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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Why would Memphis want Chill when they already have Mike Miller and Rudy Gay on their roster?
  2. Quote: You should be asking this question. When has Billy Knight ever made a pick that was a total bust? Never. Billy Knight, as a GM, has picked Stromile Swift, Pau Gasol, Josh Childress, Marvin Williams, and Shelden Williams in the lottery of the draft. None have been busts. Stromile is basically a bust. Gasol is the only really good pick of the bunch when you consider the talent Billy left on the board.
  3. Quote: Quote: Quote: Ridnour is exactly the type of distributor that could give this offense some energy! I don't think Jack is anywhere near him in that department. I would love Ridenour as a back-up but I do not think he is starting material. That said, he is light years better then what the Hawks currently have. The Hawks desperately need defense and passing skills from their point guard. That is why I think Conley is a near perfect fit (not as perfect as Paul or Deron, but what can you do). Ridnour is certainly a cut above him in terms of passing ability and Ridnour is also an exceptional shooter. If the Hawks had a decent point guard who could get the ball to its wing players in a position where they can score then the need for a great shooter at the point is considerably reduced, particularly if that point guard can get points driving the lane. The Hawks need to get away from living and dying by outside shooting. They need to start getting points in the paint. Drive and dish with the athletes the Hawks have seems to make alot of sense to me. Hopefully Woody could really get on to him about playing D...He is a special PG on the offensive end.
  4. If everyone wants to see Sheldon get an expanded role this year then why do they want to draft another forward?
  5. Quote: Ridnour is exactly the type of distributor that could give this offense some energy! I don't think Jack is anywhere near him in that department. I would love Ridenour as a back-up but I do not think he is starting material. That said, he is light years better then what the Hawks currently have. The Hawks desperately need defense and passing skills from their point guard. That is why I think Conley is a near perfect fit (not as perfect as Paul or Deron, but what can you do).
  6. Quote: Quote: We need offense before defense. We were last in the league in scoring at 93 ppg. We were 15th in defense while giving up 98. The defense wasnt great but it wasnt as bad as everyone says it was around here. The offense lost us more games especially late when no one would step up besides joe. We were also 2nd to last in field goal percentage and last in 3 pt percentage. That's why you take the best point guard! The team needs someone to run the offense. Not only will Conley run the offense but he will set up easy opportunities for fast break points. With his wingspan he deflects a lot of passes and gets plenty of steals. Also with that wingspan and his feisty defense he patronizes the opposing point guard. Agreed. And the only reason the team gave up a mere 98 points per game is because they wasted so much time with pointless dribbling and an ineffective offensive system that slowed the pace of the game down.
  7. I would much rather have Jack then Ridenour.
  8. Quote: Its been a strange week around here. Last weekend it was wright the beginning of the week was hortford and now its Yi the last few days. I hope it stays this way. Apparently a 5 minute highlight video or a 1/2" measurement are enough to change many posters views. Interesting.
  9. Quote: Just like 2005 Paul was a 4 year player and it was well known he was the most likely to shoot out of the gate. Paul came out after his SOPHOMORE year.
  10. Quote: Quote: It appears that most of the shots he blocks in that video are when the ball is still below the rim. I am still not sold on him being more valuable to the Hawks then a true point guard. No. Some are above the rim. He can jump and touch over 12 feet. Dunks with his elbow above the rim. We can have our true pg at #11. Can't have a superstar in every draft. We have no chance at Oden or Durant. Those are the superstars in this draft. Everyone else may or may not turn out to be quality NBA players.
  11. It appears that most of the shots he blocks in that video are when the ball is still below the rim. I am still not sold on him being more valuable to the Hawks then a true point guard.
  12. I hope the Hawks do not sign him. It is inevitable that his poor defense and lack of speed will force him to play more of an off-guard role and the Hawks will be back to square one in their point guard search. There is a reason why there have not been alot of successful NBA point guards over 6'4".
  13. My guess is that Law would put up better stats over the next three years but Conley would help win more games over the same span.
  14. Quote: When I say my draft board, I mean my rankings of the players based on what I have seen from them. This means that if I haven't seen a player (Yi Jianlian), then I won't rank that player. It's not an indication that I think said player is a bad player. Basically, this means no international guys will be ranked because I haven't seen any of them play. My top four is set. 01. Greg Oden, C, Ohio State - Clearly the cream of the crop of this draft. Great size and athleticism. Tremendous upside. Best center prospect since the 1992 draft of Shaq and Alonzo. 02. Kevin Durant, SF, Texas - Great prospect! Has a scoring instinct. Will need to improve strength and get better as an on the ball defender. I don't think he will be quite as good as a rookie as many think, but his upside is very high. 03. Al Horford, PF/C, Florida - He may be the most NBA ready prospect in the draft. Good size, tremendous strength, above average athleticism. Great defender. 04. Jeff Green, SF/PF, Georgetown - Long, athletic, and versatile. Great size and strength for his position. Will be better in the NBA than many people think. The question is how the rest of the board will stack up. I have to figure out where I'm going to put Brandan Wright, Mike Conley Jr., Julian Wright, Corey Brewer, Joakim Noah, Al Thornton, and Acie Law in my next few slots. I don't think there is a clear cut no. 3 prospect in this draft, there are 3-4 guys that could be labeled the third best prospect (Conley, Wright, Horford, Yi), which is why I think the Hawks need to consider need and draft Conley. Horford would be plan B. The others do not make any sense for the Hawks.
  15. I would probably do it. Jack is still young but he has some experience. The Hawks need experience.
  16. I think he is one of the worst coaches in the NBA. He can't design an offense, teach defense, make in game adjustments or make intelligent substitutions.
  17. I still think Conley is the best pure passer and distributor of the point guards in the draft and that is why I value him more than Law and Critt. I also believe, fairly or unfairly, that Critt is a project that will take a few years to work out the kinks ala Chancey Billups. The Hawks do not have that long to wait.
  18. Quote: Quote: This isn't even close to being the strongest draft ever. This is easily one of the strongest lotteries of all time thanks to the carry over from the age limit and thanks to the players staying in school at UF These guys are going to have to be VERY good to beat out the 2003 draft with LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, Kurt Hinrich, TJ Ford, Josh Howard, Leandro Barbosa, David West, Chris Kamen, Darko Milicic, Zaza Pachulia, Mo Williams, Boris Diaw, Michael Pietrus, etc.
  19. This isn't even close to being the strongest draft ever.
  20. Quote: Quote: Hinrich/9/change for 3/Chill They can get their post player in Wright and we get our point guard. Also we still have 9 and 11 to get our big Noah/Hawes and a backup shooting guard like J. Wright or Green. I don't think Chicago would do that, but I would. Agreed, that is a no-brainer for the Hawks and Chicago would not even consider it.
  21. Quote: Conley could be going with thicker shoes you don't know what kind of shoes they had. Chances are Crittenton is at least around 4in taller. Dude, why are you so confused on this issue? They measured the players in both socks and shoes so we know exactly how much extra height some guys are getting based on the type of sneakers they are wearing.
  22. Quote: He's a good athlete, but his arm are short! How so? His wingspan is bigger then Critt's and his standing reach is essentially the same as Critt's when you factor in that he is 3.25" inches shorter.
  23. Who else is jumping on board the Jason Smith bandwagon?
  24. To me, this only helps Conley. He is the best athlete in the draft.
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