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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Quote: Quote: That would be the case when talking about Diesel and his opinions of Marvin. One week Diesel is pro-marvin, the next week, he's anti-marvin. Some people say why, I say "Why bother?". Depending on the week Diesel may or may not be aware that Marvin is young and just like the other young player on our team, needs time to develop. Other weeks, Diesel acts as though he isn't aware of this and is only aware that Marvin was picked #2 overall and should be a star already. again, why bother. Diesel has been pretty consistent on Marvin, IMO. Agreed. We know where Diesel stands on Marvin. Walter too. Me 3 probably.
  2. Quote: You know, if the ownership situation gets resolved (as long as Belkin doesn't win), and the ASG decided to fire Billy Knight, there would be 15-20 potential GMs that would absolutely jump at the chance to inherit the talent that Billy has put into place. That's how it worked in Memphis. Jerry West jumped at the chance to inherit the talent that Billy had put into place, and after a few years, Jerry's bad decisions has run the Grizzlies franchise into the ground. Of course, if Steve Belkin gains control, then ML Carr will be the GM and all of you morons that want Billy gone will get exactly what you are wishing for......The Hawks would go from having one of the most astute talent evaluators in the game to having the most incompetent GM that has ever carried that title. You always bring up this mythical "team" that BK put together in Memphis - but what exactly did he put together there? A team built around Gasol, Battier and Jason Williams is not a title contender. It is a fringe playoff team - and only was a fringe playoff team because West hired a decent coach and made a number of good acquisitions (trading for Miller and signing Posey (who had a career year that year)). So again, BK didn't due anything in Memphis and the foundation he has laid in Atlanta has a lot of cracks (i.e., no starting caliber players at point or center).
  3. Worst case scenario is Indy finishes with the 11th worst record but wins the lottery thus getting Oden while at the same time pushing the Hawks out of the top 3. Hawks get no picks. With Oden Indy goes on to win 50+ games next year and the Hawks get the 27th pick in the 2008 draft.
  4. Quote: And I am sure that Portland's record bears that out. Remember we thought JJ was a point as well. Yet Portland's record is better then the Hawks and Roy is a rookie who is actually playing most of his minutes at shooting guard because of the presence of Jack and Sergio.
  5. Inability to install any offensive plays other then clear-outs for JJ.
  6. Quote: Childress being odd man out would be retarded. There is this thing called the 6th man which Josh Childress could be one of the best in the league. I love when people say this team has no talent when we clearly have the talent and Josh Childress is another example of talent being completely overlooked. No he may not be Iggy or Deng but given their minutes he can put up some respectable numbers. No way should he be "odd man out" Especially considering we can afford to keep him. I believe Childress averages more minutes per game then Deng, and only 4 less then Iggy. He is currently a better player then Marvin, without a doubt.
  7. Quote: Marvin/Indy's pick for Jack/PTL's pick! That is your best trade proposal in a long time.
  8. I like Chill and hope he can be part of the long term solution for the Hawks. However, I am realistic in that the team has to acquire starting caliber players at center and poing guard soon and it may take trading Marvin or Chill to make that happen.
  9. I think this team is two quality starters (point guard and center) and a good coach away from being anything more then a fringe playoff team. Continued improvement from the current crop of youngster will certaintly help but some other moves need to be made if this team wants to be a championship contender. Unfortunately, these are the two hardest positions to fill in professional basketball.
