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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. Collins - 1st in points Dorsey - 5th in rebounds (this is really impressive) Trae - 5th in assists (how many more could he have from Landlock alone)
  2. I'm excited. I'm ready for opening night.
  3. This is what I posted in another thread.... If the roster as it currently stands is the same when the season ends with everyone playing throughout the season, I don't think we'd have a top 5 worse record. If Prince continues where he left off last season with more improvements, John Collins SL improvement translates, Ded doing Ded things, Baze retains his consistency from this past year, Dennis gets his head out of his arse on defense (the 3 ball will be hit or miss) - it's not a bad starting unit. The bench and coaching will be the unknown - new first time head coach and a bench of young players.
  4. Ee...hem...as a female, can I weigh in. Chick is weird word. Guys and gals typical use it when they are talking about someone not present not directly to that person. Like 'some chick ', 'that chick' , the chick from across the way, etc. I agree with your post about sideline 'eye candy' that don't know squat about the game. The good ones have put the work in and deserve your kudoos. I don't mind sweetie and darling.
  5. If the roster as it currently stands is the same when the season ends with everyone playing throughout the season, I don't think we'd have a top 5 worse record. If Prince continues where he left off last season, John Collins SL improvement translates, Ded doing Ded things, Baze retains his consistency from this past year, Dennis gets his head out of his arse on defense (the 3 ball will be hit or miss) - it's not a bad starting unit. The bench and coaching will be the unknown - new first time head coach and a bench of young players.
  6. Add to that, you can't trade for these Superstars unless their teams have something you want - young players with potential and high draft capital. Where do you get them - in the draft. self scout.
  7. Oh by the way, Bud was arrested in 2013, found not guilty in 2016 - that was a quick 3 years. Mike Scott was arrested in August 2015, charges were dropped in May 2017 - almost a quick 2 years. Dennis' case is 10 months old.
  8. And you should actually read and understand what I'm referencing.....I said after each Dennis screw up and punishment he still played hard, no sulking
  9. What games were we supposed to be winning this season.........hahahahaha. Not going down your rabbit hole bruh.
  10. None that I've heard. But i keep seeing repeated over and over. Repeat something often enough and it becomes a reality without actual facts. Dennis has had his share of run ins - visa issue and getting back late from allstar break, benchings during games etc. But he's alwaysxaccepted his punishment and played his heart out.
  11. This is wrong. He is currently charged with a misdemeanor. He has not been charged with a felony - there has been a recommendation to the DA that he be charged with a felony, that has not happened (yet). DA still said to be investigating. Repeat something often enough and it becomes true.
  12. Have you seen the video? I've searched hell and high water for it. Nothing! All I've read is 'police report says........'. I think I'll wait for the actual footage. We all saw what happened in the Thabo case when 'police say' vs what's actually on tape. Just saying.
  13. Plumlee, Dorsey, Bembry currently have a 'legal' issue as well.
  14. Anadolu Efes is going all in for a big move for next season and has offered a $2.2M, one-year deal to Malcolm Delaney,according to Eurohoops sources. Delaney, 29, who spent the previous two seasons with the Atlanta Hawks, also expects a big offer from China while he is still exploring his NBA options.
  15. https://twitter.com/CVivlamoreAJC/status/1018570607737352193
  16. That's why I'm saying that Collins as a 20 year old in limited minutes off the bench has already surpassed Faried at his best considering he was in his 4th year or so. Anyway, I don't want to hijack Peo's thread further with this debate.
  17. Oh, the fan base isn't fractured........Just different views on treadmilling, the draft, the players, team direction, management, ownership etc......if we all thought the same and agreed....it would be boring like hearing the same thing over and over.
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