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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Is that pick top 10 protected or lottery protected?
  2. Quote: Quote: It's interesting that you guys call out Milsap, Milsap, Milsap. Whereas, before and during the draft, many of you didn't know who the hell he was or at least, you never mentioned him. Oh crap, I'm going to have to bump one of my Millsap posts. And let the record show, my picks were Roy/Millsap for our draft. And let the record show, if I had been doing the drafting (not a guy who is a *professional*), we would've had 2 of the top 6 rookies in the NBA....and I would've been up for executive of the year....and I know NOTHING! Let the record reflect that you would be a better GM then BK.
  3. I think in order of priority the Hawks need: 1. New ownership 2. New GM 3. New Coach 4. Better players. Unfortunately, the events of the past two offseasons have dug the franchise into a pretty deep hole. The team and the franchise is now the laughing stock of the league.
  4. Quote: I'm just dreaming but it would be sweet if we could get him. Yes it would (depending on the price). I would defintely do a Marvin/Zaza/Salim package for Gasol, possibly throw in the Indy pick and/or Lue if need be.
  5. Quote: i don't know much about the kid but i don't think BK is really focusing on a "long" player this time. We have our long players and really have a set team from sg to pf. I think BK will focus on a big man or a young point. Look at the date of the original post. Millsap is now playing well in a back-up role for Utah.
  6. Quote: I like him, but when you have a particular type of team you are wanting to build, you simply cannot get a player that is a bad fit for that team. Millsap is a great rebounder, but at around 6'7" and with limited athleticism, he simply isn't a good fit for a team that is being built to be a running, athletic, and defensive team. Is KB talking about Sheldon or Millsap? Another classic foot n' mouth post by KB. Yes, I know, it was from the summer.
  7. Quote: Quote: Quote: For every T-Mac you come up with, there is a Robert Traylor or Jonathan Bender or Kedrick Brown. No, for every TMac there are FIVE Robert Traylors, or Kedrick Browns.. Kendrick Brown, Jonathan Bender or Truckter Traylor didn't play as good as Marvin. TMac, JJ, Nash etc. played worse than Marvin. Patience. 10 games ago Marvin was averaging 16+ points with 47% Fg% for a 7 games stretch. Cut the guy some slack for his injury. Ding, ding. We have a winner folks.
  8. Quote: http://www.ajc.com/hawks/content/sports/ha.../0119hawks.html "I've always been tough on Josh because I know that he has a chance to be a special player. He's still got a long way to go. But if he works and does what he's supposed to do, he can be a dominant force in our league." I like what Woodsons says at the end and believe it if he keeps working hard hes gonna be a big time player in this league. I love the energy smoove brings to the Hawks. He does still have a long way to go to realizing his full potential - a long way. But the good news is he is already the Hawks second best player.
  9. Quote: I agree that Diaw is a really good player, and I thought that when he was here. But he does need a very specific type of offense to be successful. And those kind of offenses are only found on a couple of NBA teams. It would be helpful if the Hawks had an offensive system. Any system.
  10. I doubt it. Jefferson is averaging better then 15/10 as a starter.
  11. Quote: Quote: I hope it's for good. You know that means Lorenzen starts right? That means the Hawks center position has gone from bad to worse. Might as well start Sheldon or Soloman to get them some experience. At least we can hope htye will eventually be good where as we know Wright and Zaza are no better then backup caliber players.
  12. Quote: Quote: what about marvin and zaza for oneal...........we should have enough room under the cap not to have to send back matching salaries. i think this should be a viable option Well Jersey needs the center, I'm not sure what Indy really wants for O'Neal. Losing Jackson, Al and maybe O'Neal they will want scoring for sure. I believe Mr.H might be on target. Your chance of success may be in a three team trade getting O'Neal or Kidd. That would be good without giving up Josh, Josh or the Indy pick at this point. Sending Marvin and the pick to Indy says the Marvin pick was bad. Sending Zaza and Marvin to Indy is probably too much. I would send Marvin, Zaza and Salim to Indy for O'Neal. I would even consider throwing in the Indy pick if that is what it takes. O'Neal has never played with anyone as good as JJ (I think Miller was past his prime by the time O'Neal was established). That would be an incredible 1/2 combo. If you can get O'Neal and still have Smoove and Childress the team would have a great balance of youth and prime time talent.
