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Posts posted by Packfill

  1. Quote:

    When you have the 5th pick in the draft, you have to shoot for someone that you believe is capable of putting up those kinds of numbers. You don't settle for a guy who was a productive college player but is lacking in many things that will keep him from ever being a great player at the pro level.

    Was that BK's perspective when he drafted Josh Childress with the 6th pick?

  2. Quote:

    Funny. That athleticism was never shown when he was facing longer, more athletic players like Collis Temple III and Winsome Frazier. Go check out his stat line in the LSU game, and pretty much every game where he has faced a long, athletic defender.

    These are the same excuses you used for Paul last year.

  3. Quote:

    He didn't get any better as the season went along, did he?

    Raymond Felton did.

    Please do not tell me you are as big an idiot as that statement makes you seem. Felton played on a team which was ravaged by injuries, so he got more playing time and yes his numbers improved. Paul played all year at a very high level and helped his team win a lot more games then anyone could have predicted.

  4. That is why, in my view, getting someone with that type of production with the 5th pick is a good thing.

    Really, I just love playing devil's advocate when someone (usually KB, Diesel, Hotlanta or Walter) take some extreme all or nothing view.

  5. Quote:

    I also wouldn't use his college stats in an attempt to prove that he's worth the 5th pick. This is a player that I seriously doubt will average more than 15 points and 10 rebounds a game in his NBA career. I simply do not see the upside. I don't want a guy who just gets me 15 and 10 with the 5th pick in the draft. I'd rather take a chance that Patrick O'Bryant will give me 20 and 10 at some point than to take a guy I know will never be able to do that.

    This is crazy. How many guys in the league can average 15/10? If someone offered me a player that could average that for his career right now in exchange for the 5th pick it would be a no-brainer deal, especially if that guy is a good low post defender.

    How many guys picked 5th or higher have never even sniffed those numbers for their career?

  6. Quote:


    ...and who went higher? Okafor or Howard?

    Dude seriously are you high right now?

    First you say Shelden didn't improve at all when he obviously did. An improvement of 3.3 ppg and 8% from the line is statistically significant. A decrease of .004 in his fg percentage isn't.

    Then you try to change the argument and say that Shelden should be averaging 23/13, which nobody has done in recent memory in any major conference.

    FYI there is no Dwight Howard in this year's draft.

    Not to mention we are talking about the 5th pick, not the first. Totally different scenario. If Childress is good enough for the 6th pick it is hard to make an argument that Williams is not good enough for the 5th pick.

    I am still not sure who the Hawks should pick, but if they go big at 5 then Williams, O'Bryant and whomever is left between Thomas and Aldridge is definitely in the conversation. If the Hawks go guard, then Roy and Foye are in the conversation, with Williams and Rondoon the outside.

  7. Lots of people have greats games every now and then. Few dominate consistently. Tony Delk scored 50 points in a game once, doesn't mean he is as good as Kobe. If Simmons is that big and athletic why did he not consistently dominate in college? In the pros his athletic advantage will be much smaller, or non-existent.

    Again, he is an interesting talent, with alot of upside, but he is far from a sure thing.

  8. Quote:

    Upside is not mythical. It is very real.

    At best, Shelden Williams will be an Antonio Davis type of player in the NBA, and you don't take an Antonio Davis with the 5th pick of the draft.

    BK took Childress with the 6th pick in an argueably better draft, and he has athletic limitations and was not as good a college player as Williams. Alot will depend on what Sheldon measures out at - if he is 6'7" that is a problem but if he is a legit 6'9" then he definitely belongs in the discussion of who the Hawks should pick at 5.

    Plus, an Antonio Davis in his prime is pretty much exactly what this team needs.

  9. Quote:

    Cedric Simmons doesn't seem like the type of guy who has a real feel for the game despite being a bit of a physical freak, and O'Bryant has better size but is also rumored to be less than a hard worker. Both guys have more physical upside than Sheldon, but upside isn't everything.

