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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Well @JayBirdHawk, I was gonna put together a gif-sequence but ... ya know folks complained last time so I didn't thi ...... ya know what, f*ck it and f*ck them, this is @Gray Mule birthday we talkin'about .... whoa, whoa, whoa take a breath graym ... @lethalweapon3 is feelin it ... You'll start a fight with that brutha if you tell him he ain't jammin. @JayBirdHawk and @sturt been workin' on this routine since las' year ... @Spud2nique checks in. Semi-racist, as usual ... Smoove moves (I guess) @hazer. Is he high? @macdaddy is definitely high, plus he needs to go a size up on that t-shirt. Did I mention it's a '90's partay? @MaceCase still has those green slacks and, ironically, that high-top. @LamarHampton was on the wheels o' steel that night ... As usual @AHF didn't get invited so he's all ...
  2. Both very underrated, especially Emory. If you never did Emory, you missed out bigtime.
  3. I think we all know I got @AHF's gig in hand when I want it. No comp there.
  4. So if it's Chris Paul and Cliff Paul is it now gonna be Trae Young and Dre Young? Hmmmm A national campaign like that would be too much, too soon for Rayf but ... eh, offseason fun-talk.
  5. His problem is he's not a defender or a shooter so, if he's not good enough to start (i.e. the team invests in him being their starter), he's gonna have a hard time finding minutes. He may not find that opportunity here considering we have our guy. Really needed to stay in college somewhere that would've helped his game. Arizona is a place, like Duke, that takes advantage of beating teams with better players. If you develop individually, so be it. If not, well you were talented enough as a HS sr to do well enough in the system to win college games. Your pro prospects? Eh, whatevs. On raw talent, he's good enough to be a fringe guy but that's no way to make a living if you're that talented.
  6. No love for the Whitney reference though? Tough crowd. I dig your title though. Like a good neighboorrrrr ..... Still though, Coke Stadium or Coke Building or stte would've had a real Tony Montana vibe to it.
  7. When I saw him, he had just eliminated the Jackets from his list. I started to go all Tonya Harding on his knee(s). Totally kidding although I always knew the AZ-bust stank was gonna get on him. Kid was supposed to be really good. Certainly better than kicking around the GLeague in his 2nd pro year. Sean Miller's horrid player devel strikes again.
  8. Who is this, Whitney Houston or something? Too soon? Oh and for thread title, I was gonna go "Hawks Just Bought the Farm ... State Farm ... boom" https://www.ajc.com/sports/basketball/breaking-hawks-reach-arena-naming-rights-agreement-with-state-farm/ugmOWmhYSF8C0k1igJLmON/ Does this make up for not drafting Chris Paul now? He'll have to shoot all his (gawd-awful) commercials here. And @macdaddy, you may as well get over it but it would've been nice to play in Porsche Arena.
  9. Agreed. Certainly like him more than the Hamilton dude. MEM player devel is poor, at-best. He's lucky to be outta there. Also I saw Simmons at the grocery store a couple years ago so .. there's that.
  10. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    She knocked a kid over then stood over her. The kid reached up for a hand and kg02 stepped over her lifeless body like Draymond over Lebron that year in the Finals. The soccer moms were horrified. I was less so ... (I'm kidding. kg02 isn't a monster ... yet.)
  11. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    Yup. kg02's soccer tournament was in SCarolina this weekend. Skraight domination. I swear she turned to one-a them girls and said, "I must break you."
  12. I'll give you one of those, so far. Even if I give you both, compare that the sheer number of McD'sAA and mythical 5-star guys that come through that place. They're easily batting well below the Mendoza line.
  13. *yawn* Kansas does nothing but produce busts.
  14. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    I been working and family'ing. Despite what you heard from sturt, I am gainfully employed. Burd? Eh, you know how she is. Upper crust'n
  15. I have a long memory. He'll have a special place in my heart once I take over as mod.
  16. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    There's probably plenty of GM's who would've picked Sexton before Rayford. The evidence is the fact that busts are picked in every draft.
  17. Mmhmm. Also, should I be offended that @AHF left me out of the roundtable? Or is it just him tryna keep his mod-rival down?
  18. Rosie ....... sorry, can't type one-handed .... logging out so's I don't mess up my keyboard.
  19. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    I was being a little 'extra' for effect. The overall point was that Jack and Sexton are different players. I do not believe Sexton will ever be close to Kyrie as a player and saying he 'can play defense' is a little strong. I mean, sure he's out there and has tools but defense isn't a priority to him. Could he develop? Sure. But it'd be a pleasant surprise for the Cavs if he does. Eric Bledsoe is his likely outcome. I'll stand by that. A lot of teams fell in love with his tools back then too. And let's not assume I'm being a homer. It's possible to have opinions on both players that are not necessarily connected.
  20. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    C'mon, spud. This is sooooo mean. And who could 'like' this comment? You guys are sooo mean. Wait, 'likes' are still anonymous right? Yeah? Like I said, you guys are soooo mean.
  21. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    I had a really sophomoric response to this. It included your mom but I decided against posting it. #PersonalGrowth? To get back on track, here's a regurgitation of what we've already seen regarding Rayford's rookie-vote standing: https://sports.yahoo.com/nba-rookies-agree-little-trae-162424690.html On a semi-related note, I'm wondering where I can get some cheese to go along with this whine ... https://www.sbnation.com/2018/8/21/17764020/luka-doncic-no-zero-votes-nba-rookie-survey-best-career-nba-draft-2018-mavericks
  22. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    Yeah, as you may recall, I cooled on Sexton. Just seems like another AAU wunderkind guard looking to score, score, score. And, if that fails, just keep shootin'. Defense, schmefense. You'd probably like that Rude Jude guy's show. I think it's on Eminem's station in the afternoons, Shade 45 or something like that.
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