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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. I think there is a very good reason why guys like Josh and Sheldon are "problems" in the Atlanta locker room. That reason is the terrible coaching. Get a real coach and these problems go away.
  2. Quote: Quote: At this point I don't see how the Hawks could pass on Conley at 3. I can see how they would do it. Two words.... Billy Knight. Still i think Conley is definitely the right pick. Absolutely correct. That is why I am not as excited about having two high picks as I should be. BK is likely to mess it up again.
  3. At this point I don't see how the Hawks could pass on Conley at 3.
  4. Personally, I would take team 2 as I think it is better balanced. Both teams lack post/interior defense though. I actually like Hawes at 11 due to his back to the basket offensive skills. That said, that team is way too young for my tastes.
  5. Quote: A coach!!!! An owner worth a dam_!!!
  6. Quote: So if BK drafts Conley at 3 and Hawes at 11, does hawksquawk erupt in anger and grab the torches, or are we ok with that? Because unless some crazyass trade comes through, this sounds more like the most reasonable safe guestimate on what we may do. This is all pre-workout opinion of course. At this point I like this idea, but I do have a lot of hesitation in saying that because both Conley and Hawes are so young. One really young player I can live with, but two is pushing the envelope because the Hawks need somebody to contribute immediately. I don't know if I can live through another three years of rebuilding.
  7. Let's not forget that Sheldon will likely never start on the Hawks because of the presence of Josh Smith.
  8. Quote: Nice move. We could go big at #3. Miller and a big means we compete from day #1. I am not sure about using #3 on a PG who will not be playing but it could be best for the long term development of Conley. Miller will be very, very, tradeable for us in 2008 / the last year on his contract. Playoff teams would be lining up for him at the trade deadline. The more I think of it, the more I like it. If the Hawks trade for Miller I would hope they would be a playoff team and thus unwilling to trade to another playoff team. Just resign him.
  9. Quote: I don't think I would touch O'Neal with a ten foot pole. Yeah, he brings exactly what the Hawks need IF HEALTHY. However, Jermaine O'Neal hasn't played 70 games in a season in over three years now. He's been injured for a big part of the last two seasons, missing a total of 44 games over the last two seasons. No question there would be a huge risk in making such a deal, but if the Hawks are going to do a deal which hamstrings their roster and cap flexibility for the rest of the decade it better be with someone who at least has the potential to fill a couple of the wholes in the existing roster.
  10. Quote: Quote: I would love to take Al Jefferson off their hands but I doubt they would trade him. MW/#3 for Jefferson/#5 The last 20 games Jefferson was a 20/11 guy already. A monster already. If Conley's at 5 take him. If not take the best swing and get the remaining top 3 Pg at 11. Jefferson/ZaZa JS/SW Greene or Brewer/JC JJ Crittenton I can dream can't I. W That isn't going to get it done. Jefferson really came on last year and he has Elton Brand type of potential, so I don't see why the Celtics would ever think of trading him. He is their Josh Smith.
  11. Quote: Quote: Conley would be gone in all likelyhood to either memphis or at the least Portland via trade. if Horford is who you want then that works. If you look at the mocks, if we don't take him there is a good chance he would be there at five. Perkins would be a beast in the middle. A true five that we have missed for a decade. I think this is a viable option. Pick up a center, draft a pg and then take the bpa at eleven. The really nice thing about it is there is very likely to be a lot of options. I think it is a stretch to call Kendrick Perkins a "beast". He has potential but so far he has been unable to translate that potential into production. The rate he commits fouls alone would prevent him from seeing significant minutes.
  12. I would love to take Al Jefferson off their hands but I doubt they would trade him.
  13. The only one of those deal I really like is for JO because he fits what the Hawks need: Interior scoring and interior defense. Let's face it, if the Hawks do make a big trade like this they have to get a big out of the deal. Marion and Pierce are really good players, but getting them would effectively leave the team with no assets to acquire a defensive oriented big man or big man with a post game. That is a bad situation. I don't think you are going to win in the NBA with two wing players as the main men unless one of them is named Jordan. Randolph's poor defense scares me especially if the Hawks are still going to role with Zaza at center. That would be the worse case defensively. In the end though, I think this is all moot because the ownership situation will preclude a deal of this size getting done.
  14. Quote: You beat me to it, I was just about to post this. Here is my deal #3 and Mr. Craig Claxton to Portland for Jack and Lamracus. If I am BK I definitely do that deal.
  15. Quote: I don't necessarily want to trade for KG but that is what the subject line was about. I personally value #3 more than Marvin and I value #11 more than Childress right now. Also, with Childress, he will be a RFA next year and are we willing to pay him to stay on the bench? I'd rather have a #11 pick with 4 years of rookie salary to sit on the bench. I actually like Childress and thinks that is a valuable part of a trade assuming the team he goes to wants to resign him. All in all, I probably would be hesitant to make a deal for any player already past their prime. (JO/KG) I see what you are saying, though. If Marvin will ever become the player we want him to then 'heck no', I want to keep him. I would value them more as well but for the fact that it appears BK will be making the picks again for the Hawks. As a result, its a push.
