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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. If Law is the best then I am sure he will be the first point guard drafted. If not, then . . .
  2. Quote: Primarily Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, Marvin Williams, and Josh Childress. Although I'm sure Shelden or Zaza or whoever else is on the inside will also get easy buckets off his penetration. These guys aren't bad. We have 3 slashers with no offensive system / PG to get them the ball in rhythm as they cut to the rim, and 2-3 jump shooters with no offensive system / PG to get them open jumpers in rhythm. I agree that without a good pass first point guard the Hawks wing players and big men will never reach their full potential. The Hawks desperately need someone who can drive and dish because Woodson refuses to install an offensive system.
  3. Quote: Quote: Bynum is a year younger then Marvin and already putting up more impressive numbers. --------G GS MIN FGM-A FG% 3PM-A 3P% FTM-A FT% OFF DEF TOT STL BLK TO PF AST PTS Season 82 53 21.9 247-443 .558 0-3 .000 143-214 .668 1.7 4.2 5.9 .15 1.56 1.40 3.04 1.1 7.8 -------64 63 34.0 306-706 .433 11-45 .244 216-265 .815 1.3 4.0 5.3 .81 .47 1.98 2.98 1.9 13.1 I don't see the more impressive numbers! Help me out please. Plus Marvin was MVP of the summer league last year was Bynum? Look at the minutes played and equalize them. Then come back to me. In 2/3 of the minutes Bynum averaged more rebounds and blocked shots. If both averaged 48 minutes per game their numbers would be: Marvin: 18.5 points, 7.4 rebounds, 2.7 assists and .66 blocks. Bynum: 17 points, 12.9 rebounds, 2.5 assists and 3.42 blocks. And Dion Glover was MVP of a summer league but what did that get him? Please.
  4. We would be in an even better position if someone other then BK was doing the drafting. As for more all-star votes and recognition for the other Hawks if they draft Yi I could care less. The only recognition they should get should come on the heals of winning games. Nothing else matters.
  5. Quote: Quote: but i think a lot of you are undervaluing his worth. Are you including Kobe Bryant as someone who undervalues his worth also? Do you think that he would throw his own teammate under the bus if he help the Lakers win more Basketball games. Think about it! I definitely think Kobe is willing to throw a teammate or two under the bus. No question. Fortunately, JJ is a much more friendly dude then Kobe but he all but admitted that he would have loved to have played with Paul despite the fact that everyone and his brother knows that the Hawks continue to get flak for passing on him in favor of Marvin. I find it interesting also that people here are ready to call Bynum a bust yet believe Marvin is a potential all-star. Bynum is a year younger then Marvin and already putting up more impressive numbers. I am not saying Bynum is anything more then a project, but just noticing the hypocracy that runs rampant here.
  6. Can the Hawks afford Howard and keep JJ and Smoove? They will likely have to give max deals to Smoove and Howard at the same time.
  7. Quote: Quote: JJ hasn't been able to lift Atlanta out of the NBA gutter yet Neither has Garnett, but, obviously Suns want him badly. To take teams like Atlanta out of the gutter, you need a few more experienced teammates and a lot of other things. Its silly to use that logic against one player. Quote: And I rather win a championship then make a great draft pick, but that is me. Perhaps you feel differently. Obviously. What does that have to do with who had the better end of the deal? Did anyone argue with you that Hawks are a better team than the suns? Um, you are the one who used Detroit passing on Wade as an example of fans who would be crying in their Wheaties. I am just saying I rather win a championship then make the right draft pick. Basketball is a team game, and if the pieces do not fit then the individual talent will not shine through. Part of that has to do with having the right system in place, but the other part is having players capable of playing certain roles. Unfortunately for the Hawks, they have no system in place, terrible coaching and their best players all play the same two positions.
  8. JJ hasn't been able to lift Atlanta out of the NBA gutter yet, so not sure how he would help the Suns cure their defensive shortcomings, nor their financial issues given his hefty paycheck. And I rather win a championship then make a great draft pick, but that is me. Perhaps you feel differently.
