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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. Fan sites like this one mostly. Sounds like my Melo trade from a few weeks ago. Melo plus asset for Baze and Moose. Hawks buy out Melo, OKC gets two players that actially fill a need and saves a little luxury tax for OKC.
  2. Agreed with all of this and funny how it's all GM Bud but not the actual GM Wilcox. People forget the Horford and Teague for Dwight Howard rumors from Houston or Horford for Kelly Olynyk and Boston's #27 pick rumors. P.....ew. Wasn't there also some issue with whoever cap expert they actuslly sent to negotiate with Horford did a bad job (IIRC Ressler said something of thr sort). Regarding Millsap, anyone remember this from Ressler: “I make the final decision,” he said.“If you think Bud makes a final decision on everything that we do, you don’t understand the way the Atlanta Hawks are run. … The president of basketball operations is what I say it is, not what you say it is. (Budenholzer) has the loudest voice, not the final word. There’s a dramatic difference.” Just saying!!!
  3. I'm outta Like! Awesome Saucesome! Love this especially
  4. Ooohhh.....I like it. Ever so often, you pull something out of thin air.
  5. Only in your mind.... Luke Walton, 2 years Quinn Snyder - 3 years as NBA assistant Jason Kidd, Doc River - straight from the court to head coach.
  6. I get the sentiment, but Kawhi is a 'win now' player. With Schlenk still trying to move Dennis and Baze how do you sell him on this being a winning situation to convince him to stay?
  7. I proposed a similar trade but with Bazemore (i think they need him more than Dennis with Roberson coming off injury) and 2022 1st coming back. OKC can save luxury tax payment by buying out then stretch his salary over 3 years. That'll save them $100 mil in LT.
  8. That was my initial thought. But then paranoia set it cuz you know...Schlenk and trades.
  9. When this says 'Atlanta looking to add asset' . Are we looking to add an asset to our treasure chest or are we adding the asset to move Dennis????
  10. And Love, and Westbrook and Paul G.
  11. Keep telling yourself that.
  12. Exactly, DeRozan #9 pick, Poetl #9 pick.
  13. I think both sides 'win'. Toronto gets out of DD's deal, they had to do something after blowing chunks in the playoffs. They didn't give up too much assets Poeltl and 2019 1st. SAS gets value for a very disgruntled Leonard. Still remains in playoffs. They won 47 games last year with Loeonard playing in 7. It'll be interesting to see if Chip Engelland can do anything with DD's 3 point shooting and if Pop can get him to play defense.
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