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Everything posted by kg01

  1. You're darn right the answer is 'yes'. Also, the game is in NYK so I have a feeling most of us can't make it either.
  2. ... uhm, does that happen often? Man, it feels good to have the season back.
  3. This. It's something I hope more of us recognize. Something else I hope folks start to recognize is that us having lottery picks doesn't necessarily mean we'll use those picks. Lotto picks are NBA currency, especially for a team like us who aren't likely to attract high level free agents. Acquiring them via trade is far more doable.
  4. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Eggsactly. Not only is he continuously spreading his nonsense, he's now infecting others. This is the freaking Walking Dead all of a sudden. They're not losing on purpose. They're not "injury-ing" guys. That's ridiculous and it's beneath us to think otherwise.
  5. @lethalweapon3, I'm holding my 'like' hostage in protest (since I'm outta likes anyways).
  6. It was totally your fault. That's what happens when a non-funny person like you tries to make a joke. Everybody takes it seriously. I'm the opposite. Whenever I say something, nobody takes it seriously .... wait, what?
  7. Maybe it's a situation where he feels betrayed by the medical staff during his injury/rehab? That said, considering Vince is the one that hurt him in the first place, maybe he'd rather not be here. Yikes. I was thinking a trade of some meager 'asset' once GS gets exasperated with the situation and chooses to just move on.
  8. McAdoo was never any good in the first place. Typical college guy playing at a big name school, getting calls, putting up numbers but not really being a good individual player. Tyler Handsblo syndrome. Seems McCaw is still MIA from GS. Literally MIA, not returning calls/txts from teammates and such. Weird situation .... that said, could we land him for cheap? Just another body to see if anything is there. I've never liked him as a player and I agree GS hasn't really drafted well outside the Curry/Thompson picks (yes, there's a notable omission from that). Still, what TF else are we gonna do with our roster spots?
  9. kg01


    Dunno. I'm thinking the incumbents have successfully kept me off the ballot anyway though. I probably shouldn'tve let it leak that my first act as mod will be to prema-bannnnn them, huh?
  10. You calling him a snake in the grass? Geez, spud2
  11. kg01


    Gotta give credit where it's due, this is some mighty fine mod'n, sir. This will be the norm under my tenure. #kg4Mod2018
  12. Well, honestly I was tryna start some mess with another poster. Didn't want to drag your good name into it. Ha
  13. kg01


    I felt the same as you but decided to recalibrate and try to forget the disdain I had for the college version of Young. Watching him play, it seems clear the poor play was more of a reflection of the OK coaching staff. So far, Young has actually been a pleasant surprise. Glad the little one is doing well. Hope you're recovering from your loss and surgery as well.
  14. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    He was referencing stadium amenities in general. You said the Hawks put them in because they expect to lose. In 2018, all stadiums have amenities. Do all teams expect to lose?
  15. Pretty sure the poster was talking about the Falcons stadium. Did the Falcons install stadium amenities because of the expected lean years for the Hawks?
  16. kg01


    Dang, dude. What did you do rage-quit after the draft or something? Whatevs. You're cool with me. Gonna be an interesting season, glad you're here/bak.
  17. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    I think you missed the "Don't feed the dead-horse beater" sign when you walked in. Don't worry, we've all done it. I just wanted to give you fair warning so you don't get too deep into the maddening argument with him before you turn around and realize he's lured you into a dark, dark world where up is down and light is dark and nothing you thought makes sense exists anymore ....
  18. It's ok. I got no problem being collateral damage for a cause. At least I died for something, right? And totally agree that burd's jabs are definitely not good-natured. #MeanGurlz
  19. I'm probably older than you so it's not necessarily about "generation". My disdain for words is borne of different demons, I suppose. I actually share your concern for the manner in which technological advancements have destroyed the attention span of America but that's a topic for another day.
  20. Haha. Holman hated Dennis. He just stopped trying to hide it at the end. Hilarious. I can't 'like' your diatribe enough. There's some delusion going on in that gentleman. Nice to see you turn the deluge of words on someone other than me. Heh.
  21. Most "bigs" are glorified SG's now anyway. No big deal. Plus, as I keep saying, seems CLP wants Vintz out there with Rayford at all times so this works.
  22. Not sure how folks can read stuff like that and simply say, "Bwah, they're tryna lose, blah, blah .." and not get that they're trying to teach the guys. Well, I do know how folks can simply not get it .. #AgendaSquawkLives
  23. kg01

    The Tank Thread

    Interesting. Went from 60 wins ... to 48 ..... to 43 ... to 24 ..... Anybody notice a trend with that "winning environment"?
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