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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Ah man, you don't need the diet stuff. Drink as much soda as you want. Rig up an IV to the stuff. I'm sure it won't do anything to your health. Plus, there's folks that can take over if you have to take a leave of absence 'cause-a, ya know, death and whatnot. Hey, at the nest Squawk meetup, I'll get you a soda myself. Nevermind that clanging sound in the can. That's just ... uh, vitamins? Yeah, special vitamins. Juuust for you. Just be sure to notify yer next of kin for .... reasons.
  2. You're not serious are you? There's a world of better stuff to drink that that. I can't believe you, soth. smdh, and I'm not even a health nut like that. I haven't drank a soda in like 15 years ... unless you count Tahitian Treat. I can't quit the Tahitian Treat. Still, I haven't even had one-a them in years. Do better, soth. Do better. Gon' mess around and have dew-mouth up in here. Yech
  3. Agree that soth shouldn't be drinking that swizzzle. He's gotta be around another 14 years so's he can see the next time the Twolves will make the playoffs. Haha! Whatchu think about that, Fred!?
  4. Get it, soth. Even I begrudgingly laughed. Don't tell AH though.
  5. If they dig up the corpse of Mike Done-leavy I'm just gonna laugh. MIN went from a promising, up and comer to slow-speed trainwreck in 2 offseasons. Meanwhile our guy soth-wrong keeps sitting in the burning building telling us everything's fine. I can see (they call me Mr.)Thibs now in their 7th straight hour of practice going, "Nah move over KAT, let's have Joakim (aka Joke-him) take some starter's reps".
  6. Dang, you old. I heard you were a 'person of interest' in the whole Cain and Abel investigation. Mine was ... Double Dribble ..
  7. Sonics were my adopted team during those years. I considered turning my back on the Hawks then. Around that time when the we made that Knicks team look like the prime-Warriors in the playoffs. Ya know when Cris Crawford looked like the second coming of Bird then got overpaid.
  8. If I would've posted a "I'm now rooting for DelaneySucks" thread, no one would've bought it.
  9. And Buurd, with the dagger, from downtooowwn!!
  10. That team is slowly imploding. I predict, this time next year, you'll have a new HC and GM.
  11. Welcome home, @Sothron. I guess I'll stop calling you soth-wrong now? Maybe for a while? (hehe) C'mon, that was a good nickname. I do find the timing of this a bit curious considering the Twolves are well into the process of resurrecting the beataBulls in Minnesota. Lookin' like that up'n'coming(sic) young team's about to get a heavy dose of Luol/Noah minutes. Is Scalabrine available too? heh Good to hear that Rayford's a good, hardworking kid.
  12. I mean, it's not nothin'. And it smells like I'll be getting 2k19 for kg03 when it comes out. So, technically, it'll be his and I'll just be playing it to make sure there's nothing too intense for his young eyes. #Jus'GoodParentin'
  13. "Away", huh? Was it a drunk 'n disorderly or solicitation? hehe I really just checked in to dedicate this to @sturt ... Are you still on your high-horse, good sir?
  14. In fairness to @Spud2nique, KST means something totally different to him. It has less to do with Jayhawk bball and more to do with that time he had in a truck stop in Topeka.
  15. Me too but I'd take it a step further. I'd be his secret service agent in charge of pre-screening the *ahem* entertainment professionals. Hey, somebody's gotta do it.
  16. Not unless you plan on being Miami. Calling up GLeaguers, then over-paying yourself into oblivion.
  17. I'm confused as to what this has to do with Jeremy L .... ohhhhhh, ya'll said Len. Heh, I was wide open on the break that time but the pass squoze (yes, "squoze") right between my hands. Good thing that's technically a turnover on the passer, not on me. *whew* At least I didn't go full-Dekker and bounce the ball off my nose.
  18. We should do "Battle of the 80's Movies". Not sure who'd win between Teen Wolf and Ferris Bueller's.
  19. If I get inaugurated at 10am, you'll have the keys at 10:05am, mayne. We'll be doing donuts in the Squawk front lawn and Dukes of Hazard bush-jumps soon thereafter. It'll be that scene from Ferris Bueller Day Off all over again.
  20. Nah, I don't do fantasy ... unless it involves ... {unsavory comment about spud's gf and her mom redacted}.
  21. This is clearly a concession speech. A certain number among you should be very afraid once the kg-era begins. If you thought Trump (insert 'Obama' if that offends you) was bad .... wait'll you get a load o' me.
  22. If you enjoyed it that much, you probably still can't feel your face today (huh?).
  23. Horrible deal for both IMHO. Is PHX going "all-in" on the playoffs? Have fun with that. Is HOU thinking Knight will play more than like 20 games the next 2 years or that Chrisssssss is gonna do anything other than show up for a game or two to entice them? Suns thinking Dragan gonna not be the next Darko? Have fun with all that. But ... but I thought I was .... nevermind. I would've gone "Rockets Criss'n Knight and AnderSuns" Huh? Trying too hard? Yeah, I suppose so. Stahhp. CrissssSSuccks Everybody getta F
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