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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. I stand by my comments. If Lue was any good he would be starting on one of his three or four previous teams. He is an adequate back-up, that's it. Ivey hasn't had a turnover in weeks - does that make him a good player? Al is far and away one of the Hawks two best players - why the hate?
  2. Lue sucks, the sooner you accept that the easier it will be. Again, Al handles the ball a great deal because the team needs his playmaking and shotmaking skills. He has a lot of turnovers as a result. I guarantee you can find a 4 game stretch for Duncan, Melo, Dirk, etc. in which turnovers exceed assists.
  3. Quote: Quote: Most of the guys we have that can score are guys who cannot create for themselves. They averaged 100 ppg last April when Al wasn't playing and JJ, Marvin, Salim and Zaza weren't here. Al only creates for himself. All the Hawks have to do is move the ball and they will get plenty of good looks. Unfortunatley Al is a ball stopper and kills the ball movement with his one on one play. When he is on and scores 30 it looks good but they can't win consistently that way. And getting 4 rebounds in 43 minutes is pathetic. Marvin got 5 rebounds in less than half the time. Al is as guilty of killing ball movement as JJ and Lue. Equal blame. If the Hawks had a real point guard then it would be a moot point.
  4. Al turns the ball over less then JJ and handles the ball almost as much. Al may not be a great defender but no one on the Hawks is. JJ has a reputation and talent to be a good defender, but he does not seem to be giving that effort every night. Maybe the coach can't motivate these guys to bust their humps, I don't know. Neither Paul Pierce or Ricky Davis are great defenders but they locked down on the Hawks last night.
  5. Quote: ?? read the rest of my post he could be our savior because he may get us talent/picks/whatever that al wouldn't have we aren't gonna keep him; i don't care if he leaves the league in march if he helps us get some talent now I seriously hope someone in the Hawks organization guarantees that Artest will never be a part of the Hawks organization, even for a day like Rasheed. Plus if Artest could get more then Al in a trade Indiana would do the deal. What makes you think BK can pull off something that Walsh can't?
  6. Quote: Al played 43 minutes and had only 4 rebounds. In fact he had more fouls and just as many turnovers. Pretty lame for a "power" forward. Except when you consider that Al is really a small forward. His incredible shooting of late emphasizes that. Al is the teams best offensive player currently, so he is doing something right.
  7. Quote: What's the point in trading for a point guard or a center that is a lesser talent than Maggette? That makes a lot of sense. Let's take a lesser player and less value for Al Harrington than we should be getting simply because we are dead set and determined to get some damn stiff at point guard or center. I just wanted to quote this before you had a chance to edit. Lets hope BK has a better sense of building a winning NBA team then you do.
  8. No thanks to Maggette. Great athlete but he is injury prone (he has never played a full season), does not play point guard, does not play center and is not a great defender, so he has nothing to offer the Hawks.
  9. Agreed. Al is more valuable to the Hawks then Francis and his monster contract - At the very least Al brings good character and leadership.
  10. I think he is comparing the JJ trade to the trade between Denver and NJ for Kmart. But I could be wrong.
  11. Too bad. Celtics are a very beatable team.
  12. What are the mega bucks numbers for this week?
  13. Packfill

    Al news

    I don't think the Hawks get the MLE because they are way under the cap.
  14. Packfill

    Randy Foye

    Isn't he more of a shooting guard? Don't the Hawks have enough undersized shooting guards? Are there any combo point/shooting guards that have success in the first 5 years of their careers (obviously guys like Billups, Iverson, etc. have achieved a modicum of success but only after being established vets)?
  15. So basically in cutting the rotation back from 11 to 9 Woodson cut out Batista and Edwards. Sheer brilliance in determining that those two stiffs shouldn't play. Coach of the year candidate for sure. Woodson needs to go back to the drawing board to find more minutes for Ivey at the point - I want him to get 20+ a night for two weeks or so to see if he can actually play.
  16. Quote: Chris Paul is good and makes others better, and I agree that he is their best player, but his team has more talent where it counts than the Hawks do. PJ Brown and David West are nice pieces. And his backup at PG Speedy Claxton isn't bad either (I'd much rather have him than Lue). It isn't just because of Chris Paul that NOK has more wins than the Hawks do. They have just as much or more talent overall, a more complete team, with fewer missing pieces, and a much better coach and it shows in the standings. So you are saying BK has not done a good job of constructing the Hawks roster?
  17. I diagree. I think he is a natural shooting guard that has played point guard most of his career only because of his size. There is a reason Orlando wants to trade him. Plus, his contract is terrible.
  18. No Francis, the Hawks have enough undersized two guards as it is.
  19. There like the gollum dude in lord of the rings.
  20. Quote: JR Smith is the one player on the Hornets team that can take over a game and dominate with his scoring ability. He's the one player that teams gear their defense towards stopping, because he is so multi talented. Just another great player from that 2004 class of high school seniors. More idiocy. Chris Paul has "taken over" games this season for the Hornets. JR Smith hasn't done that his entire career. No team gears anything to stop JR.
  21. Quote: JR Smith is the only player on that team with superstar ability. He's their best player. You and Diesel are such f'n idiots about the Paul/Marvin thing it is beyond comprehension. Denying the fact that Chris Paul is the best player on the Hornet's is like denying that the world is round.
  22. That deal is infinitely better then a deal for Murphy and Fischer. The big negative with that deal is that is exacerbates the already overcrowded shooting guard position unless they play Pietrus at forward, in which case there is the same longjam problem. The team would be ludicruosly young though, which is not really a good thing.
  23. And that is good because?
  24. Agreed. This trade would kill any chance the team has of having any semblance of interior defense for the next half decade.
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