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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. If the "tank" was on, then obviously Ferry could have done alot more to ensure that path was followed to its reasonable best. This would likely have involved doing a sign and trade with Smoove in exchange for some bad expiring contracts, which would tie up roster and cap space with low value on-court assets. Couple that with throwing minutes at a bunch of teenagers and you are well on your way to the bottom. I do think the Millsap signing is a hedge by Ferry in that he may need to execute a Horford trade mid-season or next off-season inorder to complete the rebuild.
  2. Where is the thread about it finally being the year Marvin Williams lives up to the hype?
  3. I am not sure how that line-up works from a spacing standpoint. Bynum would have to play on the low block but then both Horford and Millsap would be best served playing the high post, but you obviously can't put both there (so you run into isssues if you want to do a pick and roll offense). Teague/Jennings are not gifted facilitators and Korver is a one trick pony so there is no obvious cutter should you go to a motion based offense. Maybe the best offense with that lineup is to heave shots and work the offensive glass?
  4. Um, Memphis has one of the NBA's premier wing defenders on their team so I don't think they are a viable comp.
  5. A Jennings/L. Williams/Korver lineup would be a disaster against any athletic wing with size.
  6. I would like Henderson alot more if he had better range and accuracy on his shot. For the right amount, however, he would be a good addition.
  7. I actually think it retains flexibility as the team could retool in 12 months. Neither Teague nor Jennings is a perfect point guard so I don't think missing out on either is a huge deal and none of the other remaining free agents seem like "got-to-haves." I guess it comes down to what Ferry's plan is with the recent first round picks. Are they viewed as future building block or trade assets? If the former, then Teague or Jennings is presumably just keeping the seat warm. If the later, then maybe it is more important to land one of those guys.
  8. 2 year deal with only one guaranteed does not bother me at all even if it is for big money as the team maintains maximum flexibility in the future.
  9. I understand your point, but the other side of the coin is worth exploring as well. If a Horford/Smoove/Teague line-up is at its best getting you a second round playoff exit, a Horford/Millsap/???? line-up is going to get you much of the same, along with maybe winning 50 games during the season. I don't doubt better coaching will help, but I do wonder how they integrate the youth if the goal is to maintain a shot at the playoffs. You may look at that and say, hey, that sounds pretty good. My opinion, however, is that if you are going to rebuild - and there is no question Ferry is rebuilding - you might as well swing for the fences. Right now the only real shot the team has at breaking the second round ceiling is if the two first rounders turn out to be studs. That may happen, though odds of both doing so are low, but when? Given their youth, you are really looking at least two years down the line (and likely more), in which case Millsap is probably gone (and if not he is 30), Al is nearing 30 at that point too and you have locked yourself into low first round draft picks for two years so you may not be able to acquire additional assets needed to truly compete. Ferry has a tough job for sure. I would certaintly be looking for putting this team into position to excel two years + from now, rather then next season.
  10. Let's be honest, this roster as currently constructed has mediocrity written all over it. I like that Ferry has done what Sund should have done years ago, but I don't see how this roster functions properly. There is no go to scorer and there is no true point guard to facilitate a motion offense to get the shooters clean looks (though this is a moot point as long as Larry Drew is the coach). Guys like Korver, Morrow and Jenkins are not going to break people down on the dribble. They need to be fed the ball on swing passes or kickouts. Josh Smith is probably the best passer on the roster which is a scary thought. I could understand trying to tank for a season but if that was the case why get someone like Korver or even Williams?
  11. Packfill

    If only...

    I cannot believe how long it has taken many to realize how bad BK was. Sund is no better though. At best he is a "journeyman" GM. I am unconvinced that Teague can maintain any form of consistency. The Hinrich trade looks like a mistake as he is on a Bibby like negative trajectory. Sund has also boxed the team in from a contract/financial perspective. JJ's contract is going to be an albatross in a few years.
  12. I think what is truly repugnant about Drew's use of the bench is that he played JJ 32 minutes against Chicago - a game in which the Hawks were down by 30 at the half!!!! How does he not get JJ some rest in a game like that? He has been an assistant coach with the team in prior years and should be fully aware that JJ wore down badly last season. Then against Philly, after playing a game the prior evening, how does he not anticipate the team running out of energy in the 4th quarter? Drew is doing exactly what Woodson did last year - he is coaching to maximize the teams record in the regular season and thereby undermining the teams ability to compete in the playoffs (not that the current roster gives them a chance anyway).
  13. Nothing. That is not the point. The point is the direction and composition of the team. They needed to focus their limited assets on acquiring a defensive oriented big man, a big man with a post-up game or someone that can slash to the basket. Adding a volume jumpshooter who does not play defense to a jumpshooting team with a terrible defensive point guard was not the right direction to take in the grand scheme of things.
  14. Let's be honest, the Hawks are entirely reliant on their jump shots falling. They are certaintly capable of riding a hot hand or two to a few victories. Is it enough to win a 7 game series?
  15. Did anyone really expect Drew to be the answer? Did it really strike anyone as a good decision to promote an assistant from a bad coaching staff? Did it sound like a recipe for success to have the lowest paid coach in the league? Did anyone not think a better call would have been to bring in a real coaching talent? Anyone notice what is happening in Chicago right now?
  16. Things I was wrong on: - I did not think trading for Joe Jackson and Isiah Rider would be a disaster - I liked the trade for SAR initially - I wanted Conley over Horford - I thought trading for Jamal Crawford was a terrible idea (still don't believe it was in the Hawks long term best interest) - I would have paid Joe Johnson too, given the other roster limitations Things I was right about: - Big Dog trade was a stinker from the start - JT for Walker was a stinker - Iggy, not Childress, should have been the pick - Chris Paul over Marvin, by a wide margin - Collison over Teague - BK, Woody, Drew, Sund and the Atlanta Spirit all sucking
  17. The Wiz would unload Arenas for anything and would throw in a bag of balls, a stack of cash and whatever else it took to get the deal done.
  18. I think most of what he said is same perspective most Hawks fans have: - Marvin is a complementary player. check. - Drew was a bad coaching decision and cheap. check. - Smoove is not a cerebral player. check. The things that are questionable are: - Bring Smoove and Bibby off the bench. This I disagree with. Neither Pachulia or Teague have played well enough to suggest the team would be better off with them on the floor at the tip. - Teague/young Crawford getting more time - this is different, as a t least Teague has not played well enough to deserve more minutes.
  19. Contract dump by the Pistons, plain and simple.
  20. Looks like the Hawks have not solved their Orlando problem - not that I expected it given the off-season moves.
  21. Bibby's value is as a floor spacer on the offensive end. Teague will need to hit from the outside if he is going to play meaningful minutes.
  22. That is definitely the most memorable game for me.
  23. Is Rasho Nesterovic healthy and/or available? I am not sure how old he is or what he has done the past few seasons, but if he was a decent defender and would be an upgrade over Collins and possibly Zaza if capable of playing to the level he played at a few seasons ago.
  24. He is a horrible defender, and the concern is he was playing for a contract with the Knicks. That said, he is better than Collins.
  25. A couple thoughts about comparing this years roster to last seasons: 1. By and large, roster and depth is identical to last season. 2. I think the Hawks improvement remains tied to the continued development of some of its young players. But there are questions as to whether there will actually be any improvement in this area. Will we see further improvement by Smith/Williams/Horford? Will Teague earn minutes? 3. Will the team be able to go a second year in a row avoiding major injuries to key players? The Hawks were remarkably healthy last season so there is room for slippage here. 4. Will age further reduce Bibby's effectiveness? 5. Will Crawford continue his strong play from last season or will he see some slippage?
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