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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Well look at it this way, since he went 4th he would have been a huge reach at 3!
  2. Packfill

    Sekou says.

    Quote: 6'9 3/4 is closer to 6'10 than 6'9. That is not the point. KB was getting wound up about someone "lieing" in understating Horford's measurements only to overstate his measurements in the same sentence. I was pointing out his contradiction. Plus, if Horford switches to a different brand of shoes he may be 6'9.5" in shoes which means both sides are equally right.
  3. Packfill

    Sekou says.

    Quote: Considering that the 6'9" measurement was without shoes on combined with the fact that he plays basketball with his shoes on along with the fact that no player's listed height is without shoes, then saying that Al Horford is a 6'9" forward is a flat out lie. Al Horford is 6'10", 244 lbs. Who is lieing now? He is not 6'10" - He is 6'9.75".
  4. Packfill

    Sekou says.

    Quote: I'm amazed at the lengths some on here will go to demean a prospect they apparently don't want. When did Al Horford lose an inch in height and become a 6'9" player? People like Smoove will go to no ends to fabricate a bunch of crap about a player. Obviously, NBA GM's don't agree, because Al Horford is the guy everyone is trying to trade up to get. I guess it is better to take a 7'0" face up power forward that doesn't play in the paint over a 6'10" forward/center combo that makes his living in the paint. So it is not o.k. to subtract 3/4" in height but it is o.k. to add 1/4"?
  5. Naturally it would depend on what Charlotte is giving up, but if they can acquire Amare without giving up Okafor then I would not feel good about this.
  6. The draft is the least of the Hawks problems right now. If any of the reports in the media (from ESPN to Sothron) or true, the ownership situation is bordering on the absurd. Donald Sterling would be an improvement. I would love to meet with the owners and ask WTF they were thinking when they inked that intial deal with Belkin - did they even read it? Did they hire competent attorneys? Do they have any idea what they are doing? Do they realize they have turned this franchise into a total embarassment?
  7. 3 = Conley 11 = Noah if available, followed by Hawes, Stuckey, S. Williams and J. Smith (all are risky but I am willing to gamble with 11 if I know I have locked down one of the two holes in the starting line-up with 3).
  8. If true, that pretty much confirms that the Hawks have the absolute worst ownership situation in professional sports history. Sad.
  9. Quote: why us? WHY US? I am guessing it has something to do with: 1. Bad owners; 2. Bad GM; and 3. Bad coach.
  10. Since when do the Hawks play at a fast pace?
  11. Definitely makes sense for the Suns, no question.
  12. 2-3 years is a long term view in the NBA these days. Looking beyond that is almost pointless because the Suns will nosedive when Nash hangs it up, with or without Amare.
  13. Should be interesting, though still alot of question marks. The weird thing is I think Boston has the potential to be a really good team down the road if Ainge doesn't screw up this offseason. Pierce and Jefferson is potentially a great inside/outside tandem. Plus they still have the fifth pick to work with and some youngster with potential like Rondo, Perkins and Green.
  14. If the Suns can't win a championship with decent coaching, Amare, Nash, Marion, Barbosa, Diaw, etc. can the hawks win with poor coaching, JJ, Amare, Smoove, Marvin, etc.?
  15. I'll get excited when the team actually starts winning some games. I would be alot more excited if: (1) the team was sold to a reputable individual or company; (2) BK and Woody were shown the door; and (3) the new uni's were better executed.
  16. Quote: Bump. I personally think Horford is a PF that can do some spot duty at center. Agreed. Definitely a natural power forward that can probably play some center.
  17. These are some of the most generic looking uniforms I have ever seen. I do not see how they help the Hawks develop a strong brand image. The red, yellow and white was much more distinctive. I am disappointed.
  18. Carmelo had a very disappointing second NBA season. He improved greatly this past season though. Biggest problem with Marvin is his seeming lack of desire. He just doesn't have the natural drive and aggressiveness like a Carmelo Anthony. I also wonder if he will be able to improve his numbers significantly when you factor in that the Hawks will likely be adding two more lottery picks to the roster who will need time. Of course Marvin could improve dramatically. The one thing that is clear is that some highly drafted forward on the Hawks roster this season will disappoint because there won't be enough minutes to go around.
  19. Sounds like BK is fixing to screw-up the draft again. This organization needs a thorough house cleaning from the top down.
  20. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: We were the only team that had the best four players on the team miss a total of 90 games combined, and the guy who was to be the starting point guard missed 40 games. The Hawks starting line up missed a total of 140 player games. Just FYI, teams like NO and Milwaukee had the same injury issues as the Hawks in that they never had their projected starting 5 on the floor together. Exactly, and the deep playoff runs NO and Milwaukee made prove to us that injuries cannot be used as an excuse! Not sure why you are bringing up the playoffs. I was only pointing out the fact that the Hawks were not the "only" team to suffer from injuries. Other teams had it worse. NO played the entire season without Peja and each of Paul, West and Mason missed significant time. Similarly, Milwaukee was without their projected starting small forward for the entire season and had Bogut, Villaneuva, Redd and others miss significant time as well. Exactly.. those two teams had significant injury problems as well, and they did not have successful seasons, just like the Hawks! Correct, but I don't remember anyone in this thread arguing that any of those teams had successful seasons. I gather from the stats KB looked at the Hawks would have won 38 games if everyone stayed completely healthy. Some people may consider that successful.
  21. Quote: Quote: Quote: We were the only team that had the best four players on the team miss a total of 90 games combined, and the guy who was to be the starting point guard missed 40 games. The Hawks starting line up missed a total of 140 player games. Just FYI, teams like NO and Milwaukee had the same injury issues as the Hawks in that they never had their projected starting 5 on the floor together. Exactly, and the deep playoff runs NO and Milwaukee made prove to us that injuries cannot be used as an excuse! Not sure why you are bringing up the playoffs. I was only pointing out the fact that the Hawks were not the "only" team to suffer from injuries. Other teams had it worse. NO played the entire season without Peja and each of Paul, West and Mason missed significant time. Similarly, Milwaukee was without their projected starting small forward for the entire season and had Bogut, Villaneuva, Redd and others miss significant time as well.
  22. Quote: We were the only team that had the best four players on the team miss a total of 90 games combined, and the guy who was to be the starting point guard missed 40 games. The Hawks starting line up missed a total of 140 player games. Just FYI, teams like NO and Milwaukee had the same injury issues as the Hawks in that they never had their projected starting 5 on the floor together.
  23. I don't think Conley is like Parker other then having the potential to take it to the hoop. He is much more like TJ Ford, just bigger. This whole ability to shoot thing is completely bogus because Law was a horrendous shooter as a freshman yet improved. Why can't Conley? Law isn't going to get faster. I still think the Hawks would benefit more from a table setter in the TJ Ford mold - i.e., a gifted passer and penetrator. Marvin, Smoove and the rest of the gang will be much more effective scorers with someone who can actually pass them the ball while in a position to score. There is a reason why Philly was better with Miller then with AI and why Toronto made the playoffs depsite a relatively thin line-up outside of Bosh. The fact that Conley is likely the most talented defender of the point guards available this year is a bonus. The Hawks need to take Conley inorder to rectify their past drafting mistakes. Sucks, but that is reality. The roster is bloated with forwards.
  24. Quote: Quote: If Law is the best then I am sure he will be the first point guard drafted. If not, then . . . yeah, because the best pg each year is always the first drafted... So Northclyde knows better then NBA GMs? If you are talking about BK then I can agree with that statement. Basically, we need to find out which point guard BK likes best and avoid that guy like the plague.
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