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Everything posted by kg01

  1. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    This is blasphemous. Jack was a born leader. Consummate professional/floor leader. Sexton is a new-age, get minez, lead-guard/non-point guard. Has an ego larger than his game (which is a double-edged sword). He's another Eric Bledsoe type. Has better tools than Jack but lacks the nuance that Jack used to be the winner that he is. I'll forgive you for this misstep, macd. Once. Ooh ... sneaky good one, spud. It's too early for you to be in regular season form, mayne. Sexton and Doncic are on win-now teams so it's unlikely that they'll have the nimbers to support a ROY push. Some folks in the media, though, will try to go all high-brow and vote for them since their team is "winning" or whatever. I expect both to be near .500 teams so "winning" will be a loosely thrown around term.
  2. Yeah, I'm fully invested in Rayf at this point. No need to run around poo-poo'ng the pick now. I got a bit of a 'us against the world' vibe right now. Seems like, as usual, everyone in the NBA fan community is downing us. Oh well, I got 2 burd-fingers for the lot of 'em plus I'm learning how to shoot burd with my toes.
  3. Glad it went well, other than the loss and your jail time (allegedly). The office is near the stadium so you should've checked with me before allowing your secretary to make the reservations. It actually is a pretty nice building which is hard for me to say since I'm still mad that they took a steaming dump on the city on their way out. Anyways, next time you come, no need to stay downtown. We don't need you jerking dudes off in Lyft cars, mayne. That's @Spud2nique job.
  4. Now that I think about it, has anyone heard from @KB21 after his trip to town? I saw a particularly arrogant gentleman getting arrested over the weekend. Pretty sure I heard a, "Do you know who I am!?" Definitely something KBToys would say. What was the charge, you say? Solicitation Check in, KBT. Pretty sure we're after the Monday morning release time for the weekend arrests. Seriously though, curious to hear how your trip went.
  5. Ohhh no, pal. You're not roping me back into this discussion. I only come into the thread for the comps. Here's what we've gotten so far .. Lebron Barkley K. Malone Jordan Traylor Kemp Draymond No one (ever, all-time) .. and looks like Shaq has finally made the board. Keep 'em coming, folks. (Seriously, even as a fan of this guy, this doesn't seem to be getting out of hand?)
  6. We do it by not being whiny little snits like ... some. MSSt night, huh? Hope they break out the extra security and port-a-potties (instructions included) required when the other bulldogs visit. Have a good trip. If you see a charming, dashing young chap with GT gear on, it's probably me.
  7. Trust me, when I take over, there will be no PER or WS/23409 talk. You wanna talk nimbers, go' on over there with the corpse of hawksfanatic 'n them.
  8. Figures. I only brought it up to denounce it and all you jacklegs love it. SMH. Givin' all you the double-bird right now.
  9. Guess we're in 'stay tuned' mode on a Baze trade ... https://journaltimes.com/sports/basketball/kushner-pelicans-still-missing-wing-as-training-camp-nears/article_4e6c260d-7cfb-56c6-bf6f-f421131ef122.html IOW, Dell is gonna try to wait us out. Good luck, Dell.
  10. Speaking of our rooks of '18, I heard they were kicking around a nickname for all three ... T.K.O. Personally, I'm totally against the self-given nickname so I hope they thought better of the notion.
  11. Zion is the bar for some of these folks. Also, just so you don't feel left out, most of us believe you're the (p)Ennis Whatley of board mods. Haha, I'm not even mad. If you want to see me mad, check out my comments on the other site about the Acuna nonsense. They have a real 'fk the Marlins' theme.
  12. Keep 'em coming. I'm keeping a list. Want to go for a Wilt comp or was Wilt not on this kid's level?
  13. Ohhhhh schnap! Ya'll better hide yer stash, KB is comin' to bust heads.
  14. {picks up all the pennies} On the JJJ wagon? Absolutely not but KBT isn't drinking the zion-ade either. And I approach every day with a Denzelian strut. Yours is off the chainsss, btw. Lastly, I'm not here for folks poo-poo'ng LJ's athleticism. Let's be knowledgeable fans and acknowledge that back injuries robbed that man. {mic drop}
  15. TWSS Funny we had KBToys going way over board on a guy last year and we all got pissed. This year the other side is way overboard on this kid. The scary part for me is I'm on the same side as KBT this time. Save me, spud.
  16. Ok, I guess. So who's on the list so far? LJ, Bird, Lebron, Ben Wallace, Shawn Kemp, Rodney Rogers .. who else?
  17. You spill green kool-aid on your keyboard or something? May as well throw in a little Larry Legend on top of prime-Nique ... oh and some Oscar Rob in there too. Kid's got it all. (Dang, where's that green kool-aid when ya need it?)
  18. Ayiyiyi, if a guy requires extreme athleticism to be an impact player then .... Sheesh, I'll bow out of this discussion. Y'all are clearly drunk on kool-aid right now.
  19. Technically, every player has 2-way "potential" so what are we really saying. Not a hater. Just not a believer.
  20. This is surprisingly well-stated. I do believe though that old mods assuredly cannot improve. No, he doesn't. That's the problem. What are y'all looking at? This is madness, Cyde! I expect it from Supes but not you.
  21. No college coach is "molding" any OAD player. That's what I'm trying to tell you. There's no player development happening. I don't read nbadraft comps so I don't know what you're getting at. The only thing I ever look at on nbadraft is their mocks to see if there are any names I miss. I don't read any of their coverage, comps, etc. because it's basically some dude with as much experience as me writing them. KB took his meds today, folks. Salient points.
  22. Lemme let you in on a dirty little secret, these coaches aren't coaching up these OAD guys. They aren't there long enough. They are simply putting them in positions to take advantage of what they already do well. They'll pick up a few things here and there but they exit college as essential the same player they were in high school. So forget about whatever developmental bump you're expecting. I'll let you in on another dirty little secret ... well, I'll let you do the legwork. Check out Duke's bigman (well overall player) development over the last decade or so.
  23. Uhm, wtf is going on ITT? Also, your gal needs a beach towel for ... an unrelated matter. Do I ... amuse you, capst?
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