    Plus, I don't think Sheldon NEEDS to get any bigger. He's already a strong, thick, long-armed 6'9 with great timing. He works hard, rebounds, block shots...what's not to like other than that you don't think he has that magical "upside?"

    Well said.

    I do think Sheldon might be a reach at 5, but to completely dismiss him as an NBA player is comical.

    It is almost as if production at the college level is unimportant these days as long as you are athletic and have some mythical "upside."

  10. Again, it is amazing how down people are on the top college players. Both Redick and Morrison dominated in college. You cannot over look that.

    To me Redick is a Jeff Hornacek type player. In other words, a really good player that can help any team.

    Morrison defies labels, the dude just wants it more then anyone. If someone like Aldridge or O'Bryant had Morrison's determination they would be all-world prospects.

  11. Quote:

    I'm sorry to disagree EDS, but I don't think he's what the Hawks need at all. We already have 6'8" and 6'9" players with good upside at SF and an occasional spell at PF...but the biggest bang for our buck is not Shelden, it's a PG or a big. PERIOD. I understand he does grunt work, etc..etc, but I'm just not wanting the guy in a Hawks Uniform.

    Look at what he does though. The Hawks need a good rebounder, a good low post defender and a good shot blocker. Check, check and check for Sheldon Williams. Dude is thick too, which is the opposite of the typical welterweight forwards the Hawks have.

    Remember height is not everything. Ben Wallace is 6'9" but is exactly the type of player the Hawks need. Alonzo Mourning was maybe 6'10", same with Hakeem. Similarlly Moses Malone, Bill Russell were maybe 6'10", Wes Unseld was even shorter.

  12. Everyone is pretty quick to judge sheldon around here. The really interesting thing is that based on his college production he is EXACTLY the type of player the Hawks need.

    Whether he can translate that to the pros game is up to the professionals to decide. My biggest concern is his size vis-a-vis the larger NBA players he will be playing against. That said, people dismiss him because of his limited "upside" when all of the guys that have so much "potential" are really just guys that we all hope can produce the way Sheldon already has.

  13. Quote:

    agreed. But there is not perfect guy out there. If we're taking a big, he's going to be flawed in some way. Either he's going to be smaller than we'd like, not as defensively oriented as we'd like, or there will be questions with desire.

    But as we know there were the same questions about J Smith.

    The question is what would you rather gamble on.

    Personally, I'd rather gamble on O'Bryant developing the right attitude rather than gamble on Shelden Williams growing 2-3 inches.

    At 5, if the Hawks are going big, then I agree gamble on potential since all of the bigs in the draft have some flaw and all are projects. O'Bryant definitely fits the mold of what the Hawks need better then any player in the draft, but he is a huge risk, with big time bust potential.

    The real question is whether the Hawks go with more of a sure thing by taking a guard - I am thinking either Roy or Foye. Both seem talented enough to warrant such a high pick and while neither is a likely superstar, they certaintly have a high probability of being good players.

    Again, I am totally torn over which way to go. BK needs to figure out whether these big men projects are stiffs or studs.

  14. My biggest concern with O'Bryant is whether reports that he does not have a good "motor" are true. Athleticism only gets you so far, after that you need to have desire and aggression.

    What the Hawks really need is a young Alonzo Mourning - a hard nosed intimidator. Of course, every team could use one of those guys.

  15. Quote:


    Delayed until 6/6/6. How UNSURPRISING.

    My first thought also.

    Not a good sign.

    I am pretty confident the judge will rule in favor of the non-Belkin contingent but this is the type foreshadowing that makes things a little unsettling.

  16. Quote:


    NJ is a good fit for AL but what will they give.


    Orlando is probably the best fit for Al but what will they give?


    Houston is a fairly good fit for AL but what can they give?

    N.O. ?

    N.O. is a good fit too, but they have nothing to give.


    Orlando is a terrible fit. They need a shooting guard, not another forward.

    Houston already has two dissappointing power forwards.

    New Orleans has David West.

    LAL has Odom, at least for now.

    Again, if the plan all along was to resign Al long-term why draft Marvin?

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