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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. I think Hansen may deserve a chance to play. He has the energy, the defense and if his shot continues to fall he brings alot to the table. I have seen no evidence that either Donta or Ivey deserve a roster spot over Hansen. I like both players potential, but Hansen has as much talent as either. Remember, last year he was talked about as a potential first round pick, just like Donta.

    If Jon Barry can play back-up point then he would make sense.

  2. Diesel is right. Phoenix is a legitimate option if the Clips match QRich. Maybe the Hawks could do what the Horneys did with the Clips - take some young players off their hands to free up additional monies to sign Damp. Suns have some interesting young players - Lampe, Barbosa, Zarko.

  3. I would be more worried if he said he did not want to play. Of course he wants to play, he wants a chance. Can't blame him. I highly doubt he is angling to get out of Atlanta so I don't think anyone should characterize that statement as meaning he wants out or has a bad attitude.

  4. If Josh Smith is going to be the power forward of the future he has some growing to do. These are his official measurements from Chicacgo:

    Smith, Josh 6'7" 6'8.25" 221 7'0" 8'10.5" - thats hieght w/o shoes, w/shoes, weight, wingspan and vertical reach.

    Now his wingspan and athleticism help but those measurements are well short of the other top power forward prospects from this draft such as Okafor, Howard, Humphries and Jefferson.

    I hope he grows but right now I am hoping he develops an outside game.

  5. Let's be honest here folks, Crawford is no better a point guard than Jason Terry. There is a reason why the Bulls have spent high picks on point guards despite the presence of Crawford on their roster. He may have some upside as a shooting guard because of his youth, but he does not shoot particularly well and does not play good defense. I think he is over rated.

  6. I don't get what you are upset about. Josh Smith hopefully will be better than Childress, I doubt anyone on this board or anywhere else will deny that Josh Smith has one of the biggest upsides of anyone in this draft. I think the reason he slipped was because he is still raw - which is not so much a crticism as it is a testament to the fact that he is 18 years old. I haven't really seen him play but by all accounts his game is not as well developed as Lebron's coming out of school, so to expect him to have a huge impact in his rookie year is a little shortsighted. Now he may go out and prove everyone wrong from the getgo and make an impact as a rookie - which would be great. But, he just as easily might sit on the bench ala Jermaine O'Neal and develop a few years down the road, or not at all. That is the risk you take with such a young player. And that risk (the risk that he does not develop) is the reason he was not drafted at 6, whereas Childress was - because his game is much further developed at this point in time. Childress is like a blue chip stock, you aren't going to make a ton of money on him put he will yield a solid return for years. Smith is like a biotech stock, you could retire on the money you make from your investment or have nothing to show for it.

    I think we are all excited about Josh's potential and the fact that we got him at 17 makes it even better!

  7. Problem is, other than Indiana and Detroit what Eastern team is better than Miami? NJ and Cleveland likely will take steps backwards because of the loss of Martin and Boozer respectively. New Orleans moved to the west. I think Miami is the clear choice right now for third best team in the east.

    As for Phoenix, they could be real good if the Clips don't match the over to Richardson and the Suns are subsequently able to ship off Matrix or Johnson for a center.

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