  10. Quote: Quote: I don't care how Roy wouldn't have 'fit' on our team, he holds far more value in a trade than SW ever would. This is probably the most ignorant thing you have uttered on this board. If you think Roy would have trade value sitting on the bench not playing, then you must be crazy. Remember, both Roy and Shelden were considered the most NBA ready players out of this past bench. The biggest difference is that Roy has had an opportunity to play and Shelden hasn't. Roy's value = High, Shelden's does not. If you change the roles around and Roy is on the bench... Roy's value would not be high. Like somebody said earlier, you can't be expected to make an impact on the game if you're only playing 5 mpg. I believe once we change coaches and stop trying to make everybody so versatile that we forget about skillsets, there are going to be a lot of players that we see that we have who are pretty doggone good. Either that or we will trade these players away and watch them prosper elsewhere. What are you talking about? Roy would be the starting point guard on the Hawks and would be getting 35+ minutes a night. He is not a true point guard but has more point guard skills then anyone on the Hawks since Mookie Blaylock. Look at the disgraces the Hawks are marching out at "point guard." All are at best journey men, most with no point guard skills whatsoever. If Roy was not going to be a fit long term at point you trade him - he has incredible value right now. I would trade anyone on the Hawks not named Joe Johnson or Josh Smith for Roy.
  11. Quote: He also avg 1.5 steals per game. I think he does a good job defending PF's who outweigh him by about 20 lbs. Plus help defense, is defense. I can't recall any player who avg 2.9bpg and is second in the league in BPG and overall blocks who was considered not a good defender. Well, personally I did not consider Theo Ratliff a good overall defender. I think he was DPOY once but he was the product of a good system and the overemphasis on block shots. Don't get me wrong, Smoove has potential to be a great defender, but I don't think he is anywhere close to realizing his potential in that area.
  12. I honestly do not think Josh Smith is a great defensive player. He is a great shotblocker but nothing else. He has potential but until he becomes a quality positional defender he does not deserve consideration for DPOY.
  13. Packfill


    Collison does seem like a good prospect. My worry right now is that the Hawks are going to end up with no picks in this draft. Hopefully Indy gets it going soon but they are on a free-fall right into the lottery and being in position to keep their pick this year.
  14. I think a good coach and one astute free agent acquisition in the off-season could make the Hawks a winning team.
  15. Quote: we didn't lose control, we never had control of this game. that's the problem, chill and zaza basically had to create their own shots which isn't giong to happen against a pat riley coached team. once again our point guards let us down. on one end of the court you have jason williams bouncing passes straight to james posey in stride to get easy scores and on the other end you have tyron lue dribbling the ball into submission before finally giving the ball to someone else to put up a contested shot. Agreed. The point guard situation on this team is still a mess. Point guard is not as important on teams with numerous players that create their own shot and get to the hoop, but the Hawks do not have those types of players making the position all the more critical. Smoove, Marvin and Childress would all be better players with a good point guard.
  16. Another loss for the Hawks. They failed to capitalize on Shaq's foul troubles. Realistically the Hawks are only "in" the playoff race because the other pretenders suck too. Of all the east teams on the outside looking in I am beginning to think that Boston would have the best shot of actually winning games in the playoffs because of their strong one/two punch. Obviously they are too far behind to make it, but they should be watched next year.
  17. When did he learn how to rebound?
  18. It is "go"/"no go" time for the Hawks. Fortunately Toronto is holding off Orlando.
  19. If the Hawks want to make the playoffs every game is a must win game. It is now or never (at least for this season).
  20. Great night for the Hawks last night!
  21. Nothing is guaranteed, but I hope you are right in the Hawks case.
  22. Maybe, but Boston and Portland have very young core groups as well. Like the Hawks with JJ, they each have one star in his prime plus lots and lots of youngsters: Atlanta Core = JJ + Smoove, Marvin, Childress, Zaza and Sheldon. Portland Core = Randolph + Roy, Aldridge, Jack, Rodriguez, Webster and Outlaw. Boston Core = Pierce + Jefferson, Rondo, Green, Telfair, Gomes, West and Perkins.
  23. Quote: Young teams are just inconsistent, and we are the youngest in the league. The Hawks are the third youngest team in the league.
  24. Tyrus Thomas had a big game a week or so ago as well. I didn't see the game but I did see the highlights of Thomas and they were impressive. He is very similar to Smoove. Still, chicago could use Aldridge's low post game. Another Rookie who has really come on since the all-star break is Rudy Gay. On a per minute basis he averages more points, rebounds, steals and blocks then Marvin.
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