  9. Quote: Quote: Quote: BK has been known to overpay; ie JJ. What a terrible example. Some people still don't realize that BK ripped off the Suns. He staked his career on it and came out with a home run. The Suns have been better since JJ left so I doubt they are crying in their wheaties over that trade.
  10. Quote: I'll p[ass on Jack. He has shown nothing in the NBA. If you believe Jack has shown nothing in the NBA, what does that say about Marvin and Childress? Keep in mind also that Jack is widely regarded as a top defender.
  11. I think in the case of Toronto they were better defensively with Rasho at center then Bosh. Having Darko also helped Howard from a defensive perspective as well. Phoenix still suffers from its defensive shortcomings in the playoffs. Point being is the Hawks need a defensive presence. I am skeptical as to Yi being that presence. Horford is really the only option. Unfortunately for the Hawks they do not have a big power forward to team with him. Again, no question the Hawks need a defensive presence (not to mention an offensive post presence). But there is also no question that this team would benefit from a pass first point guard who can play defense (that would limit the dribble penetration that every team currently gets against the Hawks causing the Hawks big men to leave their man for help - at which point the opponents big man receives a pass from the penetrating guard).
  12. Quote: If Al Horford can't play center in the NBA, then how in the hell can Dwight Howard, Chris Bosh, and Amare Stoudemire play that position and play it to the point that they are 3 of the best four centers in the NBA RIGHT NOW? Probably for the same reason that their teams haven't done anything in the playoffs, and in the case of Toronto and Orlando, Rasho Nesterovic and Darko Milicic, respectively.
  13. It would be absolutely moronic for BK to pass on 3 point guards so as to draft a combo guard. Might as well have drafted Roy last year if that is the case.
  14. If BK ever does something more than put together 30 win teams he might get some respect to. Until that happens he will just go down as the GM with the worst overall record in history.
  15. Quote: To Sixers: 11th Pick Marvin Williams To Hawks: 12th Pick 21st pick Andre Miller Rodney Carney 610 WIP Radio in Philadelphia I can't believe there are Hawks fans who would not like this deal. This is a no brainer for the Hawks. Unfortunately, Philly would laugh at such a proposal.
  16. I agree. Another thing to question is what are the Hawks doing with Sheldon if they draft Horford? Sheldon won't see the light of day he will be buried so far down the bench. Same with Jones. There is no question the Hawks need a physical post presence on offense and defense and a point guard. I am of the opinion that a pass first point guard will be the best fit with the Hawks because of the inability of the Hawks forwards to create their own shots. The Hawks need someone who can penetrate and dish.
  17. I still think Conley helps the Hawks win more games then any of the other available options at 3. Call me crazy, I rather have the best team as opposed to the best prospect.
  18. Quote: I love on this board the wide range of BK bashing. I dont agree with everything he has done, but I always at least stick up for the fact we haven't had catastrophic bust like other teams, and feel that as a talent evaluator BK is very compitent. We may not get the best need, but we get a valuable player in every draft. The personal opinons of many on this board make me laugh as if you have the inside information on everything that is going on. I recently was looking at the Draft home page on ESPN and came across Hollinger's redrafts. This is Hollinger using his statistical formulas that he covets to go back and redraft according to production. Granted this was done a year ago, which I think hurts Marvin, but helps Chill. http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/draft2006/n...ge=redraft/2005 Everyone whips BK for his picks but taking a quick look.... from the 2005 draft: Marvin was drafted 2nd, and is picked at 6 in the redraft from 2004: Smith was drafted at 17, reforcasted at 4 Chill was taken at 6 reforcasted to 7 (Iggy is 8th due to lack of reb vs Chills) from 2003: Diaw was taken 21st, but is now rated at 6. So in 3 drafts players taken at 2,17,6,21 are respectfully now in hindsight valued at 6,4,7,6 in their draft classes. I would say that is a very good indicator of talent. Only one player would be taken lower then where they were drafted in Marvin. This being sad everyone knows Marvin was a project and it would be until this year that he would most likely have an impact. While you may not like the picks BK has made you can't say he hasn't gotten value out of the draft You realize of course that those rankings are a year old. How else would you explain Deron Williams being ranked lower then Marvin. It also of course does not factor in the big years turned in by 3rd year players such as Deng, Igoudala, Jefferson, etc. It should be interesting to see the rankings when he updates them in a few weeks.
