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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. IIRC I think you can trade up to 5 years out.
  2. Exactly, see my post below. Post above.
  3. They can't trade their 2019 or 2021 1st since they owe their 2020 1st to Orlando (consecutive year pick rule). They only have 2 young players in Abrines and Ferguson that woukd be of interest. They might not be the ideal trade partner, but if we can dump Plumlee's $12 mil next year from our cap I'd be willing to postpone that 1st and take a top 3 protected 2022 1st plus Ferguson. (Westbrook will be 33 and PG will be 32 might be long gone by then).
  4. Wow, I thought Parker would be a life time Spur.
  5. Lol. I wouldn't do that to you.
  6. Get an asset from OKC. Get out of having to pay Plumlee $12.4 mil next offseason.
  7. OKC is getting rid of Melo: Melo plus appropriate asset(s) for Miles Plumlee. OKC can buy out and stretch Plumlee for $4.96 mil. cap hit plus whatever LT savings, (a Melo stretch is $9 mil)Hawks buy out Melo. Hawks free themselves of Plumlee's $12 mil next season. This move still leaves us with ~$10 mil in capspace right now.
  8. This will be me watching you Winnie the Pooh styling . Go on, I dare ya.
  9. He's a plug n play kinda player. I dig it.
  10. You mean, we've been in the movie, it always end the same way.
  11. He can be a spot shooter off the bench in a pinch. Regular rotation? Unclear.
  12. Agreed. Find other ways to impact the game. He's done some of that in spurts in running the team in lieu of shooting. He just can't hang his head when shots don't fall.
  13. It really shouldn't be defended but.........you'll hear it's SL...and look at everybody else. I don't care about anybody else. This has to work for the Hawks and I'm praying it does but so far...I'm uncomfortable. I'm hoping for a better showing in Vegas.
  14. Stats schmats - Trae has been underwhelming. At least the other guys gave you a decent glimpse of something before crashing back to earth. Yeah, I know...it's SL...but I'm still annoyed.
  15. 1st, he needs to stop shooting from 4 feet beyond the 3 pt line. And just slow down - stop rushing shots. He's pressing even more. Can he shoot from midrange?
  16. So you think he didn't want TO EXPLODE in summer league. C'mon man
  17. Yep, plus Dennis was wirey, athletic, long wignspan. He could get whereever he wanted on the floor. And he wasn't AFRAID. Trae looks, how the kids say...shook.
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