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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. A players worth can only be measured in relation to his fit with the particular team. For example, Rasheed Wallace was not going to lead the blazers to a championship and wasn't even good enough to start at his natural power forward position. However, for the Pistons he was the missing piece to the puzzle that allowed them to win a championship.

    Denver couldn't wait to get rid of van exel a few years ago yet he was key in helping Dallas to a strong playoff run.

    Bob Sura was rotting on Detroit's bench but was an effective player for the Hawks down the stretch. Similarly, Darius Miles was useless in Cleveland but effective in Portland.

    Plenty of other examples if you look.

    To condemn a player and his potential impact on a team before he ever suits up is, in light of some of the above examples, is kind of short sighted. Sure it is easy to be critical, and such criticism may be warranted here, but a critic's credibility is destroyed when he/she reveals an inability to be constructive.

  2. Well Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Theo Ratliff and Dan Dickau get you Rasheed Wallace for a game, which in turn gets you Bob Sura and Rebraca for a couple games each plus the 17th pick in the draft and cap space.

    I don't really see this trade as a win or a loss, rather, it is simply going in a different direction. What this new path yields we don't know, but worst case scenario the Hawk have truck loads of cap space. Best case scenario they have either a near all-star caliber forward for this year and potentially beyond or a great trade deadline asset.

    Obviously the Hawks roster still has holes, but it had holes before the trade. Signing a solid point guard and getting a center will go along way. If the hawks land Dampier then they could have the best frontcourt in the East.

  3. I am I right in my belief that NBA rules prohibit trading a recently acquired player for a certain amount of time? If so, that would prevent an AI trade involving Walker probably until midseason.

    Personally, I would not do it. AI is older and the Hawks are building with youth. Once Iverson looses a step he is done. I don't care if he fills the arena he would not bring wins which is more important.

  4. I would think long and hard about signing Sura to play the point for at least the next year. His injury history is a concern but free agent options are very limited at this point. Maybe another trade is in the works.

  5. Has Billy ever said that Swift is his man? I know he may fit the profile and alot of people here like him, but I doubt that Billy Knight is making trades with the specific intent of landing Stromile Swift next year. If that were the case I hope he would aim a little higher.

  6. I'd love to get Devin Harris. Doubtful that Dallas gives him up though. Isn't there some sort of restriction on trading signed first round picks?

    I'll believe this trade when I see it in a credible source. If it does go down it really creates a void at the point. Is Damon Jones still available? Maybe the Hawks could make a play for a young point guard like Mo Williams, Frank Williams, or the like.

  7. Wait a minute. How does Hansen not have as much upside as some of the the rookies? I realize he is a little older, but he is a heck of a lot better prospect then either Donta Smith or Ivey. He is very athletic, a good defender and showed during the summer league that he has outside shooting potential. I don't think he is going to be a superstar but he does have the makings of a quality NBA player. In fact, based on the Hawks current roster, he is the second most potentially reliable outside shooter.

    If Childress comes into training camp and proves he can start then maybe getting rid of Hansen makes sense, but we'll see. I don't think I would want Borchardt because he has not proven his ability to be healthy. Big men with bad feet are such a risk. Mo Williams might be a player, but it is hard to tell because he is a third stringer in Utah.

  8. Doesn't Woods have a reputation as being soft - as in making Brendon Haywood look like a tough guy? Plus I thought he had trouble getting minutes in Miami even though they were desperate for some size in the middle.

    I am not saying Pryz is better, but he at least showed he can be a competent rebounder, block an occasional shot in an actual NBA game whereas Woods' finest moments have come in summer league play.

  9. T agree that a veteran back-up point guard makes sense, but Ward is not the guy. He is toast. He has bad knees, is not a creative playmaker and could not beat out Jason Hart for playing time behind Tony Parker last year in San Antonio. San Antonio desperately could have used some solid veteran point guard play last year and Ward could not deliver. Based on that, seems to me he should hang up the high tops. I am not sure who else is out there but there has to be someone better.

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