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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Quote: I think Conley's sex appeal is wearing thin. The hype machine carried him up to this point. Now it's gonna have to be his workouts. Voted for Horford. I am still in the Conley camp as I believe a pass first point guard is invaluable. Horford, assuming he is as big as the rumors indicate, is the only other option.
  2. Personally, based on the information I have to date, I want the Hawks to draft: 1. Conley/Hawes; 2. Conley/Noah; or 3. Horford/Law.
  3. The best thing about Horford is that he has good hands. Drafting him at 3 is definitely an option but the Hawks will still desperately need someone to get him (and Smoove, Childres, etc.) the ball.
  4. Some of those comparisons are terrible.
  5. Quote: Quote: I think a Wright/Crittendon draft is worst case scenario for the Hawks. Both are likely two years away from contributing. It's about winning a title, right? Wright "contributes" more than any player at 11. Crittenton or Conley, both being 19 year old Pgs, would start as BU but I could see both starting by season's end. W I don't think Wright is the type of guy that wins you a title. Outside of Oden and Durant there are not superstar talents in this draft. Since the Hawks currently lack a superstar talent, and there are none available for them to draft, their only chance at a title is to win like the Pistons with a strong team based approach. The Hawks need to get a point guard who can help maximize the talent of the Hawks young forwards and get a center who can either score in the post or defend (preferably both but outside of Oden no such player is available in the draft). I can't believe you of all people support getting Wright given how much you hate Marvin. Wright is just as much of a "project" as Marvin. A Wright/Critt draft almost guarantees another 2-3 years of BK giving excuses about being young as a reason for not winning.
  6. Quote: I depends on who is drafted. If it's Acie - trade Lue. If it's Crittenton - trade AJ. If it's Conley - trade AJ. BTW, Denver has a trade exception for ~ the amount of AJ's contract. If there owner ok's spending the lux. tax, they might trade a future 2nd rounder for AJ. Agreed.
  7. Quote: Quote: FWIW both Wright and Horford are in fact being seriously considered at #3 and teams are in fact inquiring about both Chill and Smoove. And the Hawks are at least considering trading one if they feel it will upgrade the need for a big man. According to Andy Katz, Wright expects to go top4. I think Chad Ford is right, and the Hawks are going to go with Wright/Crittenton. Barring a draft-day trade, I think Smith could very well be moved. Why? Smith and Wright have a number of similarities... Both are incredibly athletic, great shot-blockers, poor mid-range shooters, have trouble handling the ball... I think a Wright/Crittendon draft is worst case scenario for the Hawks. Both are likely two years away from contributing.
  8. Quote: There you go...Imagine that. BK taking a long and athletic forward at #3. Critt is going at 11. Ford said last year he broke the story about Shelden even though it made no sense. And the big story around Orlando is BK is in love with Brandan Wright and Critt. So much for top secret. As Ford said, not only don't the Hawks have spots for them, both are projects and not ready yet. He asked how much longer Hawks fans can wait? I believe him. I think BK can't help himself and isn't objective. He has a weakness for long and lean basketball players. I believe that he will select Wright and us keeping the pick will be a disaster because Wright is 2 years away with no position. Yi is not even taking a physical and is being very selective in who he works out for. His agent doesn't want any part of certain teams and if your not on his workout list he doesn't want to play for you. The kid won't even take a physical. I doubt he works out for us. Get ready for another BK colossal mistake with the lame ASG standing by watching him damage the franchise. FWIW...If we do take Wright at 3 then BK is the worst poker player and professional GM in all of sports. Consistently letting on every year on day 2 of the camp is about as idiotic as anything I've ever heard. And it damages our position when he lets on who he is taking. Because unless someone wants Wright they won't move up and try to trade for our pick. This is embarrassing. If this is what happens then it is almost worst case scenario because it means the Hawks are acquiring two players who are years away from reaching their potential. On the bright side it would give the BK apologists another two years to claim the team will be great once everyone matures.
  9. Quote: Quote: This probably is not a huge shock but both Horford and Wright are being heavily considered ( Uh oh, i have a bad feeling in my stomach all of a sudden..... Me too.
  10. Quote: if they are going to keep Gasol. Warrick is okay but he is undersized and not physical enough to be the longterm solution beside Gasol. Sorta like Zaza and Smoove.
