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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Loosing Woody would easily be the least of the Hawks concerns at that point. He is easily replaceable.
  2. Those stats and accolades mean less considering the other players in the article who are mentioned as doing well (Parker and Antsey) were NBA failures. Hopefully, Anderson will be different.
  3. If Bernie actually said that it is nonsensical. Why in the world would they draft another forward if they intend to resign Al? This team needs a total ownership, front office and coaching makeover. Seems no one is communicating and no one knows what they are doing. Very frustrating because the team does have some talented young players on the roster now.
  4. It is not an oral contract, it is an agreement in principle on the terms so it is not binding.
  5. Quote: I don't see how a guy like Murphy who "doesn't fit" in GS because they want to play uptempo is going to fit any better here, particularly at his salary. As for Pietrus, when and where will he play? If JJ and Smoove start, Chillz and Marvin will likely get all the BU minutes at SF and Chillz and Salim will likely get all the backup minutes at SG. I just don't see where he fits. I completely agree. Murphy is a less talented offensive player then Al, an equally poor defender and only a marginally better rebounder - which is much less of a concern now that the Hawks have drafted Sheldon. That deal makes zero sense for the Hawks particularly in light of the large contract Murphy has and the existence of other power forward options already on the roster. If the Hawks really want a finesse 6'10" guy why not just bring over Anderson?
  6. Quote: I was reading about the overseas free agents on DraftExpress. They had a section about our former pick Scoonie Penn. Stated that he is one of the top pg's in Europe and was close to signing a deal with the Milwaukee Bucks for this season. So maybe Mo Williams will be traded after all. Sconnie is suppose to be a pretty good defender,which Mo Williams isn't. He would be pretty old for a rookie at age 29. They are not going to trade Mo Williams - they just traded TJ Ford to make Williams the starter. If anything Penn would be brought in to take over the back-up point guard position.
  7. Quote: yay for speedy slipping in under the wire boo for belkin being possibly worse than sterling why isn't the ruling that they can't sign anyone for more than one year UNLESS belkin agrees? that way if we wanna trade for a large one-year expiring + a long-term low-salary potential player, we could do it if belkin likes that potential player I am wondering the same thing. What a mess. I realize Belkin is the villain here but how dumb are the other spirit owners to let it come to this? At this point I would MUCH, MUCH rather an entirely new owner enter the picture and buy all these morons out. The Hawks need the proverbial "white knight."
  8. The Hawks are not likely to get a player with trade value in a deal for Harrington. There just is not enough demand.
  9. Didn't the Hawks just draft a power forward?
  10. I don't think Al makes any sense for the Sonics as long as Lewis is still on their roster - why have two tweener forwards when they could sign a real power forward in Wilcox for less?
  11. Quote: Quote: Yeah but those picks are like from 10 different drafts. I don't think anyone would disagree that you can find a superstar after 15 but it is finding the proverbial needle in the haystack. Finding useful players 15+ in the draft isn't that rare - although superstars are not common anywhere after the first couple picks in the draft. Here are useful players from a couple drafts with All-Stars every year and marked with *: 1998 - Harpring, Nesterovich, R. Lewis*, A. Harrington, R. Davis, N. Mohammed, R. Patterson, R. Alston, C. Mobley, T. Lue 1999 - R. Artest*, J. Posey, J. Foster, K. Thomas, A. Kirilenko*, J. Jones, M. Ginobili* 2000 - H. Turkoglu, D. Mason, Q. Richardson, J. Magloire*, S. Claxton, M. Peterson, P. Brezec, M. Jaric, M. Redd* 2001 - S. Hunter, Z. Randolph, B. Haywood, G. Wallace, S. Dalembert, J. Tinsley, T. Parker*, G. Arenas*, M. Okur, E. Watson These picks have real value if you do a good job with them like San Antonio. How much value is more up for debate but you can't toss these picks aside. By way of illustration, in the terrible 2000 draft the only All-Stars came after the lottery in Magloire and Redd. Now that is the way to quiet someone who posts based on less then perfect facts.
