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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. So basically in cutting the rotation back from 11 to 9 Woodson cut out Batista and Edwards.

    Sheer brilliance in determining that those two stiffs shouldn't play. Coach of the year candidate for sure.

    Woodson needs to go back to the drawing board to find more minutes for Ivey at the point - I want him to get 20+ a night for two weeks or so to see if he can actually play.

  2. Quote:

    Chris Paul is good and makes others better, and I agree that he is their best player, but his team has more talent where it counts than the Hawks do. PJ Brown and David West are nice pieces. And his backup at PG Speedy Claxton isn't bad either (I'd much rather have him than Lue). It isn't just because of Chris Paul that NOK has more wins than the Hawks do. They have just as much or more talent overall, a more complete team, with fewer missing pieces, and a much better coach and it shows in the standings.

    So you are saying BK has not done a good job of constructing the Hawks roster?

  3. Quote:

    JR Smith is the one player on the Hornets team that can take over a game and dominate with his scoring ability. He's the one player that teams gear their defense towards stopping, because he is so multi talented. Just another great player from that 2004 class of high school seniors.

    More idiocy.

    Chris Paul has "taken over" games this season for the Hornets. JR Smith hasn't done that his entire career. No team gears anything to stop JR.

  4. That deal is infinitely better then a deal for Murphy and Fischer. The big negative with that deal is that is exacerbates the already overcrowded shooting guard position unless they play Pietrus at forward, in which case there is the same longjam problem.

    The team would be ludicruosly young though, which is not really a good thing.

  5. Quote:

    Then, in 2-3 years, we could look back on it and criticize BK for passing on the superstar to draft for need, and in the process getting a point guard that can only play point guard, is a defensive liability, and doesn't fit the team at all.

    Thank goodness we didn't get a point guard who can only play point guard!

    That would never mesh with the current team and philosphy because BK only likes shooting guards who can only play point guard because of their height (Lue/Salim/Delk/Ivey).

  6. That deal flat out sucks for the Hawks. It basically forces one of Marvin or Smoove to the bench, does nothing to improve the teams interior defense and Fischer is too much like Lue that he adds zero to the offense.

    I rather get Pietrus, Diogu, Taft or even Biedrins from GS.

    If BK does this he should be lucky to get half an hour to clean out his office.

  7. You have a point but the circumstances are quite different. Al cam straight out of high school and was a late first round pick, so Indy was basically taking a flier on him in the hopes he would amount to something down the road. Plus they had a stacked veteran team that was looking to win.

    Atlanta, on the other hand, is a very poor team and Marvin is coming in after 1 year of college ball (which is a huge leap from high school) and he was a number 2 pick. There is a much longer list of top freshmen to pro picks that have had an immediate impact then high school to pro picks - think Bosh, Anthony, Marbury, Deng, etc.

  8. I think the fact that Watson finished games in Memphis last year is more an inditement of Jason Williams then an endorsement for Watson. Williams is just not that good - as evidenced by his declining minutes.

    Watson is a good player, but not someone the Hawks should rely on as a starter at one of the most critical positions on the team.

  9. The problem is definitely not his defense. The problem is that he is not a creative or skilled enough passer to enable the Hawks to overcome the massive offensive void created by Al's departure.

    I would do the Watson/Nene for Al trade if Nene was healthy, but his injury history is too much of a concern to make the deal viable.

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