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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Quote: i think he can be pg...hopefully we'll know by january i also think marvin is a stud, so was a good pickup if we got paul/deron we would NOT have gotten jj i'd rather have jj+marvin+rondo than paul+(non-pg drafted this year) rondo/jj/marvin/smoove/zaza with chill/slim/andersen/rmorris/donta/cenk/ivey/batman coming off the bench I don't see why drafting a point guard would have prevented the Hawks from acquiring JJ. They are not mutually exclusive. He only said he would play point to encourage the Suns to faciliate the deal. He has already indicated in statements this year that he is more comfortable at shooting guard, his natural position. I guarantee that if the Hawks had drafted a point JJ would have been talking about how he looks forward to be a leader and focal point of the offense. Seems kind of obvious to me. I believe Chris Paul is currently leading all rookies in scoring and the Hornets (a team that is extremely young like the Hawks and probably less talented) have a couple of wins to their credit. Just food for thought. Not saying Marvin won't be good, just that a good point guard is hard to find.
  2. The reason to not bring Spree in is the fact that he takes away playing time from the young players. Sprewell is someone you bring in if you think yuou can make a run at a championship, not someone you bring in hoping he can get you to 25 wins. I rather lose with Smoove/Childress/Marvin then win a little more with Spree.
  3. Quote: Quote: After watching the game live last night JJ is our best player. Just look at the stats and you will find out. He would score more if we had a decent PG. I thought he was going to be your PG? Wasn't that the point of sending all those picks? He was going to be your 6'7" point guard - posting up the little guys and creating opportunities all over the court for your swingmen. 5 games in is that being abandoned? Yes.
  4. Quote: If we are going to make a trade we need to trade for a big...Marbury would not help this team. Agreed.
  5. Quote: Quote: As for Spree's interest. Is this just a case of a guy without a job targeting a team with money? [/indent] Definitely true. He wants a paycheck, nothing more.
  6. Sprewell does not play center or point guard so I don't see how he helps.
  7. Quote: Somebody who knows what a blocked shot and sound defense looks like. Agreed, but I don't think there is anyone available that fits that description.
  8. Quote: They are overpaid and don't help their team win. Both are shoot first point guards and if u follow their careers they don't seem to make their team better when they arrive there. Marbury has been all over the place and his salary is outlandish. I don't want Francis or Marbury personally. Absolutely agree. The Hawks are just going to have to bit the bullet this year and get a point guard in the draft next year - Rando, Gibson, whomever. I will say, Hawks would be looking a lot better with Chris Paul at point.
  9. I guess you just have a higher opinion of Curry then most. I see Curry as maybe developing into that 3rd or 4th piece a team needs to win a championship. The Hawks need to focus on the first three pieces before worrying about the 4th.
  10. Quote: good enough, particularly when paired with a tough defender/rebounder at PF. It is a heck of a lot easier to find a Center who can rebound and defend than it is to find a Center who commands a double team in the low post. Heck, we could trade for a Jeff Foster type and play him alongside Curry. Curry certainly can't be any worse on D than Luc Longley was in Chicago. Well, if you haven't noticed, the reason the Hawks need a defensive oriented center is because they have a power forward that is more offensive oriented and lacks an interior defensive presence. Al is a good player, he will be even better with a good defender watching his back (oh, and a point guard that can stop penetration). Good low post moves alone do not make someone a great player. Moreover, just because Curry has some size and athleticism does not mean he will become a good defender (see Olowakandi, M.; Benjamin, B.; Dare, Y.; James, J.; Roberts, S.; etc.). Also, Luc Longley is a bad example because he played on a team with two of the best perimeter defenders of all time (Pippen and Jordan), one of whom happened to be the greatest player of all time, and a defensive oriented power forward (Grant and Rodman). Longley was 6 fouls on that team, nothing more.
  11. I have read that Magette, while talented, is completely devoid of any understanding of how to work as part of a team. I would not want him.
  12. Quote: i think he did go toe to toe with kobe, especially in the first half and it's only his 4th game on the team...give him time to get adjusted and he'll only play better he may not be kobe, but he's definitely a top 10 sg and top 10 pg You are kidding yourself if you think JJ is a point guard, let alone one of the ten best point guards in the league.
  13. Packfill