  11. Quote: First off, Conley Jr. is in no way in the same class as Paul or Williams. The only similarity is that they are all PGs... That's the end of the comparison. 2nd. When we picked Marvin we didn't have a 2nd pick in the lottery whereby we could have gotten Paul or Deron. 3rd. The argument for Picking Marvin at the time was "IN --- Years, he's going to be the next..." Marvin couldn't live up to his hype the same way that Conley Jr. can't live up to his hype. Conley Jr.'s hype is based on nothing more than we need a PG. Period. He's not that good. He shoots 69% from the line and 30% from three... and we're the worst shooting scoring team in the game. He's not the right guy for us. We're a talent starved team and we have a chance to get real talent. And you guys are pushing for safe, convenient. So Conley is the wrong choice because he won't live up to the "hype" but Yi or Wright are the right choice because they will live up to the "hype"? Neither Yi nor Wright (a) are centers or (b) have developed back-to-the-basket games so it is not like they add anything to what the Hawks are missing (i.e., a center and a point guard). The only way the Hawks will ever find out if Smoove, Marvin, Chill and Sheldon are any good is if they get a decent coach and a point guard to get them the ball.
  12. Quote: IF anybody else had the third pick... Would Conley Jr. be talked about?... Not long. There's nobody saying that if we had the third pick, Conley is a lock! If Seattle bought into Yi and took him 2nd... Do we still say MCJ is worthy of the third pick or do our thinking begin to change on that? That's the catch. MCJ is the convenient, safe pick because we need a PG and he's available at 3. BUT being Convenient and Safe doesn't mean he's the best pick for us... Especially not when there are comparable PGs that will be available when we pick again. We have a chance to get what could be a franchise changing player... and a PG and you want to pass it up for the safe, convenient pick and some player to be named later??? Wow have we come full circle. This is the same argument people used when suggesting Marvin Williams was a better draft pick then Chris Paul or Deron Williams.
  13. Quote: Conley/Hawes is my best case scenario. Agreed. My only concern is that they are both so young.
  14. Quote: One move will get it done. That move is getting a point guard that can dictate the tempo of the game, set up his teammates, and protect the basketball. The more I think about it, the more Mike Conley Jr. stands out as the guy the Hawks need to take. He's the one player I see that will make this team a better, more efficient scoring team as well as a better defensive team. Mike Conley Jr. will make Josh Smith a better player by keeping him from having to work so hard to get his shot. As a result, Josh Smith doesn't handle the ball nearly as much, doesn't find himself wandering around the three point line chucking up shots he shouldn't be shooting, and also cuts down on his tendency to turn the ball over. Mike Conley Jr. also makes Josh Childress a better player. Josh Childress is the best on the Hawks team at moving without the ball and getting himself open for close to the basket shots. Mike Conley is the type of point guard that can hit Josh Childress in stride for those open looks he creates by moving without the ball. Mike Conley also makes Joe Johnson a better, more efficient player because like Josh Smith, Joe won't have to work as hard for his shot as he has been. Mike Conley's ability to penetrate into the lane will create open shot opportunities from the perimeter for both Joe Johnson and Marvin Williams. To add, Mike's defensive ability as an on the ball defender will create fast break opportunities by creating turnovers. Agreed. Welcome back to the world of rationale Atlanta Hawks analysis KB. You have been off the reservation for too long.
  15. Memphis? Gasol, #4 pick and change for Kobe.
  16. Quote: If we're talking about Knight and Company, let me say this... Knight won't pick CONLEY.... EVEN IF CONLEY Was available at 11, Night would pick somebody else. In that one way, BK is predictable: Look at his choice for PG: Boris Diaw. Royal Ivey. JJ. AJ. BK proclaims right after the draft lottery: "I prefer Big PGs".. If you really want to talk about what BK will do, you will start planning for a future without MCJ... If BK only likes "big" point guards why did he sign Speedy and Lue?
