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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. He said the same thing about being aggressive at the trade deadline. Love me some StevieK but he's a salesman and a very good one at that.
  2. To AHFs point context matters, teammates, coaches, age, position they play etc.
  3. Is there away to block a thread, like you can block a poster? . You guys aren't saying anything new and won't change each other's minds, but have at it....I got my popcorn ready.
  4. I'm not going down KB's rabbit hole ever.
  5. I'll always enjoy watching my Hawks - win, lose or draw.
  6. I'd still rather have the 1 in 5 chance to make this pick this year than another maxed out, capped out team and a 1st round exit which we've been since the last time we had the #3 pick.
  7. So i took a look at the last 10 years at the top 5 of each class - it's not pretty.
  8. If we get #3, and #4 and those picks don't pan out, Pierce is a scrub. I'm no draft savant, but this draft is really good. They said they same about the 2014 draft. I heard phrases like 'can't miss draft', it'll be like the LBJ draft, and so on and so on. Wiggins, Parker, Embiid, Gordon, Exum, Smart, Randle - those are your top 7. None except Embiid is the best player on their respective teams, and it took him 4 years to get on the court full time. The draft is not an exact science. How many players drafted in the top 5 in the last 10 years have turned out to be franchise changers or even the 2nd best players on their respective team . 1 definitely 2 maybe. But you expect the Hawks drafting at 3 and 4 to be the ones that gets the 2 of the top 5 right?
  9. Except Kawhi is already eyeing LAL or NYK. He has 1 year left on his deal. You not only need to have capspace or flexibility - you also need a player they'll want to stick around to play with. You can only attract those type of players if you have one like him on your roster already.
  10. No. Picking them isn't enough because if neither amount to a hill of beans...then what.
  11. By itself #4 has a ton of value. Memphis is devaluing #4 by attaching Parsons. That comes at a price.
  12. Was the Doc talking about the generous population or athletes in that 80%? He's gonna be taking hits, bumps, falls.
  13. I added us taking back McClemore in the other thread that saves them $12 mil.
  14. I redid in another thread just now..#19, #30, Bazemore and Cavs 2019 (it's top 10 protected - i think we can add add'tl protection to it.
  15. I'd send them Bazemore and #19, they need wing help to replace Parsons non production.
  16. Exactly. Plus they all have head coaching experience where as Pierce doesn't. All those teams have expectations of making the playoffs in 2018/19. The Hawks don't.
  17. Do you think Dorsey would have been a rotational player if Bembry hadn't gotten injured or if we had a 'winning' roster? Dorsey would have spent most of his time in the GL if circumstances were different.
  18. It it's one thing I've learned over the years is that when it comes to the draft the 'experts' are not always right in their assessments of a draft class.
  19. How often is that true though? That a guy just outside the lottery at #15 is there at #30?
  20. I don't know enough about these players personally, but just based on history, there is a variance in prospects 11-20 and 21-30 and that is more so based on what position you maybe trying to fill. There are players that may drop unexpectedly.
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