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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Umm, I would trade Big Dog for Terry and Jackson any day of the week. At least they are young and have relatively acceptable attitudes. Big Dog is on the fast track for a decline. Even though the Hawks suck now, I would still to the Dog for Brandon trade. Brandon comes of the books soon and if we are lucky, Hendu comes off this summer in the expansion draft. Actually, he is probably a good pick-up for Charlotte because they are required to spend a certain amount of money and his contract will help them get to that level while also carrying younger/low cost players. Then his contract is over when they can go after a free agent. Everyone complains that his team needs a star, while the only way that happens is through the draft. I rather suck now and win some championships with Dwight Howard in the middle down the road.
  2. I would take Mihm and Ira for Nazr. Mihm is turning into a decent player, at worst he can duplicate what Nazr provides.
  3. I think Reef is a decent building block but Terry and Theo are expendable. Maybe I am wrong, but Reef can score and board and that is not something that comes around very often. He has been awesome for the last two weeks. Theo is becoming a one dimensional shotblocker (at least to my untrained eye) and Terry is an undersized shooting guard with some defensive limitations. If Diaw develops as hoped then Terry may yet workout for the Hawks.
  4. I would do the trade for Barry and James if the first rounder is not included. If the first rounder is included they would need to through Radmonovic in the deal. I have only seen the hawks play one game this season so I am not the best at judging Theo's defensive impact, but stat wise we could get the same contributions from a host of players who are less expensive. I would love (anybody?) to know if his defensive abilities truely live up to his reputation or whether he is a glorified shotblocker. Barry is a great fit for the team as it is presently constituted because he has a good handle and outside jumper and plays at least average defense. That said, I think we are all hopeful that Diaw will fill part of the defensive/ballhandling void from our guards/wings. So maybe better to watch his development this season and then either build on that in the offseason or blow things up in the offseason (theo, hendu, etc. should be moveable b/c they have ending contracts). Honestly, I would rather trade theo later in the season (or the offseason) to a team that needs a post player for the playoffs and try to get a young projectable big in return. The Hawks need someone who can board and play D - but doesn't everyone!
  5. Chad Ford is on the money on this one. To use a Seinfeld reference, the players have "hand." Unfortunately, the result is that the overall quality of play has deteriorated from what it was 10 years ago. There are a lot more prima donnas in the league now who won't buy into a team approach. Jalen Rose is a classic example, with his ability to score, pass and handle he should be a highly sought after player, but because he has a bad attitude no one wants him. No question he has the talent to benefit a team, but that talent is significantly outweighted by his bad attitude. What is more sad - if you will permit me to stand on the soap box for a moment - is that that this phenomena is true of our society as a whole. Many successful businessmen and politicians have been done in by the same problem - some personal defect not associated with their business accumen or statesmenship. Look at Pres. Clinton, his legacy could have been so much more if not for his personal shortcomings. Seems alot of the people we look up to in the world of sports, politics, etc. are people who are good at what they do (i.e., play basketball, run the country) but they are not people you necessarily would want to invite into your home. Maybe I am old school (since I am approaching 30 some of you would consider me "old, old, old school"), but I look forward to a day when I can marvel at the accomplishments of [insert athlete, politician, businessman, etc.] and respect them too. Happy thanksgiving all.
  6. I highly doubt Cleveland would do this deal, and even if they would I don't think the Hawks should. There is a reason Davis is available and it has nothing to do with his talent (he has lots, puts up numbers, etc.), it has everything to do with his head - which is empty of brains in order to compensate for an oversized ego. Davis has max deal skills but an NBADL head. I wouldn't touch him. Nor would I touch Crawford, Rose, Bonzi, Penny or any other player in need of a mahjor attitude adjustment. These players all have great talent but can't live up to that talent because of their heads. You can't build a championship team around guys like that.
  7. I wouldn't want any of these guys. They all have faults - bad contract (Penny, Rose), bad attitude (Wells, Penny, Rose, Crawford), injury history (Penny, Big Z), or bad game (Miles, Peterson).
  8. This is far and away the most positive, encouraging thing I have read about the Hawks in a long time. Now if they could just string a couple of wins together . . .
  9. Big Z is NOT a rebounder/defensive presence. He is a 7'3" scorer. That is not what the Hawks need, they need a bruiser, Reef can take care of the low post scoring. I rather they trade for Diop - he is still raw/bad but he has the potential to be a solid rebounder/defender/shot blocker. I thought Ira brought alot to the team in the past several years but Jackson is a better player and has a better contract.
