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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Buy lottery tickets today, ladies and gentlemen, something weird's going on. AH actually made a salient point. Seriously though, I saw a report that Kyrie and Davis were supposedly trying to play together in BOS. It's like folks don't do their homework before they make up these stories. I'm still not all-in on Embiid. Still runs like he's about to fall apart. I still expect him to have an injury-plagued existence. It's not like he's losing weight. I had similar feelings as you with regards to Davis based on him re-signing with NOP early. However, his switch to Lebron's agent tells me he's heading to LAL. Or atleast is heading out of New Orleans. If that happens, yikes for the Pelicans staying in NO. #SeattleBound
  2. C'mon, sun. This is how you miss the hot-take wagon. Gotta get them takes on the record early, bro.
  3. He was well-rehearsed wasn't he? Like he had a lotta practice ... like half as much practice as you've had using those pouty lips on the Bay Area scene ...
  4. I'm sure he knew nothing about it. Smdh Also would've accepted: 'Liar, Liar .. Mark's on Fire' or 'Cuban is Mark'd for Death'
  5. Because I don't think he's one of the greatest to play the game. Just very good. Not a HOFer.
  6. We agree that he'll be a HOFer. Sounds like we disagree that he's one of the greatest to play the position. My "Why?" was more so aimed at your "and he absolutely should be". (Disclaimer: I don't think being one of the greatest to play the game is a prerequisite for admittance to the basketball HOF, as it's currently constituted.)
  7. Put up a good stat line ... just like Hedo or the small forward version of Horford would. Perhaps an even bigger takeaway from that game was Fultz play. Yikes.
  8. Aha, we agree. Paul is a good player. I'd take quite a few ahead of him. I should've added a disclaimer to my HOF comments. I think it's criminally watered down so there's quite a few players who I think were really good but shouldn't be in the HOF. Deke is one, for example. Mitch Richmond, etc.
  9. Paul is a good player but he's not even a HOFer IMO. That said, I get that he'll make it in based off him being so 'rated' as a player during his era. And because of the bogus HOF process in general.
  10. I bet you think he's one of the best leaders in the game too, huh? #CommonMisconceptions
  11. Haha, non-Hawk preseason game note, 6ers vs DAL in China. JJ Reddick getting booed because he "accidentally" made the anti-Asian slur in some video last year. Shoulda left him at home.
  12. Good game by the young man. Folks have been saying he'll be a 20/10 guy even as a rookie. Care to stake your avatar on a bet over him reaching that milestone?
  13. It's starting in '18, btw. No term limits.
  14. One of your constituents has graciously asked for your help and this is your response? Interesting. #kg4mod2018
  15. Meh. Middle class man's Ed Davis? Craptastic
  16. Heh, @macdaddy can't count to 2, obv.
  17. If he was drafted by the Nix, they would've given him the Super Bowl MVP that night. I'm not even joking.
  18. They look good but that's still TBD, bro. TBD. Remember, they weren't a playoff team 'til they got Belli' n 'Sova last year. Even then it took a miraculous finish.
  19. How'd this not make top 10 plays that night? Traveshamockery
  20. Even better tweet (or twit?) .... Way to be locked in, Mr. Monk.
  21. After listening to him speak on the nbaradio 6ers preseason thingy ... eh, I'm even more low on this hire. Tried to convince folks Fultz could complete their big-3 so them striking out on Lebron, Kawhii, George, etc. wasn't that big a deal. Yeah, mmkay. Total shill for ownership. Thanks go out to the 6ers for ensuring their peak won't last long.
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