  12. Quote: i'd look at captain kirk hinrich.......Stargate log 6 dash 42 hut: I've signed................a long.......term contract......with........the Atlanta........Hawks. but i definitely want to get SOMETHING for Al. i'd be upset if we couldn't. i think something that is still out there and possibly doable buthaven't heard anything to the like, is Al Harrington for Magloire and Milwaukee 1st...that gives us expiring contract(for best free agent class ever) and draft pick(in one of best drafts in recent times).. I don't see the Bucks wanting Al now that they have Charlie V to play power forward.
  13. GS did that deal to get rid of Fischer's contract. None of the three guys they got will likely end up on their roster.
  14. It remains to be seen. Al was a good player for the Hawks. He has deficiencies but his scoring and positive attitude will be missed. I am expecting much bigger contributions this year from Smoove and Childress. Marvin is still a question mark but hopefully he will show us why he was the second pick in the draft.
  15. Quote: Chandler/Armstrong/Jackson West/Simmons Stojokovic/ Mason/Snyder Paul/Jackson With all that length and athleticism, a Chandler/Simmons combo up front could be a nightmare in a couple of years, particularly in transition. Few teams will have PFs and Centers who can run the floor like those two and if they are covered, Paul can kick it out to Peja for the 3. Their half court offense might not be much but Paul and Peja can both score in the half court. Add a SG who can shoot and look out. West is good in the half court game as well.
  16. Quote: Would you trade AL to Houston for Swift/Ryan Bowen? No way. Al is not the greatest player but Swift and Bowen are garbage.
  17. Quote: Quote: We need a player that can help this year. Murphy would certainly help. Murphy can help some teams, just not the Hawks IMO. He's not really a post-up threat, and was not exactly an efficient shooter last year. He's a great rebounder, but a poor shotblocker. He's an above average PF with a long-term, starter's contract. Per minute, I don't think he's that much an upgrade over Croshere to merit the additional four years, $40M+ in salary commitments. I guess it would depend on what Knight thinks of Murphy as a center, because that's where he would play. Agree completely. He is of no use to the Hawks. If the Hawks wanted a jump shooting power forward they should just sign Al. Murphy is a better rebounder but with Sheldon in town I do not see the big need for a rebounder. I would be pissed if the Hawks traded Al for Murphy even if it included some other young "maybe" player.
  18. I really think Claxton will be fine as a starting point as long as he is not asked to play much more then 30 minutes a night.
  19. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Don't give up on Josh's offensive game just yet. He's only 20, right? And he did show quite a bit of improvement over the 2nd half of last season... I agree. mj I am a believer in Josh as well. Me too. I like Smoove, Marvin, AND Chill. (Still trying to recover from the Shelden shock, but I'll get there.) I'm an optimist. I don't see any problem with the players we'll have. Shouldn't matter who's on the floor when the game starts, just who has the most points at the end. There are a lot of minutes in a game and if they play hard and run more, we'll need all of these guys. We have a lot of talent, let's see if they can do it. Now it's up to Woody. I think Smoove has shown alot more long term potential then Marvin.
  20. Not sure why Detroit would want Al. They have better forwards in Prince and Wallace.
  21. Quote: I know that Zeke has cried that he would not.. Would not move Frye.. But I wonder. Would he move Frye if it meant getting Al?? I think he would. I have the deal to propose... Al for Frye/Rose. Rose is probably the biggest mistake the Zeke has made as a GM. Here, get rid of Rose, get AL and it only costs... FRYE. For us, Frye is the uptempo C. He'd split time with Zaza very well. I'm sure that Zeke could work out a Kenyon for Francis trade. Then Zeke would have the team: Marbury, Crawford, AL, Kenyon, Curry... No.
  22. I disagree about the Hawks being in the drivers seat. The Hawks may be able to get a decent young prospect through a sign and trade but they will also be getting back someone elses garbage - i.e., a long expensive contract. BK needs to be careful not to bind the Hawks salary structure in such away that he is unable to resign Smoove in two years. If Smoove keeps progressing the way he has someone will give him a max contract. The Hawks need to plan for that eventuality. A guy like Chandler is great in theory but the reality is his contract could cripple the team in two years.
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