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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Go back and watch Bennett in college. It's not a bad comp. Don't let his NBA failure cloud your view.
  2. Truth. Although, I'm not sure why your gal and her mom keep leaving 'em in there.
  3. As an ardent fan of those early 90's UNLV teams, this is insulting to LJ. Zion is closer to Anthony Bennett than he is to LJ. Now, that sounds bad but Bennett was actually pretty good in college before his issues (asthma, fitness, mentally weak) caught up to him. Uh, in South Carolina, yes the heyul you can. I won't say all he can do is dunk. I will say that he's heavy on 'athleticism', light on 'skill'. That can't be disputed. I don't disagree here although I'd probably amend it to say the pick should be whoever we think can be an alpha in the future, preferably at the 2. I think Little can be that but, as you suggest, he's more 3+ than 2. I'm not sure we're at a position where we can pass on him due to positional preferences, assuming we think he can be 'that dude'.
  4. Ok, I stipulate that you were proven right on Giannis and AD. I also give you credit for being right about Lebron too. C'mon, mayne. On Zion, at best, I only want to see him at the third of our 1sts. As a developmental guy, not a guy we depend on.
  5. All this. You haven't seen any of that. You haven't seen any passing or ballhandling which would suggest any ability for him to do that even on the NCAA level, let alone the NBA level. And I haven't even touched on his (lack of) shooting ability. You're a duke fan and it's clouding your judgment here. Don't let this be your next Stauskas/McLemore moment, bro.
  6. Wall, Beal, Morris and Scotty Brooks react ...
  7. Just say 'no' to zion. #Don'tFallForTheHype Meanwhile, @NBASupes and all the Dook boys're all ... SMDH Wake us up when he gets a jumpshot.
  8. It won't be 'by vote'. Too easily manipulated. No ... it'll be trial by combat.
  9. Very philosophical response. Deep. Kudos, sir. AH didn't realize he was grooming his eventual replacement. His reign of terror is nearly over.
  10. If I knew how, I'd memorialize the bolded in my sig. I'll remember these kind words after I replace you as mod. They'll buy you a half day to clean out your stuff before I nuke your account. Hahaaa
  11. *ahem* I guess I'll have to assume the role of mod here and remind folks to get back on topic and leave the (soon-to-be)political stuff in the proper forum. @AHF is staying silent on this because he wants to see if I'll step in to take care of the situation. He's like a totally uncool version of Mr. Miyagi.
  12. "Embraced the .." Wow. Can someone teach me how to work the 'ignore' button? Asking for a friend.
  13. Yeah. I'm just waiting for all the Spur fans to blame Kawhii's uncle for this too. Who knew Kawhii's uncle is apparently Nucky Johnson. SMDH
  14. ... comment. So I've been pissed at the way the Spurs mobilized against Leonard this season so, despite the fact that I don't like to see folks losing their jobs, this seemed fitting. Always struck me as a clown whenever I saw him on NBA coverage. Tries waaay to hard imho. I'm sure BSPN will have a place for him.
  15. Clearly he didn't. I think I might've peed a little. On the Bucks, they'll look improved simply due to having an actual system on both ends. What we don't know is will Giannis actually do well in a structure. It's a legit question. Will a system help or hinder him? Let's be honest, everything Buttz did/does was to share the ball, take advantage so the 'sum of the parts' stuff due to our lack of elite-ness. We have no idea if that'll mesh well with a guy like Giannis. What happens when (not if) Buttz gets on Giannis for playing outside the offense to get a bucket? "Oh Giannis is so coachable. He's such a great guy, surely he'll bow to Butttz when it matters." Yeah, ok. We don't know if he's coachable. He's never been coached. Pencil them in as a 50-win club if you want. I'm not.
  16. That's clearly how it happened. @Duff_Man doesn't seem to be a believer though. Kinda makes me sad, if I'm being honest.
  17. You mean Ressler's decision to allow Buttz to have control of personnel decisions?
  18. I'm not at liberty to discuss ... what happened. I'll just say it may or may not have involved sending a scantily clad KBToys to Sliver's house with the promise that Coach Buttz would meet them there.
  19. like = like * 100 Buttz turned his back on us but some folks refuse to turn their back on him.
  20. Clearly done in response to the mild protests of an intrepid, dashingly handsome protester. ... you're welcome, b*tches.
  21. I'd like to file an official complaint. Your gif usage is out of control. I hereby move to establish kg01 as the people's mod.
  22. You're off my Kwanzaa list for good. Et tu, macd? Weird ... but not really weird when you think about it.
  23. I think it's 10 likes within a rolling 24hr period or something. Gotta be.
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