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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. This is what ESPN is reporting:

    Suns deal Rondo, Grant to C's for future pick

    The Celtics acquired Kentucky guard Rajon Rondo, the No. 21 pick overall, and veteran forward Brian Grant from the Phoenix Suns. In return, the Suns will acquire a future first round pick the Celtics acquired from the Cavaliers in exchange for swingman Jiri Welsch.

  2. Quote:


    ...On a sidenote am I the only one who thinks Phoenix wasted the pick they got from us?

    Sure seems like it to me Blunt. I think they were hoping for a project like Sene (did he go high or what?)...but once they didn't see anything out there they just decided to stand pat.

    I thought they got a 2007 first rounder from the Celtics for Rondo?

  3. Quote:

    pg - ?

    sg - joe johnson

    sf - Josh Smith

    Pf - Shelden Williams

    C - Zaza


    Marvin Williams

    Josh Childress

    Salim Stoudamire


    Solomon Jones

    I hope we trade Childress or Harrington for a pg.

    If BK can trade Harrington, Childress or Marvin (or some combination of Harrington and one of Childress/Marvin/Salim) for a good starting point guard I think that will go a long way towards putting a winning team on the floor.

    For the record, I do not think Francis, Marbury or Iverson are good fits. The Hawks need someone relatively young but with some experience. Not sure who that guy is though.

  4. Quote:

    Shelden brings something new to the table: low post strength and defense and defensive rebounding

    Let's stop worrying about who will start and who won't start

    The fact is that all of the players we've gotten in the past few years have great potential and all bring DIFFERENT SKILL SETS to the team and all can get THIRTY+ mins per game if they deserve it

    shelden is very different from smoove who is very different from marvin who is very different from chill who is very different from jj who is very different from slim who is very different from zaza who is very different from batman

    we have LOTS of talent and potential and worse case, if the positional thing really is an issue, or the 'who gets to start' thing is really an issue, then we can make some trades...ALL of our young players are highly regarded and good trade bait...many teams draft busts in the first round that have no trade value; while u can argue that we should be selecting more with position in mind, u can't argue that our players are busts that have no value

    So calm down, enjoy the ride and let's see what this summer brings us

    If we bring in one of the vet pgs that woody mentioned: cassell, bjax, speedy, ?? then we should be much improved next year and be looking at 40+ wins barring injuries or chemistry issues

    One quirk about the Sheldon pick is the fact that BK has previously stated that he always drafts best player available - which explains the Marvin pick last year. Why did he make the switch to need this year?

  5. Quote:

    could go either way, depends on who had the better off season.

    Marvin is going to be the one to sit since he has not shown the ability Josh has.

    In light of the Sheldon pick I really think the Marvin pick last year over Paul set this franchise back a few years. Shame. Sheldon and Smoove can be a monster forward duo and Paul and JJ would have been a devestating backcout. Wouldn't have mattered much who played center, but a Zaza/Esteban/Soloman combo probably would have been enough.

  6. Quote:


    I'm I the only one here who thinks we need some interior defense and rebounding and strength?

    No, and we need to be more vocal. I'm tired of the whiners ruining this site.

    If you don't like this team, follow the Magic or Bobcats.

    I think Sheldon fills a need but I am dumbfounded as to the rationale for only drafting forwards. If BK had drafted Paul last year then the Sheldon pick would be a no brainer and would have the team on the fast track to the playoffs. Right now it seems that some of the other young teams have pieces that fit better together.

    Do we expect Sheldon to be the starting center - especially if we are also going to have an undersized power forward (Smith or Marvin, take your pick)?

  7. Quote:

    I agree that Foye is a baller. If it was 1 on 1, or 3 on 3 he is the man.

    What scares me about him is that he played in such a strange system at Villanova. The system is very care free and undisciplined when you compare it to other college philosophies.

    They alwayse played 4 guards in a wide open system. The style of play and transition to a more standard style could be real hard for him.

    I know his wide open game and one on one skills turns alot of you on. I appreciate his talent too. However, I am just a little worried when it comes to the transition time of him fitting in on an NBA offense. He reminds me of Stroudamire to degree with his shoot 1st mentality. Granted he is a better athelete, bigger, and better defensively the Stroudamire it is the mind set that is similarto me.

