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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. Time for the Spurs to have another injury tank season and grab another top pick for the next 20 years. That's sad.
  2. Ok, that made me chuckle. To the comparison - I'd he prefer he just be Trae until he has a full NBA season under his belt.
  3. Not the world but I think you two can handle each others sausages.
  4. I hate giving 'a review' from boxscores only but....it's preseason: 26 TOs, 18 assists. We seem to be trending in the opposite direction these past 2 games. More TOs than assists. 4/18 for 16 measly points in the 3rd quarter meaning we couldn't make a basket. Conversely, OKC scored 35 points meaning we couldn't stop a basket. Can't score and can't defend = big loss. 10 missed freethrows, they're free for a reason - take them. 12/18, 20/32, 22/32 = 54/82 in 3 games. That's 65.8 % ladies and gentlemen. Pre-season or not, That is UNACCEPTABLE!!!
  5. Spellman has 10 points at the half, he ended the game with the same 10 points. Why? (I didn't see the game.)
  6. I think.the two of you need to meet up in the Cul and do your nekkid celebrations together.
  7. That was not a choke a go ahead run by Freeman and the closer coming up big. Choking to me is when you are the prohibitive favorite to actually win then wet the bed.
  8. Did anyone notice they gave the 2 points to the Grizz on that dunk. . They felt so bad for the rook they gave him 2 points.
  9. Yuta Watanabe....rookie....what a way to start his NBA career.
  10. They don't forget. There is an adjusment. 1. The NBA 3 point distance is longer. 2. In college most these guys are better than their counter parts, in the NBA they're facing tougher competition plus game speed. 3. Defenders are quicker, bigger stronger -
  11. Charles Barkley still had muscular definition as a rookie, Omari's arms are as smooth as a baby's bottom.
  12. Baby fat. He needs lots of conditioning work. The injury he had probably didn't help. He needs to hire a nutritionist and fast.
  13. Dorsey is a work in progress in the passing department, but I love his shooting, defense and especially his rebounding as a SG.
  14. 24 Turnovers, 22 assists, 65 combined fouls...ugly sloppy game. Dorsey played really well. 6 rebounds - impressive. Spellman is a ball of energy. Bembry with 5TOs - no goody. Len needs to be stronger with the ball in the paint, gets This pass by Trae to Plumlee, he welcomed that guy to the NBA......but the Griz bench reaction, priceless.
  15. 48 fouls in 33 minutes. Uuuugh preseason refs. 13 assists.
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