting guard, but JJ plays 40 per night and Salim should get around 10. None of the 4 can play center, even for a few minutes should be discouraged because of the defensive shortcomings.
  6. Isn't that line-up a little too young? Would the Hawks actually be able to keep that group together for an additional 2+ seasons when they are all experienced enough to play?
  7. How many additional years do we give BK to field a competitive team? 2? If he doesn't sign/draft/trade for a big man this off-season (or before) does he still get a pass?
  8. So he is still a complete unknown quantity. I wouldn't necessarily be against acquiring a young bigman talent, but it is likely he is a few years away from legitimatly making a contribution. Since Al would be gone that would leave the Hawks dangerously young. I don't think being that young is a good idea. I would much prefer getting a young guy that has actually played a bit (like a Nene or something) and we at least know can provide 20 minutes a night from the get go.
  9. How come Biedrins doesn't get any time in Golden State? Sure he is young, but Adonal Foyle is below average, so its not like there is a big minutes roadblock. I have never seen him play so as far as I know he is just another tall stiff until proven otherwise.
  10. Quote: If JJ had the hops of Kobe, Tmac, Wade, he would be a superstar in this league. That is what make the superstars so famous, their ability to finish at the rim in traffic with acrobatic layups and thunderous dunks. Yeah, he can dunk but probably not on anybody. Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Adreian Dantley, Steve Nash, Reggie Miller and countless other players are or were superstars without being great leapers. Great players are great because of their desire - that is what separates good and great.
  11. JJ doesn't jump as high as Smoove but he does jump relatively well - he can dunk - so I don't think that is what is holding him back. Marvin , we shall see. He needs to get agressive - and it is yet to be determined whether that is in his nature or not.
  12. Quote: Al can also create his own shot to a large degree, something that Smoove and Marvin have shown little to no propensity of being able to do. Thereby, for them to simply 'play the minutes, take the same number of shots'...JJ better become a SUPERstar, drawing consistent double teams etc, otherwise the 'quality' of those shots will decrease GREATLY from the ones that they are currently seeing. It's simply not all about stats and mp40...if it were, Bird-Man Anderson would be a top 5 center in the league. Agreed.
  13. That is a nice weapon to have in the arsenal, but it would be even better if, instead of pulling up for the J, JJ took it strong to the rim. The Hawks in general need to attack the rim more, rather then relying on jump shots.
  14. Quote: Quote: Hell there are numerous players I would rather trade Al for than Francis, but its still better than losing him for nothing. I don't know. Some of the dumbest plays I have seen in basketball have been courtesy of Francis. I had to stop watching Houston in the playoffs when he was there because I couldn't stand his game. He wore out his welcome in Houston and is doing the same now. Getting Francis would actually be worse than letting Al go for nothing imo. His contract would keep the Hawks from getting someone they really need, and his domination of the ball would alienate the rest of the players. I totally agree. Why do we keep debating this. Francis has no value to the Hawks.
  15. Packfill

    Good Win.

    You do realize that Tracy MaGrady, Yao Ming, Stromile Swift and a few others did not suit up for Houston?
  16. Quote: Normally, three good PGs is not a bad thing. Ford is as shaky as they come. Ford is one of the best point guards in the league? Are you mad?
  17. They still have Ford!
  18. Packfill

    Good Win.

    The Hawks beat the equivalent of a CBA team and you call it a good win? Man have our expectations been lowered.
  19. Quote: I believe that in the league right now, Andre Miller, TJ Ford, and Jason Kidd may be the only "true" point guards that start. Throw in Steve Nash. It is interesting that all those teams have winning records. Also interesting that Phoenix keeps on winning without big man Amare, NJ wins without any big men and Denver has played surprisingly well with Nene and Camby.
  20. Because the team has: 1. No coaching; 2. No interior defense; and 3. No decent on-ball-defender; Simple really. Al is a bad defender. We all know this. If Woodson would get his head out of BK's arse he would immediately cease playing Al at power forward and play him exclusively at small forward. Woops, the team has no true power forward or center.
  21. And without Al they would be getting blown out right now! Meanwhile, Chris Paul has his bunch of second year players and journeymen one game below .500. I would trade anyone on the Hawks roster in a nanosecond for Paul.
  22. I really like Al, but I am starting to believe that they might as well trade him because BK has f'ed up the roster so much that Al or one of the other 10 small forward types needs to be traded in order to get a legit big man or legit point guard. The only problem with trading Al is that it likely will be for picks or developmental type players which means that the team will be that much further from competing.
  23. The Bucks have zero need for Delk with Ford and Williams already on board.
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