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Everything posted by kg01

  1. We were never contenders with Nique as evidenced by the fact that we never made it to the ECF. And, before anyone throws the 60-win season into this, an ECF isn't necessarily evidence that you're a contender but it certainly is a minimum threshold. We don't know yet who is/isn't a star.
  2. Any way to know how this "pace" is quantified? I recall Pierce saying it wasn't necessarily how quickly they got the ball up court, he was more so looking for how quickly they run the offense. Dang, bro. No @ mention for @Bonkers?
  3. I've actually been encouraged by the media who've actually watched him play. Seems they're finally letting go of the Curry stuff and are attempting to evaluate him in his own right. Small sample ... Granted, there are some in the media who clearly don't do their homework and still look for him to be a 30pt. I don't even watch BSPN but I assume that's where they're at with it. A couple guys on NBARadio are still stuck on that too but all that tells me is they don't know what they're talking about.
  4. Haha, I don't want no eating disorders on my hands. What I do want is for someone to rage-quit after being ridiculed for not believing in #TrAeTL (patent-pending) Hopefully it'll be a mod quitting. They'll probably pull all the plugs on their way out, leaving the site inoperable. (hehe)
  5. Preach, Peo! Add Kevin Knox and Wendell Carter to that list right along with Mo Mamba, Bagley and several others who have been at or below Rayford's level to this point. Yet those fanbases remain supportive and don't try to pick the dudes apart. I mean, we're all fans aka fanatics. This shat ain't s'posed to be rational. Do folks just want to be right? smdh Heh. Something tells me, if there's a Squawk meet-up, it's more likely that a brawl would break out before a basketball game would. Actually, I'd put that at about 99% more likely.
  6. True. I know a mod that fits that description too .... Well, let's be honest, comprehension isn't your strong suit. #ShotsFired (Agree it doesn't appear to necessarily need to be a "4pt" line. I wonder if it specifically says "4pt line" or if it's just a line and they refer to it as the 4pt line. IOW, that could just be the name they use to refer to it but it doesn't actually mean you get 4pts if you shoot from there.)
  7. Mmhmm. Inexperience seemed to lead to them being unable to take advantage of the Dodgers trying to give them the game. Encouraging things from this team. I guess I'll stop calling them the Barves now.
  8. Good for him he solidified his HOF career long ago 'cause his late career is like watching a slow-speed ski wreck or something. Btw, new Thread title: Howard's Back in the News https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2018/10/08/dwight-howard-experiences-another-setback-returns-dc-pain-relieving-injection/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.be59c491ad69
  9. You know what, I didn't get a chance to watch the OKC game. Reading folks' comments would lead one to believe the dude played like @Spud2nique out there. Watching that clip .... it didn't look near as bad as folks are describing. I'm thinking Dennis had some Lebron-esque chase down block or something. Well, it weren't that. Good play but folks made it sound like Rayford was at the halfcourt line and Dennis ran him down or something. What TF is wrong with us? The lesson I learned is I'm not listening to any of these clowns anymore. This is ridiculous. Dude shook and took Dennis to the rim like 4 times in that clip. Good vs bad shots are clearly differentiated in that clip as well. Guy was money on the good shots. The bad shots were just that .. bad shots (i.e. teachable moments, not lack of skill). A couple were at the end of the shot clock. What should he do, hold the ball to preserve fg%? I'm so mad at us right now. Agenda's are on clear display. #DoBetterAgendaSquawk Interesting indeed. Also seemed to explain why the 4pt line is there. And, for those looking to feed their agendas, it's not there to encourage dudes to jak up long 3's. Yeah, I could explain it but F it. I'm mad at y'all. Watch the clip.
  10. Uh, some of the stuff I said about Rayford on that site for real GM's would make soth blush. You got the tame version here. Didn't want to upset folks' sensibilities.
  11. Can the dude play 1 regular season game before we sum up his whole career? Just 1 game, folks?!! Just 1?!?! "Bwah, but summer league and blah, blah, blah ..." Ok, Marvin Williams was a beast in summer league and preseason. A BEAST! Explain that! I'll wait. And I was the most ardent critic of the pick. Give the dude a chance.
  12. Super weird. I tried to 'like' your post but it said I'm out. Odd. I haven't 'like'd a post in like a week. C-O-N-spiracy.
  13. Eggsactly. This is a useless discussion. The folks that didn't like the guy at first .. shockingly have found a reason to dislike him now. Surprise! It's why I don't talk politics. Folks have their biases and simply find nuanced ways to display those biases ... under the guise of discussing "issues". Be better, Agenda-squawk.
  14. Heh. Try giving another poster a 'like'. I bet you you'll suddenly have some available. I've said too much.
  15. Yeah, these referendums on a guy's career before even playing a regular season game are .... bonkers.
  16. Me when I realized DelaneySucks wasn't returning ....
  17. C'mon, sun. Can he play 1 regular season game first?
  18. Wow. You gonna make the list, burd? What list? The list.
  19. Ryan Mc-Done-ugh They're about 3 years too late but still got the timing horribly wrong. Why now?
  20. A NSFW section will be part of my platform. #kg4Mod2018 The world isn't ready for that. #SausagePartay
  21. At least wear just a jersey for your half-nekked victory lap. Then, when the cops show up, you can say you did indeed have "clothes" on. And pics or it didn't happen, bro. I might have to follow suit and do some nekked cul-de-laps myself. #You'reWelcomeLadies
  22. "The following display of emotion will not be tolerated. The Dodgers are authorized to respond with deadly force in retaliation to such brazen disregard for the sanctity of the game." - Stodgy Baseball Guy
  23. Uh, do we need to rundown the list of college superstar, sure-fire top picks that don't pan out? His wasn't a bad question. I think he was just looking for more elaboration on the kid's game.
  24. Haha. You deserve it, Peo. Oh dang, did I say that out loud? Where's the edit button ... wait, I can't edit? Oh dang.
  25. Seems folk still complaining about the rebuild are suffering from an advanced state of 'lack of situational awareness'. It's best to just allow them to suffer in silence. If they're real Hawks fans, they'll come back around once we turn the corner.
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