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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Au contrare mon frere, Bagggs has stink. stank, stunk at every turn.
  2. Interesting. I didn't know this provision. Totally agree NO should trade AD once he turns down the super-max (which I expect him to do). However, I think they'll try to hang onto him thinking they can change his mind ... and it'll be a colossal mistake.
  3. Speaking of which, Bagley was driving the struggle-bus in SAC's 1st game. Yikes.
  4. We're a year away from these types of things being viable for us. Rayford has to show himself well this year for it to happen. On AD, it's no coincidence he signed with Lebron's "agent". Once he turns down the supermax from NO, look for them to trade him shortly thereafter. How will Lonzo and ThIngram look in NO jerseys?
  5. How you .... Oh you .... Delayed high-five
  6. McCaw turns down the QO. Does that mean he'll be a free agent like now? Would he be a good target considering we may be trading Baze? Something to think about
  7. Just more lazy Hawks-related "analysis". I've resigned to the fact that we won't get any substantive press for the next 2-3 years. I don't believe or take anything them dudes say seriously. "Blah, bwah, I couldn't get folks interested in the Hawks even when they won 60, bleh, blah .." STFU, clown-a**. Again, that's just a lazy line. We've already heard our staff talk about that not being his role. Lazy, lazy stuff. Compared to BSPN's laziness, AHF's mod-skills look superior. Haha. I'm trying to come up with some hashtags for them to commemorate their laziness. #LazESPN #LazySPN
  8. kg cannot be bought. On a totally unrelated note, can you meet me in my office ....... bring the briefcase, please.
  9. It's ok folks. The new mod will promote conversation, not try to suppress it. #kg4mod2018
  10. I could see it happening ..... .... if all the other teams in the league sign a bunch-a also-ran, non-NBA level guys As I've been saying all along, he's a 'star' the way Alice was/is a 'star'. 'Star' role-guy. Excellent facilitator. "BBIQ" guys will be all, "Mmmyeah I know he only had 10 pts and 5 assists and the guy he was guarding dropped 28, but did you see those heady plays he made all game?! No? Ah well that's just 'cause you don't know the game like I do, blah, blah, blah." At least Alice has the benefit of being a solid defender. MyNameIsLuka won't have that leg to stand on but he'll be protected 'cause he'll be the golden child down there. And, on all the praise he's getting from Carlisle, Cuban, etc.. them dudes also tried to tell us Harrison Barnes was a franchise player. *yawn*
  11. Unfortunately, he chooses not to see past his agenda. But enough about him ... .... I too am tired of the "Bwah, I cain't win so's I'mma team up!!!" stuff. I'm ok with our slow-build.
  12. For the past few years, I'd say the Hawks were pretty good about being media friendly. I'm leaning to inept writers as the reason for the lack of coverage but that's just my eggspert opinion. I mean, what benefit is there to the Hawks being more secretive? Don't get me wrong, I'm not eggsactly leading the CLP bandwagon but dude is light years better with the media than Buttz ever was. No need to keep him under wraps. On that note, hopefully the refs won't absolutely punk our coach the way they have the past several years. I always thought Buttz was a decent enough guy, but the refs hated that man. Hated him. We caught no breaks from them dudes and this was before the supposed Buttz-bumping the ref incident. It was almost comical.
  13. Don't let him lead you down that path. Do you own digging. @JayBirdHawk gave you a head start.
  14. kg01

    Jimmy Butler

    Eggsactly. I mean, I've seen folks bann'd for being far less disruptive ...
  15. ... except for the bit about @AHF. He's totally a Zima drinker.
  16. kg01

    Jimmy Butler

    Jimi Butler embodied everything that's good about sports ... at first. Hardscrabble beginnings, homeless at some point IIRC. Last pick of 1st round, built himself into an all-star caliber player. But something went awry along the way. Now he's Hollywood Jimi. Hanging out with stars. Clearly reads his own press. Now he's become everything that's bad about sports. Talented guy but now his ego outweighs his game. You claim he's right to not want to "waste a year of his career" yet he wants to play for the Nets or Clippers? Nah, he's no longer about winning. He's about the glitz and glamour those cities bring. Yes, he plays hard. Plays both ends. All that. Unfortunately, that dual nature apparently also leads him to being a poor leader. Not good around young guys. How about, instead of calling Wiggins out publicly, you actually encourage him to work with you? See how much work you put in. If he refuses, try again. That's your teammate, after all. Him getting better, directly helps you. Nah, Jimi ain't got time fo' dat. Trade me. Obtw, Jimi's gettin' old, wants over $30mil per and is an injury risk (as all Thibs former guys are). #EZPassLane
  17. kg01

    Jimmy Butler

    Look at the names you're listing for pete's sake!!!! Right argument, wrong dudes mayne!! I don't like CJ McCollum but he's the type of guy you should be going to bat for with this line of thinking.
  18. kg01

    Jimmy Butler

    ... boom. Hol' on, lemme put my agenda-hat on ... *ahem* .. "Why don't the Hawks go after a guy like Jeff Teague? He's a proven winner. Of course the pro-tankers hate that idea 'cause blah, bleh, bluh ..." Man this season's gonna be whimsical on the board. Maybe I should put myself out of my own misery and get banned (again).
  19. kg01

    Jimmy Butler

    School 'em, Peo. People gotta realize agenda'ing makes them look bad.
  20. kg01

    Jimmy Butler

    Eggsactly. I think all these guys love the 'idea' of Jimi and aren't really digging as deep as they should. He's shown himself to be a bad teammate and a bad dude if you believe the rumors about KAT's ... cat (is that offensive?). And that'd be just because you decided to stop at 10. The closer he is to a Marcus Smart-type role, the better off the team will be. Problem is, he's looking to be paid $30mil plus. Yikes!
  21. kg01

    Jimmy Butler

    I don't disagree with your overall point, however, this is the wrong guy to go to bat for. Butler is not a guy you want around, certainly not leading, a young team. We have multiple years of evidence to that effect. The anti-Jimi talk has nothing to do with pro or anti tanking. I'd advise going to bat for a different addition.
  22. Riiiight. Just ignore me winking at @bleachkit mmkay.
  23. kg01

    Jimmy Butler

    1. Being discussed in the KAT thread. 2. Good player but no. 3. Not a leader, not good with young players, bot coachable. Need I continue? Not his choice.
  24. I volunteer to consult on the avatar picks. Both sides. #DoubleAgent
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