  16. Quote: Why should we get any credit? His last 4 first rounders are all forwards. Even CNNSI knows a trend when they see one. If BK drafts a PG it will be the biggest upset since Villanova beat Georgetown. Correction: His last 5 - Diaw, Childress, Smoove, Marvin and Sheldon. Interestingly, when he was GM in Memphis he drafted two forwards as well: Gasol and Battier. Has BK ever drafted anything other then a forward in the first round?
  17. Quote: I don't think 2 years of KG is worth 2 lottery pick. I'd offer this package... Zaza Pachulia Josh Childress Marvin Williams Lorenzen Wright Speedy Claxton for KG / cheap roster balance player See if anyone outbids that. If so? So be it. That trade pretty much gives them a couple of starters and some bench guys BUT we actually save money by moving Claxton, we can target BPA (Yi?) at #3 and maybe look at best PG/C available at #11. Crittenton? That trade would give us some short term star power and reduce redundancy. Who outside of maybe Chicago could/would offer a package better than Marvin/Chill/Zaza? Minnesota would have Foye / James / Hudson / Claxton Davis / Childress / McCants Marvin / Hassell Zaza / Blount Plus #7 pick to look for a starting PF. They could look at either Brandan Wright, Al Horford or Joakim Noah. We have..... Crittenton / Joe / Smith / Yi / Garnett with little depth. We can use marginal cap space on the short term to add a veteran wing and a veteran big to come off the bench. What veteran wouldn't want to play with Joe / Smith / Garnett? I KNOW we are getting a future HOF player here for basically a lot of clutter and potential BUT how many teams would offer more? I don't see Charlotte trading away their young talent. Chicago is a team that could certainly beat our package. Phoenix could beat our package with some sort of Shawn Marion / Boris / Barbosa deal. I think Portland could as well with a Randolph / Webster / Aldridge package. I just don't see those teams doing it outside of maybe Chicago. Basically my point is, if we are going to have to give away our future for 2 years of a player no matter how good, we shouldn't have to give away both our lottery picks. You don't want to give up two lottery picks but you are willing to trade a recent number 2 overall pick and recent number 6 overall pick?
  18. Quote: Powerhouse? Maybe if they can swing a 3way and get like Kobe or Wade or Duncun or you know a real star like that. Oden isnt going to make them a powerhouse. Oden could be a Duncan, though I think he will be more like Mourning. Plus, they have other good pieces in Roy, Aldridge, Randolph, Jack and Sergio. They still need another wing but those are easier to obtain then a stud center. I would trade the Atlanta roster and picks for their roster and picks in a heartbeat.
  19. Stupid trade for Portland. They are going to take Oden and become a powerhouse.
  20. I agree, I don't think they would trade Jefferson (it would be foolish). But, if Ainge really wants Yi or someone else . . .
  21. Quote: After the season Jefferson had, he's not a possibility. That is why I think Boston has a good long-term outlook despite getting punked in the lottery. If Jefferson continues to develop he will be devestating down low, especially with shooters like Pierce and Green and a penetrator like Rondo.
  22. If the Celtics really want Yi then maybe the Hawks could trade the 3 pick for Al Jefferson. This would give them a young post presence. It would force them to make some other moves because Jefferson is definitely a power forward, but it would be something to think about.
  23. Packfill

    Trade ideas

    If we really want a low post scoring presence and want to be creative, I would do something like this: 1. Trade the 3 pick to Boston for Al Jefferson (but I don't think they do that trade). 2. Follow that up with a trade of Marvin and hopefully one of Lue/AJ/Speedy to Portland for Jack and Webster (they may do it if they are really moving Roy to point guard). 3. Draft Noah or Hawes at 11 (Noah is probably the better fit if the Hawks have acquired Jefferson already). End result: Jack/Speedy JJ/Webster Smoove/Chills Jefferson/Sheldon Noah/Zaza
  24. Quote: Quote: Quote: He put the Grizz on his back and took them to the playoffs the last two or three years so I'm not sure where that 4th quarter stuff is coming from. He didn't do great in the playoffs but that was with the entire defens designed to shut him down and he got no help from his team. He'd at least have JJ and Smoove here. There is just something about him that bothers me. Hell though, maybe he's the best option. The team does need somebody that can score inside. If that'z the best out there what else can you do? Hot, he's a Abdur-Rahim type player in which he's a good talent, but he's not the guy you want being the star or the "go-to-guy" on the team. JJ is our guy. He's proven that he can be THE guy. If we traded for Gasol, or any other decent post player, you now create an inside-outside threat for this team, that frees up not only JJ, but everybody else on the team. But I think Memphis would be asking for Smoove in exchange for Gasol. I don't know how well that would sit with Hawk fans who are absolutely in love with Josh. Has JJ proven that he can be the "go-to-guy" on a good team? SAR and Gasol are/were the "go-to-guy" on bad teams as well.
  25. Quote: I have big trouble getting excited over our 5th consecutive first round pick on a forward. 6th consecutive if it happens (Diaw, Childress, Smith, Williams and Sheldon already during the BK era).
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