    I can see him jacking up ill advised shots. This will cause guys like J. Smith to get selfish too. I just don't want a shoot 1st mentality to rub off onthe team that showed so much unselfishness and tema chemistry toward the end of the season. The whole point of starting Ivey was that he was not selfish and would distribute the ball. I don't see Foye being that kind of player.

    What I like about him the most is his bull like defensive stopper attitude. He is what we need to guard PG's. But don't we need inside muscle more ?

    So it is simple. Do you think we need more perimeter scoring and defense or...... more inside defense and rebounding ?

    Since Coach Woodson doesn't seem to have an offensive plan other then to tell JJ or Al to shoot, Foye's experience with a wide open system is a plus for the hawks.

  8. I am no expert, but given Jaywalker's report and the ownership mess it seems unlikely that the Hawks will be active in the free agent market. It also seems highly plausible that the team will not resign Al and will not be in position to trade him. If that is the case, then the Hawks will again be a very, very young team so expecting them to win might be too optimistic.

    That said, if we know we are going to be a young team, and we know we won't be able to fill out the roster in free agency, and there is a strong chance the Hawks will not have a first round pick next year, I think a trade down makes sense.

    If the Hawks stayed at 5, I think Sheldon or Foye make the most sense because both likely will be able to contribute early and both fill a need (Sheldon = interior defense; Foye = dribble penetration in the half court game and defense on the perimeter) - though they do not fill those needs perfectly (i.e., Sheldon is really a forward and compounds the forward glut problem and Foye is not really a point guard or someone who can lead the fastbreak).

    If possible, a trade down may make sense (perhaps with NO) to get two picks in the 10-17 range. If such a deal was made the Hawks could take a bigman (whomever was left between Simmons/O'Bryant/Sene) and a point guard (Rondo/Lowry/Farmar). Such a deal allows the Hawks to fill in the roster. It would not provide immediate help but would mitigate the inactivity in free agency and the lack of a pick next year. The team would suck in the short term but would at least have a chance of being balanced and non-positionally challenged in two years.

    Part of me thinks the top of this years draft is just not that special and that the real value in the draft is in the 10-20 range. A guy like Farmar has as much chance to make it drafted at 20 as a guy like Marcus Williams at 9.

  9. Quote:

    acquiring Roy would probably make Chillz expendable in a trade (I'll talk more about that later).

    Acquiring a shoot first PG could possibly hurt JJ because you would risk taking the ball out of his hands too often. If he is paired with Roy however and he gives it up, he is likely to get it back. I don't know where you get the idea that Roy is not a good passer - he is a TERRIFIC passer and ball handler which is why some people think he can play some PG in the NBA. He averaged over 4 apg last year from the SG position. Another thing I like about Roy is his underrated athleticism. He has the quickness and the vertical leap to at least challenge guys like D Wade and Gilber Arenas - the premier guards in our division. No one on our current roster has the tools to stay with either guy.

    As for the possibility of trading Chillz - I love Chillz but I was thinking of a deal that makes sense for both teams last night. How about sign and trading Al along with Chillz to Milwaukee for Magloire and TJ Ford (Magloire/Ford for Harrington/Childress)? I have read a ton of reports that say the Bucks want to trade Magloire and they would trade Ford but they want a PF and a defense-minded swingman in return. If a deal could be made, we would line up:






    I think that is an interesting/versatile lineup. We could go big in the frontcourt with Magloire and Zaza up front. We could also go with Ford at PG, Roy at SG and JJ at SF.

    Even with all that, we'd still have the cap room to sign another good player. I'd shoot for a solid PF like Nene, Gooden, Wilcox or even Lo Wright.

    That said, if we made the Roy for Shelden/Head deal, a lineup of:






    would be VERY strong too.

    For Milwaukee, Bogut moves to Center and they line up:






    That is a solid, tough team with a nice mix of veterans and youth.

    I would strongly consider that deal. It would give the Hawks alot of flexibility in terms of the different looks they could show teams. I don't really think the Bucks would do it though.

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