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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. I would trade Salim for Jack in a nanosecond but would have to think about it for Salim. Realistically, I think a good point guard is a lot more valuable to the team then a good shooter off the bench - a guy whose minutes will always be limited because the face of the franchise starts in front of him. That said, I probably would do the trade.

  2. Quote:

    McGrady is the better player and is a top 5 player in the NBA period. Again, he's averaged no fewer than 24 PPG, 6 RPG, and 4.5 APG in any of his past 6 seasons in the league, and he's a great defender.

    LeBron James, Kevin Garnett, Tracy McGrady, Kobe Bryant = best players in the NBA.

    I would gladly take LeBron, Garnett, Kobe, Duncan, Nash, Shaq, Wade, Kidd, Iverson, Nowitzki, Amare, Dwight Howard and a few other players I can't think of right now long before I would take McGrady.

  3. Quote:

    Yeah. That makes sense.

    Let's pass on the one player that has superstar potential in the draft, especially considering the fact that opportunities to draft players like him don't come around very often. Let's pass on that opportunity to take one of two players, neither of whom fit the philosophy we are employing. Basically, it's the Pete Babcock approach. Go in without a plan, ignore talent, and draft based only on need and immediate impact.

    Let's take either the guy that doesn't have the size to fit in our philosophy, or the guy that doesn't have the athleticism to fit in our philosophy. All the while, there is a player that is tailor made for the Hawks philosophy, and yet, he's the one player in the draft that has superstar written all over him.

    I bet you would have passed on Lamar Odom to take Andre Miller back in the 1999 draft if it came to the Hawks. They needed a point guard, and even though Lamar Odom was far more talented and had a much higher upside, Andre Miller was the point guard.

    Well, actually Pete drafted for need over talent in that draft, just like so many of you want Billy to do for some reason. Pete took Jason Terry instead of going with the talent of Corey Maggette.

    You realize that Maggette is frequently cited as being incapable of grasping a team concept and not nearly as good as his stats indicate? And it took 3 or 4 teams to figure that out. And he has helped the Clippers win how many games?

  4. If they thought that they are both idiots - it is not like he tried it for 40 or 30 games, it was two. Fact is, they knew it in the preseason. Don't tell me two people involved in basketball at a professional level for several years could not figure this out. I never even played college basketball and I could have told them this from the get go (and I am by no means a basketball expert, just a realist).

  5. Quote:

    you also might not get JJ if you get a PG. Part of his reasoning for coming here was more time on the ball to be a PG. We know that won't be the case any more, but that was part of his argument for coming here

    I don't think that argument holds any water. I think he only said that so as to further discourage the Suns from matching. My rationale for that is that he should darn well know that he is not a point guard after spending a year with Steve Nash.

  6. Well, I never thought JJ could be a point guard and I would think someone who actually works in professional basketball would know that too.

    Just the way BK has constructed this roster evidences his belief that he does not want a true point guard. He has had opportunities to draft true point guards (Paul, Williams, Duhon, etc.) and to sign them as free agents but has failed to do so. The fact that he even thought JJ could be a point guard shows he is not aware of the need for one.

    I am willing to give him one more off season to build a "team" rather then a collection of talent. If he fails to address at least one of the Hawks glaring needs then he needs to go.

  7. Quote:

    "Whether it's coincidence or direct association, the Blazers have started to flourish -- particularly offensively -- since Telfair went out of the lineup and Steve Blake became the starter on Dec. 16. The team is 3-3 since, with increases in scoring (from 85.5 points to 93.3), shooting percentage (43.3 percent to 48.7) and assists (16.0 to 21.7) and the same turnover average (15.3)." Oregonian

    "But minutes later, coach Nate McMillan wavered when asked if Telfair would be the starter when he returned. "I'll see once I get to that position," McMillan said. "But if the team is playing like they are playing, we ain't changing anything. So it just depends on how (Telfair) feels when he comes back, where we are and what we are looking like." Oregonian

    But according to BK we don't need a point guard . . .

    I am willing to go on the record in stating that this team will never win consistently or become competitive until one of two things happen: (1) the entire roster becomes infinitely more talented or (2) the team acquires a real point guard (a Steve Blake would do).

    Obviously, chemistry, coaching and defensive effort will also play a role in making the team competitive.

  8. Quote:

    But using Kobe, KG and Tmac as reasons why Marvin should be excused from criticism this year, just doesn't work.

    As rookies, they ALL put up better stats in fewer minutes, with the exception of KG. KG played 28 compared to Marvins 22. But his stats simply dwarfed Marvins in every regard.

    As I said, I will reserve judgement for seasons end. But if his numbers aren't up there, I will consider his rookie season (not him, just his season) a disappointment.

    I agree. The logjam at forward is definitely going to limit the development of Smoove, Childress and Marvin. The problem is that Al is clearly the Hawks best forward, so it is going to take trading him away to alleviate the logjam which will in term potentially result in a less productive forward tandem.

    Maybe Smoove et al. will develop by next season . . .

  9. Quote:

    It doesn't matter if there are 100 games left.

    weak D + too many turnovers = lottery

    Last night they shot 56% from the field, 70% from 3, and lost to a team that was 6-22.

    Completely agree.

    Why does the team not even try to defend? While I think personel is part of the equation effort is at least 50% of the defensive equation as well, and the Hawks have zero defensive effort. Pathetic.

    They are lucky the jump shots were falling or they would have been blown out by the worst team in the NBA.

  10. Agreed. There is a better then 50% chance this guy or anyone else drafted in that spot ever plays in the NBA. Is there such a thing as a "non-project" pick with the second to last pick in the draft?

  11. Quote:

    Well then. I guess I and every draft prognosticator that is out there is just wrong about Marvin Williams. Marvin was rated no lower than 2nd on EVERY draft board, and he was #1 on most. I guess we are just wrong about him since, as a 19 year old, he hasn't come out and immediately averaged 20 points per game and 10 rebounds per game.

    I think those same draft prognosticators would acknowledge that it was a weak draft. And those same draft prognosticators universally hailed Darko as the second pick in a much stronger draft.

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