  19. Quote: OF all the GMs in the draft, I think McHale and Ainge are the two most likely to make an impulsive move. Stern did a really good job of screwing Boston again...It's likely that Boston misses out on Yi and Horford. Of all GM's, Ainge has scouted Yi more strongly than any other. IF you think Ainge doesn't want either of those guys, you're fooling yourself. I think Ainge would be open to Marvin/#3 for Jefferson/#5. Especially if Horford and Yi continue to be talked about and Ainge is left with Noah (whom from the workout, I didn't get a good feel about. Moroever, there may be a chance for Ainge to offer Jefferson for the pick straight up. That would give Boston 5 & 3. If they wanted, they could get Horford and Noah... However, I think they would rather go for Marvin/3 deal because it gives them a Sf to replace Paul Pierce... because Pierce will be traded. Jefferson/5 for Marvin/3 is a no brainer trade for the Hawks. Jefferson would be the low post scorer the Hawks so desperately need. As bad as Ainge is though, I don't think he is stupid enough to do that deal.
  20. Packfill

    Good GM's

    Quote: Really? The same Charlotte Bobcats that drafted Adam Morrison in the first round when they already had Gerald Wallace and needed a shooting guard? Apparently, they are immune from passing on Brandon Roy as well, even though they took a one dimensional player who was the worst defender and rebounder of all the rookies in the NBA this past season. That was a really bad move. They would be really good with Roy instead of Morrison. Of course, BK took Sheldon when he already had Smoove at power forward. Go figure.
  21. Packfill

    Good GM's

    Quote: I wonder why Chicago doesn't get criticized for passing on Brandon Roy? They clearly had a need at the shooting guard position. Their lack of a true shooting guard forces them to play a small back court with Hinrich and Gordon. Brandon Roy was a perfect fit for them. They take Tyrus Thomas though, who does not and will never fill their need for an offensive presence in the paint. Somehow, they don't get criticized for it. I guess the only team that can be criticized for passing on Brandon Roy is Atlanta, even though Roy would have played at best 15 minutes per game in Atlanta because of the presence of Joe Johnson. Go figure. Of course, if Billy Knight had drafted Ben Gordon when he already had Kirk Hinrich, he would have been criticized for that move. Don't be an idiot. It is alot harder to criticize a team when they are actually good. The Hawks suck so there is a reason BK is criticized. Plus, they did draft a big shooting guard in that same draft (i.e., Sefolosha). BK can draft whomever he wants if it leads to the Hawks winning, but until that happens then he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.
  22. Quote: Quote: News to me. Pretty wierd. Don't see how that wouldn't be in the medical reports. Deng is from a 3rd world country. Hard to get medical reports there. Um, his family moved to London, England when he was a still young (13ish) so either these injuries occured when he was very young or you think England is a third world country.
  23. Quote: why am i finding myself the only person here having to defense 1 year and 2 year players as stiill having development time? mostly because they were bad draft picks and BK passed on superior talent in each instance.
  24. You are missing the point. The point is that if you are going to draft for need, draft for need. The Hawks did not need another forward. So in that respect, if you are willing to play Sheldon out of position why not use the number 5 overall pick on the better talent and play Roy out of position at point guard. Would he be any worse of a point guard then Sheldon is a center? Would he really be any worse then Lue/Speedy/AJ/Ivey? It is not like any of those guys are creative passers. Plus, Roy then could get alot more back in a trade then Sheldon. People who have argued that the Hawks need a point guard this year, even if it means reaching for one, are at least targeting a player that fills a specific need - not taking a player and shoehorning him into a position he is not ideally suited for. Really, all of this is a result of poor drafting over the years by BK.
  25. My guess is they really want to keep Okafor, Wallace and Felton. May is more injury prone then Okafor.
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