  10. Packfill

    Miami Heat

    That said thing about Miami's desire to trade Jones is that he is still their best player - at least statistically. I would do that trade in a heartbeat as well.
  11. Crawford is talented but, from reading reports on him, he seems like a real prima donna. That and he can't play defense. a backcourt of Terry and Crawford could score 40 points a night but they would give up 60. Plus, I still don't think Chicago would do that trade without picks, as D suggested.
  12. I completely agree. Bonzi is a jerk, I don't care how talented he is, he is not worth the trouble.
  13. Toni was a much better outside shooter, passer and ball handler than Jamison so, yes, he is a much better fit with Reef. Jamisons contract is a big limiter in terms of his value. Reef may not be a max player but at least his deal is only two more years. Jamison's deal, as other have mentioned, would hamstring the Hawk's for years to come.
  14. Jamison's game, while different in style then Reef's, is similar in substance. They are both undersized power forwards that are not great rebounders or defenders. Neither has the ability to play on the perimeter for extended periods. Heck, Robinson was a better fit with his mid-range game! (and I am definitely of the opinion that the Hawks are better off without the Dog). The Hawks are better off waiting till the off-season where they can unload expiring contracts or waiting two years and reloading then.
  15. Well, hopefully Doc desides to sit out the rest of the year and then pick his spot in the summer. (really, why not rest up, collect a paycheck, maybe do some TV work and then pick your team with a full off season to work with). Then maybe the new ownership can offer him both the GM and coaching gig - assuming the Hawks continue to yuck it up this year. Best bet is for the Hawks to not make any trades this year because it will be easy to trade Theo/Reef/Hendu/Terry this summer because of the short term contracts. Correct me if I am wrong but Theo, Reef, Hendu and Crawford will all only have a year left after the conclusion of this season and Terry will only have two. The incoming coach would have alot of flexibility to create the team of his choosing.
  16. I agree on both points. The Hawks need some more heft in the middle than Theo, but need to avoid the trap of getting some big dud who lacks movement skills. Problem is, people with size and athleticism are really hard to find.
  17. I guess you could say we know one area where the Hawks come up short! (sorry, couldn't resist).
  18. I don't think many post players are adept at "taking over" a game in the fourth quarter. Maybe Duncan and Shaq, but otherwise the my sense is, in the NBA, you ride the big man for the first three + quarters and then you need a perimeter player to step up - especially in the playoffs when defenses get tight in the paint. I know I have read the same thing about Garnett, for example, that he can carry the team till the fourth but needed someone to step up and hit shots to close the game. At any rate, I agree Reef is not going to be able to carry the team alone. But, as others have suggested, an inside-out approach on offense does make the most sense with the Hawks personnel - particularly if Jackson and Glover can drive/cut to the hoop and Jackson, Glover and/or Terry can hit some shots from outside. I am beginning to agree with D in that Ratliff is not the right fit at center for this squad - and at any rate will not likely be around when his contract runs out. They need a mauler in the middle who can rebound. Problem is not many of those exist. And don't say Ekizie!
  19. Hill was the head coach at Columbia - that school is notorious for having poor athletic teams, it is just not a focus for the university. I don't think a losing record at Columbia is indicative of the abilities of a coach. That said, he is a smart guy who should do well.
  20. Its not like Nazr is that special either. Battier is not a star, but he is a solid role player. We need a starting small foward alot more than a back-up center, in my opinion.
  21. The Suns will get in before Portland, Denver or Seattle.
  22. From the looks of the box score Boozer dominated down low - which he should given the competition. Dickau continues to shoot well. Since they lost to a team that has 4 lottery picks in the starting lineup (th only other starter being Boozer!) I don't think the loss should be hard to take. That Cavs lineup is one that they will actually use during the regular season. As far as players making the Hawks regular season roster, I think Dickau, Boris and Hansen are givens, the surprise might be Holman. Seems like a good shotblocker, but probably needs to but on 20 pounds.
  23. I don't think that helps the Hawks. Jamisons game is too much like Reef's, Fortson has a terrible contract and Richardson, while exciting and athletic, is limited in terms of his skill level. He could definitely develop though, but it is risky. If we traded JT and Dog I would rather have Dunleavy (they wouldn't need him) and Foyle, then pick up a point guard like Speedy Claxton. Of course, I have no idea if those contracts work. But, that is a nice team: Speedy/Dickau Diaw/Hanson Dunleavy/Crawford Reef/Hendu Theo/Foyle/Mohamad
  24. No way Golden State would do that deal!
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