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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. You don't have baby fat....just, you know...fat.
  2. I get the 'trade Dennis' cries blah blah blah.....but I'm going to be really annoyed if like you say we trade him for peanuts. That's just not good asset management, with all his issues Dennis is still an asset, he's not a Noah style salary dump. I've seen nothing from Trae that tells me he should be staring in a regular season NBA game. That's an excuse, most of the rooks are 19. John Collins was 19 and had many a WOW moments last year. I don't need Trae to be trying to win ROY in summer league, I just need him to not underwhelm and he has been UNDERWHELMING.
  3. I know it's Summer League and it doesn't count but this is concerning - between Trae's play, Pierce's none coaching and Schlenk's roster construction - all I'm seeing is this on the floor Grizz, Jazz, Spurs all look like they are running some semblance of a system - we aren't. The one consistent play I've seen is the double screen action at the top of the key. Everything else is meh.
  4. I hope Bremby is cleared to plsy in Veaga SL, this roster
  5. Dallas is not responsible for the buyout, Doncic is. I don't know the details of his contract wether it has a set buyout amout or if it has to be negotiated. Dallas as a team can only contribute a small portion of the buyout, Doncic is responsible for the rest.
  6. Doncic isn't playing because he hasn't completed his buyout with Real Madrid, he needs a FIBA clearance letter, a physical then sign his rookie contract before he can even practice.
  7. Not impressed. I have no idea what kind of offense we are running if we're even running one.
  8. Pierce needs to remove the 4pt line at the practice facilty.
  9. And the beating of that dead horse does exactly what? Change the course of where we are? Nope. Repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....won't change squat and won't change anyone's mind.
  10. I concur. It's just white noise now.
  11. You're late to the party. Thread discussion here...
  12. ^This. I just want him to have more WOW moments in lieu of MEH moments like 19 year old John Collins did during last year's SL. That's not asking too much.
  13. Last Game of Utah Summer League vs Jazz, tonight, then on to Vegas...
  14. You agreed with AHF, so tell me - how do you get the lottery picks and young players with potential to Trade for the stars? Hawks haven't had that in a ahile, now we do. The question will now be - when and if we will be willing to do so and if we should.
  15. I think we'd also have to take Ajinca's expiring. They can't take back more than they are sending out. Hawks can though since we have capspace.
  16. I didn't say they all aren't, it's the shot selection by Trae that I hate. Long ass 3s early in the shot clock is just horrible, even if they were going in, is not sustainable - I'd rather he gets it out of his system now though.
  17. You're not doing it right.
  18. I get that feeling too. Just let the game come, this isn't college where you had to take EVERY bad shot. Start the game, like he did the 2nd half of the last game and he'll be better for it.
  19. Aaaah, yes another thread turned into 'To tank or not to tank'
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