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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. Quote:


    Hell there are numerous players I would rather trade Al for than Francis, but its still better than losing him for nothing.

    I don't know. Some of the dumbest plays I have seen in basketball have been courtesy of Francis. I had to stop watching Houston in the playoffs when he was there because I couldn't stand his game.

    He wore out his welcome in Houston and is doing the same now. Getting Francis would actually be worse than letting Al go for nothing imo. His contract would keep the Hawks from getting someone they really need, and his domination of the ball would alienate the rest of the players.

    I totally agree.

    Why do we keep debating this. Francis has no value to the Hawks.

  2. Quote:

    I believe that in the league right now, Andre Miller, TJ Ford, and Jason Kidd may be the only "true" point guards that start.

    Throw in Steve Nash. It is interesting that all those teams have winning records.

    Also interesting that Phoenix keeps on winning without big man Amare, NJ wins without any big men and Denver has played surprisingly well with Nene and Camby.

  3. Because the team has:

    1. No coaching;

    2. No interior defense; and

    3. No decent on-ball-defender;

    Simple really. Al is a bad defender. We all know this.

    If Woodson would get his head out of BK's arse he would immediately cease playing Al at power forward and play him exclusively at small forward. Woops, the team has no true power forward or center.

  4. And without Al they would be getting blown out right now!

    Meanwhile, Chris Paul has his bunch of second year players and journeymen one game below .500. I would trade anyone on the Hawks roster in a nanosecond for Paul.

  5. I really like Al, but I am starting to believe that they might as well trade him because BK has f'ed up the roster so much that Al or one of the other 10 small forward types needs to be traded in order to get a legit big man or legit point guard.

    The only problem with trading Al is that it likely will be for picks or developmental type players which means that the team will be that much further from competing.

  6. Quote:

    oh and he also went on at one point about how you can hardly ever get a franchise player through trades because teams don't let them go, so you have to take your best shots through the draft. Basically more explanation of the Marvin pick

    Except for Kobe, T-Mac, Vince, Kidd, Nash, Shaq, Dirk, Jermaine O'Neal, Arenas, Webber, Brand, Ray Allen, Baron Davis, Gasol, and a few others BK is right.

    What an idiot.

  7. Quote:

    again, i don't think we ever will contend until we get a true pg

    i don't think we'd ever get a true pg until jt was traded

    thus i was all for trading jt

    just like i'm all for trading al because i don't think we'll contend with his d unless we get the perfect center for him and i dont think we'll contend with him if we pay 8+mil/year for him

    If we are never going to contend until we get a real point guard then the Hawks should have drafted Paul!!

    This franchise is bereft of talent at the three most important positions: (1) head coach; (2) point guard and (3) center.

  8. Quote:

    I've maintained from day one that Josh Smith is a young Shawn Kemp. There are some subtle differences, but they are similar players.

    If Atlanta would ever commit to an up tempo style of play, I believe Smith's game offensively could take off. I think he has the requisite skills to play in an up tempo style attack.

    I don't think Smith is quite the all around player AK47 is, but I think it is good that AK is the guy he's trying to pattern his game around.

    Well, if the team had a point guard who could push the ball (i.e., Paul) we might be a running team. To bad BK f'ed it up.

  9. Quote:

    Joe Johnson would be the perfect backcourt mate for Jason Terry. He'd be perfect for what this team wants to become now.

    People tend to forget that once we finally had some guys that could handle the ball on the court with him at the end of that 2003-2004 season, JT played great. His points were up, assists were up, and turnovers were down.

    In Terry Stott's wide open, perimeter oriented offense, JT, Bob Sura, Boris Diaw, Stephen Jackson, Chris Crawford, Jason Collier, and Joel Przybilla were all playing very well. Those guys may have been limted athletically overall, but they were skillful players that could handle the ball and pass the ball around. We had great offensive ball movement during that time.

    JT's numbers once all the trades were made were around 18 points per game, 6 assists per game, and around 2.6 turnovers per game.

    JT and JJ would be great in the backcourt together. I'd love to see Atlanta go after JT in the offseason.

    But JT doesn't fit with BK's philosophy because he is not long, versatile or 6'8". smirk.gif

  10. I don't see the point in getting rid of the coach mid-season as there are not likely to be any legitimate long term replacements available. Better off just waiting till the end of the season then bringing in another stopgap.

  11. No to all until the off-season. Then fire both BK and Woodson if things don't improve.

    Really, the Hawks are not that different then teams like the Celtics, Lakers and Sixers with two good players and then a whole lot of inexperience and crap.

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