  13. Quote: Nice write-up and appreciate the positive attitude toward the Hawks draft. I agree 100%. I remember my days of optimism regarding the Hawks franchise with fondness. Proudly defending the Hawks franchise from the slings and arrows of Walter, Hotlanta and Diesel. Those were happier days. Two years later, however, my optimism has turned to pesimisim. Can you blame me?
  14. Quote: They must reaaaaalllly like Diogu. Wow. That is really the only way to explain the trade.
  15. I don't understand this trade from either teams perspective.
  16. Quote: Even the mocks that had us taking a PG typically acknowledged that Bogut-Marvin were the two potential stars, but that given our SFs and our lack of PG we should pass on potential and draft for need. EVERYONE had Bogut-Marvin as the top 2 out of that draft. Everyone. I bet alot of people had Bowie going top 2 as well. Bottom line is that BK and the Hawks will live or die with that pick. Going back to the 2005 off-season the Hawks had two primary needs - starting caliber center and starting caliber point guard. Fast forward to 2007 and the Hawks still have those same needs despite having two high lottery picks in the interim and a coveted trade asset in Al Harrington. I want Marvin to succeed but for now he is the poster boy for Billy Knight's failures as a GM. I know, it is not fair to Marvin, and I hate to say "I told you so", but this is what you get you have a team that has won about 50 games in two and a half years.
  17. I don't think a meaningful trade will happen before the deadline. If they wand they might be able to trade Lue to a contender if he is healthy, but that is a minor deal.
  18. Quote: this board makes of laugh every day. if some of you aren't firing the coach or the gm, you're trading off one of our top 7 players. fact is we need every one of these guys right now. this board constanty traded chill and smoove last year. now its marvin. don't you guys get it yet? young players are inconsistent. they need time to find their game. i agree that marvin should be benched, but trade him? lol. this kid will eventually turn the corner, just like chill and smoove did. This is where you are wrong. The Hawks right now are trying to develop all three and will trade one away in the next year and a half so as to fill at least one of the glaring holes at center and point guard. Every that has a surplusage at one position and nothing at another does this eventually - if it wants to be competitive.
  19. Quote: not sure about TLue. he played 1 game and hasn't been able to go for a week now. it's simply amazing we've won the last 2 games without a PG. Chillz bringing the ball up is kind of crazy. if a team has any sense they're going to press the Hawks. however, when is the last time an NBA team played a fullcourt press? Kind of shows you how bad the Hawks point guard position is since the absence of the top two guys does not appear to make an appreciable difference.
  20. Quote: Summer leagues don't prove anything, and that's why I'm not claiming it does. He could be a total bust. But when you say he hasn't shown any potential, you're lying to yourself. And summer leagues do count in terms of showing potential. Especially when you dominate like that. He had moves, he had fire, he had drive, he had determination, he was taking contact well, finishing well. So like I said, he hasn't done it in the big leagues yet, but he has definitely shown potential. The question is whether he'll fulfill that potential in the long run or not. Dion Glover dominated in the summer league too . . . so yeah, it doesn't mean much. Despite the many negative things I say about Marvin, I do think he will mature into becoming a very solid NBA forward - maybe a cross between Rashard Lewis and Reggie Lewis (obviously before he died). Both good player to be sure, but both not exactly the type of guy you build a really good playoff team around. The reason why Marvin gets so much criticims, at least in my opinion, is because the Hawks drafted him on his potential be be a franchise cornerstone. If he is not going to be that, then it doesn't make a lot of sense to draft him given the existence of 3 first round small forwards already on the roster and the teams glaring hole at the point guard position (and two of the best prospects of the last decade available). 100 games into his career Marvin has not yet convinced me that he will be better then either Smoove or Childress. Hopefully that changes. I will also go on record as saying that in about a year the Hawks will need to make a decision about their glut at small forward and make a trade to fill the holes at center and point guard if they truly want to compete for a title. You have to deal from your strength, so while it would be a nice fairy tale ending for all three to contribute to a championship it does not always workout that way.
  21. Great game by Chill so far.
  22. Quote: Getting Dale Davis from Detroit for peanuts (don't even need to trade them a player) and letting Dale teach the young guys a thing or two about playing in the NBA. flava Isn't that what they brought Lo Wright in to do?
  23. You can't stop Allen Ray, you can only hope to contain him.
  24. There is no way Smoove's agent will let him sign a deal this off-season. He is going to wait, because if Smoove improves even a fraction he is going to get a near max deal from someone.
  25. Let's not downplay Marvin's impact on the team, afterall, he is the third best small forward on the team!
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