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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. The only problem is that three of those legitimate NBA starters play the same position and the other plays the same position as the teams best player. Maybe you can trade one or two of them, but if their minutes are limited it is going to be hard to get full value for their talents.

  2. Quote:

    okafor spent 4 years in college. felton two.

    josh smith, 0. marvin williams, 1.

    have patience.

    Yes, but Okafor and Felton play different positions. Okafor and May play the same position but in todays NBA a team could certainly get away with them at the 4/5.

    Marvin and Smoove play the same position - small forward, just like Childress and Harrington.

  3. Quote:

    paper doesn't get wins

    marbury will NOT get us to the playoffs and we will NOT have the assets to get the pieces we need to get there if we get marbury

    marbury is the last thing we need...i'd rather trade for wang zhizhi than marbury


  4. Quote:


    I don't think that Charlotte has more talent than us. That leads me to believe they have better coaching than we do.

    to be honest the main difference is that their main pieces complement one another much better than ours

    Agreed, which is why they are going to be more successful over the long hall.

  5. Out of the point guards that may become available during this season, I think the guy to target is Speedy Claxton. He can run a team and can handle 4th quarter pressure - remember when he was in San Antonio he usually closed the game over Parker (albeit Parker was younger). He has been solid wherever he plays but has never truly been given the opportunity to be the guy.

    Not sure what it would take to get him, but if the team is still rudderless come midseason I would consider some combination of Childress (because at that point we should know whether he will return to his form of last season or whether he will just be a back-up to Williams/Smoove/Johnson/etc.), Lue, Delk, Donta, second round pick.

  6. I don't understand the whole NBA ready thing with respect to Marvin. One of his best attributes is an advanced skill set, so shouldn't that mean he is more NBA ready then the pure athletes like Smoove? Plus he had a year of college ball under his belt.

  7. Quote:


    Then draft a point guard, wait a year or two for seasoning, and see what happens.

    Simply put, I can't see that happening unless Knight is fired.

    He knows he doesn't have two to three years beyond this one to turn out a winning team. You don't trade away a large percentage of cap space and two draft picks on a really bad team expecting the process to take three more years while you wait on a rookie PG.

    He'll want to bring in a good PG with experience via a trade who can lead the team, and then sign/draft as many big men as he can find.

    I don't think there is a veteran point guard available who really can lead a team. Watson is o.k., but more of a secondary player. If Nash, Kidd, Ford, Parker, Hinrich or Miller become available, sure, but that is not likely to happen.

    The guy I would target is Speedy Claxton - probably can be had later in the season as Paul gets more PT.

  8. Quote:


    Exactly why our problem isn't just a lack of a 'great' PG. We need more options down low other than Al. But look at last year. Chill and Smoove while not posting up were still scoring a lot in the paint and getting lots of rebounds. Any PG that we could trade for is going to have the same problem: who do I give it to that's going to score.


    The only two adjustments the Spurs made were:

    1. To put Bowen on Al, which worked putridly well.

    2. To attack the paint on offense.

    A 'great' PG wouldn't have changed either of those problems. (It wouldn't have hurt either).

    I disagree, a good point guard can get players easy shots by driving and dishing. Obviously that does not help the defense, but it at least keeps the score respectible. The lack of interior defense is a huge issue, but unfortunately harder to address. If the Hawks unload Al they need a point guard to create easy shots for the young guys - cause they can't carry the Hawks for a stretch like Al can. If they trade Al, it should be for a defensive oriented big (might not be possible). Then draft a point guard, wait a year or two for seasoning, and see what happens.

  9. Royal and Donta are good prospects but don't kid yourself by thinking every team in the league doesn't have similar prospects sitting on their bench. By way of example, Detroit has Darko and Carlos Delfino sitting on the bench; Boston has Kendrick Perkins; New Jersey has rookie Antoine Wright; Washington has Peter John Ramos and Andre Blatche; Utah has Kirk Humphries; Portland has Travis Outlaw, Jarrett Jack and Martel Webster; LAL has Andrew Bynum and Brian Cook; etc.

