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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Delk might as well be cut, he has no value to the Hawks or anyone else in the league.
  2. Quote: It worked because Harper was a tremendous defensive guard, even in his old age. Say what you want about the "need" for a PG here. The Hawks problem this year has been their inability to stop ANYBODY down the stretch. Even in the games that we've won, the Hawks were either executing perfectly offensively, or guys on the other team just didn't hit open shots. The guy the Hawks should've went after, is Antonio Daniels. No, he's not a great PG or a floor general. He's also not a great scorer or a good shooter. But he is 6-4, a veteran player, can at least handle the ball, play both guard spots, and most importantly . . DEFEND!! Ask Seattle fans if they miss AD, and the little things he did for the Sonics last year at the guard spots. And as for you "if we'd taken Chris Paul, we could do this" people, I'll say this once again: If we had taken Paul in the draft: - there would be no Salim in ATL ( because the Salim pick was one of those "best player available" picks. It was also a pick we could use, to try at PG. Ronny Turiaf, a PF, would've probably have been the pick. ) - there would be no JJ in ATL ( because we were in the FA market for either a top notch SG [ Ray Allen, Michael Redd ] or a decent center [ Sam Dalembert, Eddy Curry ]. I doubt very serously if this team would've went to the extremes it did to get JJ, if we already had Paul as the future PG of the team . . AND . . we had a MAJOR hole at the C position. The Hawks would've probably thrown max money at Tyson Chandler, and hope the Bulls didn't match. If the Bulls matched, we probably get NOTHING in FAcy. If they didn't match, we would've ended up with a Chandler that is rapidly seeing his skills decline . . seeing how much he is struggling in the Chi right now. ) - there would be no ZaZa in ATL ( because if we draft Turiaf, and land a guy like Curry or Chandler, do the Hawks still throw 4.4 million at a guy like ZaZa? ) - the "need" for Lue would've been less, but he still may have been re-signed. ( but definitely not for 3.5 million a year. And if he doesn't get that kind of deal from ATL, does he go elsewhere? ) - the "need" for a backup SG, since BK was, at the time, convinced that Chill could play SG, would've been somewhat of a high priority ( but most of the big name guys would've been off the board by this time. So that SG would've either been taken at #59 [ and it wouldn't have been Cenk ], or, we would've acquired some outcast from another team. It's not out of the question that the Hawks would've re-acquired a guy like Wesley Person or Luscious Harris . . guys who STILL don't currently have a team. And there is a slight chance that maybe by late September, the Hawks may have given a guy like Spreewell a chance to be here. But I doubt it ) So these are your CHRIS PAUL led Hawks: C - Chandler F - Harrington F - Smoove G - Chill G - Paul G - Ivey G - Delk G - Person F - Diaw F - Turiaf C - Collier ( R.I.P.) # 59 pick Like this team now? How many games could they win? Because there's no way that Salim, ZaZa, and even JJ would be here now. This is an assinine post. You have no way of knowing what would or would not have happened if Paul was drafted. Besides, like someone else mentioned, that is a better team than Paul has now and his less talented team has won more games then the Hawks.
  3. Quote: Not on this team, and likely not on any other team. That guy has been out of college for a long time now, and he hasn't gotten a sniff of the NBA. He's a minor leaguer. That is why BK is an idiot.
  4. Quote: I think when you put it all in perspective, you guys are wrong about Al's value. Even at a 22/7.5 Sf, Al's worth of 9-10 per year is not excessive or overvalue. Hell, compared to Maggette, Rashard Lewis, Antwain Jamison, Paul Pierce, Richard Jefferson and the rest in that class, Harrington would be an excellent value at that price. A Bargain... Compare Al to Richard Jefferson? Compare Al to KMart? Compare Al to Rashard Lewis? Compare Al to Corey Maggette? All these guys make more than Al and are in that salary range. But look at what they bring to the table vs. What Al brings to the table. NJ would give us a first rounder if we were to trade them Al/Delk for RJ... Because they know that Al is better and cheaper. The point is that a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.. But too many of you are looking down the bench in the bush hoping... I love Al, but if you think Al is better then Richard Jefferson you are crazy. But, I agree that he is more valuable then K Mart and Maggette. Lewis probably has the edge on Al.
