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Everything posted by kg01

  1. You misspelled Turkeyglu. Pretty much this (IMEO). The cute thing will be seeing what he does against 4's like, oh I dunno, Lebron, Durant, George (at times), Ant. Davis .... eh, I'm sure he'll be aiight. I mean, he was beast-mode against them chain-smokin' Euros the past few seasons. I swear I saw a dude smokin' a loosie in-game in one of his highlights.
  2. Dang, you're alive? @Spud2nique you win the bet. Seriously though, I'd be surprised if we make the playoffs but I wouldn't be surprised if we're a pseudo-competitive team by the end of the year.
  3. Considering the known results at this point, shouldn't Bud and Wes be on that tricycle?
  4. I thought you were about to say that spud is rubbin' off on you .... (hehe) Nah, I find myself perusing the trade and other forums there though. Gotta swat down any anti-Hawk nonsense.
  5. Another year-a this shizzzzz? Admit it, you all did the same when you read that.
  6. Man, wtf is wrong with Thibs ... http://www.sportingnews.com/us/nba/news/jimmy-butler-trade-rumors-timberwolves-news-contract-knicks-clippers-nets-lakers/mi5eu2s5b7n71ui643ikr5nes https://www.yahoo.com/sports/rumor-tom-thibodeau-rather-leave-173105238.html Dude might cut his head off to spite his face. Nobody's saying they'll take "rebuilding pieces" back in a trade.
  7. That's actually well stated. When I say they don't give effort, I am indeed referring really to consistent, meaningful effort. I guess that speaks more to bbiq than effort? Either way, both need to show improvement in that area in order for MIN to do well. And, say it ain't so, surely you weren't getting into it with some rando on a message board. That's not the Baghdad-soth we know and love.
  8. I mean, that all sounds good but they floundered without Jimi last year. Prior to that, none of their bell cows (Towns included) appeared capable of leading a team to playoffs in the rugged West. And let's be honest about Towns, he's always been talented but he and Devin Booker were in a similar boat of young guys that get numbers but have questionable impact on winning. Towns had hustle issues w.r.t. guarding even as late as into the playoffs last year so we can't just assume he'll be a plus player on that end. Calling him a superstar is not all that dissimilar from calling Booker one (which I believe is laughable) Could Towns put it all together? Sure but we can't ignore Jimi's impact on him showing glimpses of that last season. If he reverts back to a guy that gives effort on O and kinda shows up sometimes on D, they're no lock to make the playoffs. Especially when, as you accurately suggest, Thibs is an issue coaching-wise. I have no idea why he's teflon in that regard. A pretty strong case can be made this supposed 'genius' level defensive scheming has been rendered out-of-date by today's offenses. His over-bearing style has a Scott Skiles-level grating quality I imagine. There are real issues in MIN independent of their best player asking out.
  9. This hug was 80% less awkward than the Wolves' situation right now ... Meanwhile @Sothron is all ... C'mon soth, even you gotta laugh at that one. You've graduated from 'soth-wrong' to 'Baghdad-soth', btw. (Google: Baghdad Bob if you don't get the reference.)
  10. Correction: NBARadio is in Minnesota on Monday, not Wednesday so they've got 4 days before thangs get even more awkward.
  11. For the record, I'm just pokin' the bear since I know that's your team. I do think they are in desperation mode. Any team who's best player/pseudo-leader requests a trade 4 days before camp starts is in desperation mode regardless of the fact that they'll have a solid(ish) team. Also, apparently, NBARadio is set to feature the Twolves on Wednesday. That's where they're on-site at camp and pretty much interview all the coaches and top players. Think this is a comfortable time for them?
  12. And, if you didn't pick up on it, I'm going with #FingerPrintz this year Eh, it's better than #PrintzCharming.
  13. Honestly, my first thought was that we should offer Baze. My only issue with you is including #FingerPrintz. That's too rich an offer considering MIN is in desperation-mode despite what soth-wrong wants us to believe.
  14. Based on all the coach/GM instances in the league that are blowing up like foil in the microwave, this isn't necessarily a good thing though is it?
  15. Whoa, whoa, whoa, kemosabe. Wolves barely got in after absolutely floundering once Jimi got hurt. Just sayin'. It's not like they blazed in there. And, no offense (which is what you say when you're about to say something offensive), but I got my popcorn out on this one. I'm rootin' for chaos, mayne.
  16. Certainly as exec. As a coach, he's been middling when you consider the talent they actually have.
  17. Heh. He just rolled his fat arse back under the covers.
  18. Sir, this thread title is so far out of line I just can't believe it was .... Ha, had you for a second didn't I? This is NOP's poor attempt at replacing Rondo's gravitas. Sadly, Injuries have sapped Jack. He'll be a good presence but not on the court for them.
  19. To answer your question, yesh I am indeed getting smarter. AHF's job(sic)? Well, I won't say I'm gunnin' for it. Let's just say, if he was crossing the road I wouldn't not accelerate. #OopsIDidItAgain
  20. Don't lie to us, camp. You're not sorry at all. Also, every GM is a 'basketball' person so I guess you're saying you prefer former players to be GM? I think you'd find successful ex-player GM's to be a bit of a rarity. Certainly a less successful bunch than dudes who spend their career building toward being a GM. Most players, as I suspect is the case in PHI, are gifted GM gigs without truly having the 'chops' to really handle the behind-the-scenes duties which is where GM's make their money. Brand will be fine in the press conference and such but whether or not he'll be able to guide them where they need to go is up in the air. If they wanted to go the ex-player route, Malik Rose is a much more accomplished candidate. This hiring smacks of them wanting a dude they can control.
  21. Go the cheap route and promoted Elton Brand to GM. Dis are a mistook. Jmho
  22. I'm not taking any outcome off the table. Months ago, twolve fans were saying all is well with Jimi and the rumors of strife were made up. Now they seem willing to accept a divorce is coming. Check back in after a few weeks ....
  23. What you're experiencing is the zombie that re-emerged after the death of real journalism. It's fancy bet-hedging. This way, when it all works out, the author(sic) can act like he knew it was gonna be great all along.
  24. "Kids"? I think we're about the same age, mayne. I'm almost in the 4's. I just wear it better than you do. I quit soda years ago. After a year or so, I found that I could no longer drink it. Left like a residue so I never went back to it. I'll repeat my sage advice again, soth. Do better, bro.
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