  10. Quote:

    Someone tell me the last team to win a Championship that didn't have a top notch defense. In the last 15 years:

    San Antonio?






    Anyone noticing a trend?

    This is as clear a message as possible. It absolutely takes good interior defense to win an NBA title. I do think good point guard play can make up for a ton of other deficiencies during the regular season. The Hawks need both a true point guard and an interior defensive presence in the worst way.

    The point guard becomes even more important if the Hawks trade or do not sign Harrington, because he is one of two Hawks that can create a shot for himself. A good point guard would go a long way towards bringing out the best in the Hawks you wings (Childress, Smoove and Marvin). Next years draft seems devoid of real big men so I think the obvious route to go is point guard, since several talented ones may be available (Rondo, Gibson, Brewer, Washington, etc.). Once the Hawks get that point guard they can make the big step towards being competitive game in game out during the regular season, then they just have to get a big man (obviously no easy task, but might as well knock off one of the two needs on the team while they can).

  11. Quote:

    jj is a top 10 pg in this league

    woody is in love with lue for some reason, which is annoying

    jj has not failed at pg, and even when he is in as sg with lue/slim he still brings the ball up half the time, so he's still acting as pg a lot of the time when 82games.com or other stats say he's playing sg

    JJ is many things - a talented scorer, defender, ballhandler, passer, etc. - but he is NOT a point guard. He is a multitalented guard who can play point guard, similar to Steve Francis and Allen Iverson, but his talents are not obtimized to run the point unless he is paired with a similar multitalented guard. There needs to be a second ballhandler on the court - someone who can push the pace a bit.

    That said, Lue is terrible and it is clear JJ is the best "point guard" on the Hawks, but that does not mean anything.

  12. Quote:

    He isnt healthy right now so this trade would be contingent on him getting healthy and on Al getting healthy enough to trade, but I would really love to see us move Al for QRich. Q and JJ have a great chemistry together and we could make a straight up trade for Q with Al. Q could play SG or SF for us and would really open up the paint for Marvin and ZaZa. He and JJ would sure be a lot of fun to watch.

    Bad trade. Q was effective because he got so many open looks playing with Amare, Marion, Nash and JJ. Nash created the chemistry on that club. I think Al is a much more valuable player then Q. Marvin has no post up moves so why open up the paint for him? He seems like a more natural 3 given his ballandling and shooting.

  13. Quote:

    i think he can be pg...hopefully we'll know by january

    i also think marvin is a stud, so was a good pickup

    if we got paul/deron we would NOT have gotten jj

    i'd rather have jj+marvin+rondo than paul+(non-pg drafted this year)

    rondo/jj/marvin/smoove/zaza with chill/slim/andersen/rmorris/donta/cenk/ivey/batman coming off the bench

    I don't see why drafting a point guard would have prevented the Hawks from acquiring JJ. They are not mutually exclusive. He only said he would play point to encourage the Suns to faciliate the deal. He has already indicated in statements this year that he is more comfortable at shooting guard, his natural position. I guarantee that if the Hawks had drafted a point JJ would have been talking about how he looks forward to be a leader and focal point of the offense. Seems kind of obvious to me.

    I believe Chris Paul is currently leading all rookies in scoring and the Hornets (a team that is extremely young like the Hawks and probably less talented) have a couple of wins to their credit. Just food for thought. Not saying Marvin won't be good, just that a good point guard is hard to find.

  14. Quote:


    After watching the game live last night JJ is our best player. Just look at the stats and you will find out. He would score more if we had a decent PG.

    I thought he was going to be your PG? Wasn't that the point of sending all those picks? He was going to be your 6'7" point guard - posting up the little guys and creating opportunities all over the court for your swingmen. 5 games in is that being abandoned?


  15. Quote:

    They are overpaid and don't help their team win. Both are shoot first point guards and if u follow their careers they don't seem to make their team better when they arrive there. Marbury has been all over the place and his salary is outlandish. I don't want Francis or Marbury personally.

    Absolutely agree. The Hawks are just going to have to bit the bullet this year and get a point guard in the draft next year - Rando, Gibson, whomever.

    I will say, Hawks would be looking a lot better with Chris Paul at point.

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