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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. Unfortunately it's too soon to tell since Dennis and Baze are still being shopped in trades. It depends on the return we get - is it for assets or just salary dumps? That will tell the tale.
  2. It is, they didn't give up the farm either. DeRozan, Poetl and 2019 1st top 20 protected.
  3. It's early, but POTD.
  4. Mmmmmm.....tell me more.
  5. I admire your patience cuz the goal post is about to do the electtical slide.
  6. 1. Dennis 6. Moose 7. Prince 9. Trae - he's a snowflake, lolol...i kid i kid. 8. I thought Bembry cause of the hair but thats a Beefeater, lol. That's all I got.
  7. Last year was the first time in years I missed opening night. I'll be back this year. I hope it's a weekend game.
  8. Baze and Dedmon are about the same age as Lin. What exactly has Lin done to be a 'winner' 3 out of 4 of his last teams 21-61. 20-62, 28-54.
  9. You're just starting.....
  10. Another Big for Sac? Kings gonna Kings. Memphis will be trying hard to make the playoffs. Their pick goes to Boston, so anything that lowers the pick to Boston, I'm happy with.
  11. This will be interesting....Pop is the coach . I guess its a showcase to indicate he's healthy?
  12. I applaud their effort in trying to go after the big fish.
  13. Made a play for Daryl Morey as GM and failed. Trying to poach RC Buford from SAS.
  14. Convicted? He hasnt been yet charged with a felony. The current charge is a misdemeanor. How long do you think that court case will take? The Morris Twins were arrested Jan 2015, charged with assault in April 2015, Found not guilty in October 2017. Almost 2 years. Dennis' case is 10 months old. Yep, the latest blurb was that he has met with the victim twice to resolve the case. Buds DUI took 3 years to be resolved. Dennis could probably play out his contract before the gets resolved with the slow as molasses justice system.
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