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Everything posted by JayBirdHawk

  1. Lol, no. He'll be marrying your favorite Warrior sister soon. He went undrafted in 2016. Signed to a couple 10 days this oast season.
  2. I think there will be competition between White, Lee, Cleveland and Morris at the Wings
  3. Has there been any talk of him being ready to make an NBA jump?
  4. I wonder if Eriksson will play in SL though. He's tearing it up in Europe right now. He may need a bball break.
  5. Can you not litter EVERY thread with your negative 'hot takes'. We get it, you don't like the direction, but this is what it is and where we are. @lethalweapon3 can you help a sista out? I'm trying to have 'alternate' discussions.
  6. Coach Pierce will be coaching in the Utah SL only. (His wife is expecting a baby during the Vegas SL time frame). We had 17 players on our 2017 SL team. Possible 2018 Roster:Taurean Prince - I listed him but I don't think he play so: 1. John Collins2. Deandre Bembry (he missed too much injury time)3. Tyler Dorsey4. Damion Lee (we were trying to sign him but deal fell through)5. Isaiah Taylor6. Tyler Cavanaugh (was released earlier but could be brought back)7. Josh Magette - will he be back or will he go play for DadBud (he still has a 2way GL contract)8. Antonius Cleveland9. Jaylen Morris10. Andrew White (2way GL contract)11. Alpha Kaba 12. #3 pick 13. #19 pick 14. #30 pick 15. #34 pick That leaves 2 more slots. Draft and Stashes: Isaia Cordinier (not healthy, he had knee surgery on both knees). He wanted to play with GL last season.Drafted 2015 - Dimitrios Agravanis - torn ACL in Dec.Drafted 2015 - Marcus Eriksson - he has been playing well recently.
  7. And I raise you 1 Brett Brown. I never thought he'd last in Philly, just got a 3 year extension.
  8. He started the year after Bud on the back bench. SL 2014 he was with the plethora of coaches that was there. There was a joke that the Hawks had more coaches that players that year. He moved to the front after Snyder and Kenny left.
  9. EVERY game you say, online and in print? You're not doing it right or not as closely as you think. He coached SL this past year. He's also in the rotation of assistants that does the interviews coming out the locker room at halftime.
  10. I find a switching defense as the main staple to be a lazy cop out. Leaves a player with no responsibility. Play Man defense with help. Be responsible for your own guy first and foremost.
  11. You still have not answered. Would it make a difference in what your popurted outcome 'not screw the tank' would be if he was on every teams radar and had a plethora of interviews but he was still hired?
  12. Again....So if he had several interviews but we hired him you'd be ok with it? Spoelstra - NBA Assistant coach from 2001 - 2008, 7 years, did not have an interview. Pierce - NBA Assistant coach from 2007-2018, 11 years, 1 interview.
  13. So it matters that he didn't have another interview? So if he had several interview but we hired him you'd be ok with it? That makes no sense. Kidd went straight from the bench to coach. Spoelstra just slid into Riley's spot.
  14. No they don't. Pat Riley, Danny Ainge, Bob Myers, RC Buford those guys make the picks. When owners interfere with picks ala Vivek Ranadive that creates a fuster cluck. Owners don't watch enough tape and scout players to be picking these guys.
  15. Owner making a pick? Lawt help us. Sigh. So owner and GM not on same page regarding to rebuild or not? Why hire him then? Cut short the rebuild? Now all we have is a weak ass foundation...wth. You either do the rebuild or not....don't half ass it.
  16. What did you say that made them smile? Specifics please.
  17. A team like the Kings, Suns, Magic can take Love. They are teams trying to be better or at least that's been the plan every year. They have a plethora of young guys they can send to Cavs.
  18. Hill's contract has a $1 mil guarantee in 2019, so he'll be a useful expiring. Same with JR Smith who's guarantee of $3.8 mil. They'll have to take back some smaller bad salary though.
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