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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. My guess would be because a doctor and accountant are 'professionals' so there is a perceived respect that comes with it.
  2. I agree, his effort on defense was non-existent. The 3 point shot is hit or miss. But Dennis was given the green light with a bunch of rag tag teammates, what we've realized is he can't be the best player. Too much of the offense fell to him to initiate and score. There was no other capable ball handler to alleviate some if that burden.
  3. I was referencing the post and links from campster. Shams report doesn't give any indication of Dennis' value.
  4. No offense, but StephenHawking said 'credible sources'. I have no idea who these are.
  5. Training camp is 6 weeks away (or something like that) but here we go:
  6. I get that the Hawks are looking for value and they should. Unfortunately, Dennis' defense and 3 pt shot tanked his value on the court (some of that having to do with the make up of the roster). He also tanked his value with his pending assault charges. This..."Schröder will make $15.5 million next season and no team wants to use $29 million of cap space on point guards, especially not the rebuilding Hawks. " So because of this, the entire article is fake news? Look around the League, most teams are set at PG so a team trading for him that already has a highly paid PG will not want a backup for $15.5 mil. Orlando and Phoenix being the exception. That would annoy me. Al gone - nothing, Milsap gone - nothing, add Dennis - nothing? That's just crazy.
  7. Not 20 years old. A few years ago, the NFL did that, I can't remember the name of the woman. There was a big bruhaha - they brought back Michelle Tafoya - she's good.
  8. POTD... You win the internet for today Millenials. I'm not one.
  9. I do agree that they do tend to slant more negative, but please post your lonks on what the general consensus is regarding Dennis' value around the league.
  10. If you say so, but you can't keep burying your head in the sand. Which part is fake? This.... Or just the part about them trying to trade him?
  11. Because teams that have expectations at the start of the season, their priorities change as the season progresses based on results. They look at where their teams stand at the trade deadline and make a determination on the direction.
  12. There ate still rumblings that the Hawks would like to move them just haven't found the right deal. Kawhi wants out he's still in SAS. Between now and training camp, teams are still wheeling and dealing. Signed draft picks can be traded in 30 from signing. Injuries in training camp can change a teams perspective.
  13. I don't know that we won't 'rearrange' the roster mid season at the trade deadline, heck I don't know that it won't be rearranged before the season starts. What I do know is that Dennis and Bazemore have both been on the trade block since last years deadline. So I cannot say with any certainty that they'll be here to start or end this upcoming season.
  14. How many games did our top 7 of Dennis, Baze, Prince, Collins, Dedmon, Ilya, and Beli. play together last year consistently BEFORE the trade deadline? The first 41 games: Ersan started the season with an injury then missed about 12 games, so the 1st 20 games or so Illy wasn't effective or missing. Two games after he got back Dedmon was out for 19 games. Collins missed 6 consecutive games in the same span as Dedmon being out. Muscala missed 27 games the first part of the season - missed games overlapped with Illy and Dedmon and Collins as well. So the first half of the season was BRUTAL for our bigs up front. So bad that @Peoriabirdfave Tyler Cavanaugh got called up from the GL.. Plumlee was seeing tons of minute as well as Luke Babbit. That's hard to overcome. Fans remember the results but not always the full circumstances.
  15. Good stuff. I know NBA players have always said paying in International competition is an adjustment to the ball.
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