  5. Why? I trust Al as much as anyone else on the roster.
  6. It makes no sense to trade Al for another forward. None.
  7. As long as Diesel and KB are around the rest of us can't help but look smart!
  8. Quote: Since Marvin seems to need more time to develop, why can't he develop into the SF equiv of JJ or Billups? I think the guy needs time and confidence. Once he develops, all the talk about a wasted pick, I hope, will diminish. Yes we need a PG, I would have liked the Hawks to get Deron in the last draft or even Bogut over MW, but we have him and I really want him to develop into a top 10 player. The problem is that JJ and Billups did not achieve success for the teams that drafted them - it took a new team and a few years to achieve success.
  9. No sweat, you are still right one out of every ten times.
  10. Quote: Quote: He believes that he can get by with a combo guard. However, in basketball History, that has never worked... The Bulls did it with a backcourt of Jordan and Harper. Both were combo guards at most - certainly neither was a true point in any sense of the word. Be careful here, just because a scheme worked with the greatest player of all time and a very different offensive philosphy does not mean it will work elsewhere.
  11. I sure hope you are not comparing a incredibly young, unsuccessful Hawks team with zero defensive intensity and an inexperienced coach to teams with veteran laden rosters (Bulls, Lakers and Pistons) featuring two of the greatest talents of our lifetime (Jordan and Shaq) and two of the most successful coaches (Jackson and Brown) of all time. If the NBA was just about collecting high draft picks the Clippers would have been winners a long time ago. Turns out, they only started to win after signing a couple veterans.
  12. If that happens they will most likely not win games, for the same reason the Hawks didn't win games with Jason Terry at the point. History is a surprisingly good educational tool.
  13. I would trade Salim for Jack in a nanosecond but would have to think about it for Salim. Realistically, I think a good point guard is a lot more valuable to the team then a good shooter off the bench - a guy whose minutes will always be limited because the face of the franchise starts in front of him. That said, I probably would do the trade.
  14. If BK thinks JJ is best suited for playing point guard he should be fired.
  15. Quote: McGrady is the better player and is a top 5 player in the NBA period. Again, he's averaged no fewer than 24 PPG, 6 RPG, and 4.5 APG in any of his past 6 seasons in the league, and he's a great defender. LeBron James, Kevin Garnett, Tracy McGrady, Kobe Bryant = best players in the NBA. I would gladly take LeBron, Garnett, Kobe, Duncan, Nash, Shaq, Wade, Kidd, Iverson, Nowitzki, Amare, Dwight Howard and a few other players I can't think of right now long before I would take McGrady.
  16. Agreed. Of course, I would give them Al and Childress for Hinrich.
  17. No one is griping about Smoove.
  18. Scoring 20 points means jack sh!t if your team doesn't win.
  19. Potential/ability - or whatever you want to call it - does not always translate into production. Production is ultimately what separates the men from the boys.
  20. When did Ralph Sampson play in Denver? He was washed up his last few years in Houston.
  21. Quote: Yeah. That makes sense. Let's pass on the one player that has superstar potential in the draft, especially considering the fact that opportunities to draft players like him don't come around very often. Let's pass on that opportunity to take one of two players, neither of whom fit the philosophy we are employing. Basically, it's the Pete Babcock approach. Go in without a plan, ignore talent, and draft based only on need and immediate impact. Let's take either the guy that doesn't have the size to fit in our philosophy, or the guy that doesn't have the athleticism to fit in our philosophy. All the while, there is a player that is tailor made for the Hawks philosophy, and yet, he's the one player in the draft that has superstar written all over him. I bet you would have passed on Lamar Odom to take Andre Miller back in the 1999 draft if it came to the Hawks. They needed a point guard, and even though Lamar Odom was far more talented and had a much higher upside, Andre Miller was the point guard. Well, actually Pete drafted for need over talent in that draft, just like so many of you want Billy to do for some reason. Pete took Jason Terry instead of going with the talent of Corey Maggette. You realize that Maggette is frequently cited as being incapable of grasping a team concept and not nearly as good as his stats indicate? And it took 3 or 4 teams to figure that out. And he has helped the Clippers win how many games?
  22. He seems to get pushed around alot more then Deng or Smoove did as rookies.
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