    Royal Ivey

    Quote: This is a guy who could easily not have been drafted at all, was not a star on his college team, and on draft night compared himself to Eric Snow. Basically at best he becomes Eric Snow, nothing wrong with that. My question is are people seriously hoping that Ivey will be our answer at PG? He's not even dressing in warm up suits. I think the way to look at is that he cannot possibly be worse then what the Hawks currently have playing point guard (i.e., Lue).
  14. Not sure why Smoove deserves to play over Childress. If anything, they are equally ineffective, but Childress at least looks like he cares.
  15. Quote: Atlanta will draft a big before getting another PG. Why? The Hawks don't have any point guards on their roster. The team would have been much better off if they drafted Paul or Williams.
  16. Quote: player that Curry is. Teams actually have to account for Curry when his team has the ball and that is certainly not the case with Pryz. Pryz is a role player at best while Curry is a possible All Star caliber player. The problem is Curry gives up as many points as he scores. Show me the last team to win an NBA title without solid interior defense? SA - Duncan (and Robinson) Det - Wallace and Wallace LAL - Shaq Chicago - Grant then Rodman Houston - Hakeem LAL - Kareem Boston - Parrish and McHale Detroit - Salley, Lambier, Mahorn and Rodman
  17. Packfill

    Royal Ivey

    I agree, but only if Al is back to provide some offense.
  18. What is interesting about the Hawks is that their best shooting guard plays point guard (JJ), second best shooting guard is undersized even if he played point (Salim), best small forward plays shooting guard (Childress), best point guard is really an undersized two who should be nothing more than a back-up (Lue) and all five of the teams best forwards are tweeners of one type or another (Al - 3/4, Smoove - 3/4, Childress - 2/3, Marvin - 3/4 and Zaza - 4/5). I am not saying that the Hawks don't have talent, because I do think JJ, Al, Smoove, Childress, Marvin, Salim, etc. are each talented. But the only way to get them to work as a team is to get a coach who understands spacing and movement and a point guard who has a natural predilection to passing (think Nash, Kidd, Ford).
  19. Quote: Boris was a pansy. I for one am glad he's gone. We need bangers, not Frenchmen. This is an assinine post. Way to make a gross generalization based on absolutely zero knowledge.
  20. Quote: I think he should because to me he is our best scorer right now. What do you all think? Lets Go Hawks!!!! So based on one half-way decent game he is the Hawks best scorer? Better then JJ or Al? Crazy talk. Hopefully he can become a Vinnie Johnson/Bobby Jackson type of offense turbobooster off the bench.
  21. Quote: BILLY MNFN KNIGHT! ZaZa, Salim, Chill, Smoove, JJ, Harrington (for Jax whom we picked up for scraps)...we've got a solid young core here. Despite the 0-3, I REALLY think we've turned a corner. It may take a major move of a certain player or bringing in the right coach, but this "unfinished home" is starting to take shape. Speaking of coaching... I'm gonna go ahead and get on the side of the fence that's a little concerned (or more) with Woody at the wheel. I know, these guys are young, they don't know each other...blah, blah, blah... I'm just not feeling that Woody's gonna be the guy to get them over the hump. I think BK has done a good job acquiring talent, but has not done a good job putting together a team. The team still has critical weaknesses with respect to interior defense, ball-handling and coaching.
  22. Quote: Quote: Teams were no longer interested in invested a high pick in a HSer who could possibly flop. Hughes was a high schooler. Dirk was 18 also I believe and both went top 10. Doesn't really matter though. The bottom line is that Harrington hasn't had much fun here and would be unlikely to resign, so they might as well get something for him. Check your facts. Diesel is right on the money with this one. Hughes came out after a big freshman year of college. Also, where did you get the information that Al has not had much "fun" in Atlanta? Obviously losing is not fun, and he wants some job/financial security, but outside of that I have not read anything that indicates that he does not like his roll on the team on or off the court.
  23. I agree, good trade for Milwaukee. They at least have some depth and size combinations to play with at the 4/5. Maybe they do view Bogut as a Duncan type and will use him at the 4 and let Magloire do the dirty work inside.
  24. I wish his family well.
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