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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Can't do it. Pressure got to him tonight. He's clearly pressing, can't trust him not to foul out in the 1st half unfortunately.
  2. And Printz, and Vintz and Rayford and ... but sorry, don't want to interrupt MavSquawk.
  3. Funny a lot of these posters were absent after the CLE game. Odd
  4. Welp ... that sucked. I hope you guys that love to root against Hawk players are happy right now.
  5. And baze gets bailed out on a herky, jerky outta control drive by a phantom foul called on Doncic.
  6. I hope they don't get stuck on the ol' BSPN standbys ... low attendance, bad sports city, blah, blah ...
  7. "Heh, you meant Der-ik No-Win-sti. You welcome." Who thought that was ever a good idea? Fire that man.
  8. That he has dreams about Rob Kardashian that leave his bed ... [ ]? Geez, burd. That's out of line. Why'd you lead me down that road. I blame you. The dude said they still like and want to keep him. Holy mixed messages, batman. Screams dysfunction on a level unseen since ... well, since Buttz was our POBO. Glad I'm not the only one. Great (deranged) minds think alike?
  9. @IheartVolt, I don't know who you are and I don't know what you're on but I'm ridin' with you like dis ...
  10. Dang, that sucks (for you). Heh, I think I offered to consult on the avatar selections on many of these ongoing bets so ... yeah, you should be worried. I got the impression that Lue is pushing back on the mandate though so we'll see what happens. There are too many vets on their team to got that route, imho.
  11. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    Hmm, I didn't realize {insert a certain poster's name} worked for ESPN. I've been censored so I can no longer fill in those blanks.
  12. Sad but true. Heard some stuff on NBARadio on the Cavs players being told, prior to our game, that management was mandating TLue had to start going young. Sorta explains why they basically looked out of sorts and appeared to give up in the 2nd half. Also, I coulda sworn the thread title said 'broads'.
  13. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    Again ... Or, more appropriately ...
  14. Hey whoaa, don't you dare do that. @nathan2331 is right but don't you ever let the facts get in the way of a great rant. League probably giggled when we asked for a little extra time to get the commodes installed. Adam Sliver (yes, Sliver) probably laughed thinking, "Shiiiii, we was gon put ya'll on the road for the first 2 weeks anyways, bro." Carry on, spud2 ...
  15. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    I'm sorry .... who?
  16. What the heck is that? Do I want to know?
  17. Heh, yeah. Lebron was like ... But, afterwards, was all like , "Nah, I didn't see nuthin."
  18. Yeah, I know it is. I'm really being 'message board guy' right now. In reality, someone spits in your face, it's go-time. And I mean 'go and don't stop til he's ded' time.
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