  17. Quote: You're not going to be able to make up reasons why the Hawks shouldn't max their pick at #3 and #11. You guys are fighting uphill against Logic. Logic is this. We can get a comparable PG at #11. Why not get the best player we can get at #3. Weather that be Gasol, JO, Yi, Brandan, Miller, Aldridge/Jack, Zebo, Pierce, Lewis, Jefferson, Amare, Okafor, or whoever else. The point would still be: What we get at #3 with PG at 11.. Will dang sure be better than what we get at 11 with PG Conley Jr. Especially being that Conley Jr. is a 69% FT, 30% 3pt shooter and we are dead last... in FG%, Scoring, and 3pt%. It just doesn't add up. So I am amused by your attempts to try to discredit anybody brought up... But at the end of the day, three things are Certain... 1. Conley is not head and shoulders better than Law or Critt. 2. Nobody available at 11 if we pick conley at 3 (your scenerio) will make any IMPACT on this team. 3. Any player proposed at 3 is much much better than what will be available at 11 in your scenerio. So keep on pushing and trying to discredit. But you're fighting against Logic. Again, When Diesel and Walter agree.. It must be right!
  18. Quote: Quote: Weather that be Gasol, JO , Yi, Brandan, Miller, Aldridge/Jack , Zebo, Pierce, Lewis, Jefferson, Amare, Okafor, or whoever else. LOL looks like you picked a bad time to start sniffing glue. If i thought we could get any of the players in bold i would do it in a heartbeat. But i know it is nothing but a fantasy on your part. Agreed. There is zero chance our cheap owners are going to pull the trigger on a trade that brings in a big money big man. If you could guarantee to me that BK would trade a forward after drafting Wright or Yi I might be interested in them as well, but I doubt that happens. If the Hawks were interested in maximizing picks then BK would not have drafted Childress over Deng and Iggy, Marvin over Deron and Paul or Sheldon over Roy.
  19. Quote: You don't take a PG because there's a PG in the draft? That's flawed thinking... My god? what the hell. We have 2 picks. There are three PGs. Our team is the worst shooting team in the league and the worst 3 pt shooting team in the league. Conley Jr. is not the best pick for us. He's undersized and he can't shoot. (BREVIN KNIGHT)... His drive and dish won't make it to Atlanta. Other than Iverson, there aren't any 6'1" 170lb drive and dish guards. The reason being is because he'd get Killed. This kid is no Chris Paul. We can get an Elite player (like Gasol) with our early pick and a PG with 11... I guess Tony Parker and TJ Ford don't count. Do you honestly think the Hawks current ownership will trade for a guy with the salary of Gasol?
  20. Quote: He will block some shots coming from the help side, but in a straight up man on man situation, Pau Gasol gets abused by whoever he is guarding. It doesn't matter if it is a point guard or a center, Pau Gasol gets abused. Pau gives little to no effort on defense, and that's why he and Mike Fratello clashed in Memphis. Pau's defense can be described as "Olay" defense. He would fit in well in Atlanta then.
  21. Quote: BOOO... BOOO...BOOO... Let the chips fall where they may? Here's the problem EDS... Conley is not worth that!! If it was us getting Oden... OK... BUt even with that, you never let the chips fall where they may in the lottery... Are you Babcock? Seriously.. Is EDS some obscure reference to Pete Babcock? You basically said, grab Conley and hope for somebody tall?? I really hope that some of these other MCJ at 3 fans can come up with something better than Hope for the best Let the chips fall where they may Good tidings Whatever will be will be Everything is everything Doesn't really matter ! You're joking right? As usual, you are missing the forest through the trees. After Oden is gone there really isn't a bona fide center available in this draft. Noah and Hawes are as close as the Hawks can hope to get and both are flawed and a few years away from contributing. That said, there is a decent chance one of the two is available at 11. It is unfortunate that our inept GM has painted the Hawks into a corner by being completely bereft of talent at the two most important positions on the floor. Once the Hawks failed to land the number one pick, chances of filling both those wholes went out the window. As a result I choose to fix one of the holes permanently - point guard - rather then slap additional bandaids and hope something works out.
  22. For the record, I am not sure Conley will be as good as either Deron or Paul. Hopefully (if the Hawks do indeed pick him), he proves me wrong.
  23. I would take Conley at 3 and then let the chips fall where they may at 11. I would prefer Noah or Hawes - the former for defense the latter for offense in the post.
  24. I agree, Haywood is softer then ice cream in the Georgia sun.
  25. I am still not sold on Bargnani. I would rather have Thomas, Aldridge or Roy.
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