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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Just when I thought I was over my rage about the MLK game (or lack thereof), I run into this ... https://www.yahoo.com/sports/hawks-sending-carmelo-anthony-jersey-wanted-presumably-clown-195814582.html A good natured story about us sending sMelo a jersey. Just a marketing thing, no big deal right? Bring a grin to everybody's face, right? Then ..... I mean, wtf dude?! What's with the unnecessary shot, Ben Rohrbach? WTF is a "Rohrbach" anyway? That's like the dollar store version of the Rorschach test? He didn't want to play for us? How 'bout we didn't want him to play for us either. 'Cause, newsflash, he don't exactly contribute to winning anymore, Ben. How 'bout you understand what the transaction actually was, Ben, before you pick and choose pieces of the deal to try to create a lowlight for us. Ok, ok ... I'm calm now ... for now.
  2. This captures my essence perfectly after seeing the no-ATL MLK schedule. I was like, "Hol' me bak, kg03! Hol' me bak!" Anyways, I'll let you guys get back to your group fantasy ... whatever this is .... {backs away slowly.}
  3. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    I saw the rating posted but here's a little more on the story ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianmazique/2018/08/09/nba-2k19-player-ratings-atlanta-hawks-rookie-trae-youngs-render-and-rating-revealed/#6bb0a86619e1 Considering he's only rated lower than Ayton, Bagley and Doncic, I don't think he got disrespected by the 77, necessarily. Maybe he expected to get the top rating since he worked directly with them more than any other rook?
  4. Of course I'm mad. This is some bullshizzz mayne and y'all know it. The only question I have is why ain't ya'll as mad as me!!!!??? MLK should be our day and everybody knows it. I want rando Heat fans or Jazz fans (not Suns fans ) sitting at home that day thinking, "Dayum why the got the Hawks on national TV? Ohhhh 'cause MLK day." I need that in my life. #FAdamSliver
  5. Knicks are tanking this year. LAL were tanking last year. Check the # of national tv games between them. DAL was tanking last year. How many times were the Hinkie 6ers on national tv. But don't let the facts get in the way of your agenda. And here comes the "Bwah technically so-and-so weren't tanking, per se. They were ... uh, just losing but not tanking."
  6. No national tv game last year. If we played NYK, I don't remember. I just remember not being nationally televised. And the year before, we played at Detroit. Coolest part about that was them showing clips from Atlanta of MLK stuff during the game. WTF?
  7. "Oh hey ... here's where King was gunned down. Oooh look, they kept the room just as it was when he was bleeding out on the balcony." - Rando NBA Announcer Yeah 'cause, with all the race problems bubbling up nowadays, what we really wanna do is show where MLK was killed. Yeah, that's inspirational. (Wait, did I lay the sarcasm on think enough?) Or, we could show the King Center, his house, etc. Tell me, which of these sites is near and dear to the hearts of white supremacists? Oh no you di'n't. Oh yes I did.
  8. ... and furthermore ... the Grizzlies?!?! The whole 'grindhouse' phenomenon wore off 6 years ago. Nobody wants to watch Conley boring arse or Gasol complainin' arse. JJJ will be mildly interesting, at best. I'm so pissed right now.
  9. The Grizzlies???? So we're gonna celebrate, again, where MLK was killed? That's something we want to memorialize every freaking year? I hope Davis is hurt for the 'Cans that day and I hope Cousins and Curry get into a fist-fight on live TV.
  10. Are you frkng kidding me, Adam Silver!?!? http://www.nba.com/article/2018/08/08/nba-schedule-2018-19-christmas-day-mlk-day-opening-week-games-official-release So what're you gonna do, play recorded video of the MLK house? You know what, to the NBA, to Adam Silver and to whoever else, all I gotta say is .. F*** you, f*** you and f*** you .. who's next?
  11. I'm not clicking that link so, if it's as you say and they're suggesting NYK/BKN aren't tanking, then whoever believes that is either a fool or has a clear agenda.
  12. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    I come thisclose to murder around that dude. I'm telling ya. I'll find a way to squawk from jail though. Agree Live '95 was great. It's up there with MVP '05 as the greatest sports video games ever. And don't even put Olivia in Rachel's class. O lost me when she went with Alt-Sam.
  13. You just couldn't resist could you? Paging spud .... Eggsactly which is why I hope we ignore/stop talking about Simmons and his crap.
  14. You really tried to slip that one in, huh? Imagine NOP ending up trading him for a package including Anderson who they shipped out not long ago. I hear you though on your overall point. I acknowledge mine is closer to wishful thinking.
  15. kg01

    Pumped for Trae

    People are sheep, mayne. My deadbeat BIL (different from the Heat-fan BIL) showed kg03 some lowlight video of Young that some rando put together after his UTA SL struggles. He knows my son is a big NBA fan and Hawks fan (because of me) so I guess he was trying to be funny and say the Hawks' rookie sucks. This guy also told my son that Melo was a superstar. He tells me son this crap when I'm not around then when my son comes to me to talk bball, I have to reprogram his brain. It's ridiculous. When I heard about him showing the lowlight vid I was all ... I have to be the adult so I didn't rip the BIL's head off (which was not easy). I simply educated kg03 so he's good now. I say that all to say, my BIL is a typical "fan" who doesn't really pay attention. That's how/why you end up with these ridiculous BSPN lists with guys like Knox ahead of Young for no other reason(s) than ... bwah, he looked good in summer league .. and obtw, he play in the "Mecca". It's bullcrap but as it plays out I think Rayford will be fine. Lastly, cool to see Rayf get even a snippet of love on the 2K promo. The kg's will get it, spud. How 'bout you?
  16. Thon is becoming overrated based on a couple minutes of halfway decent defense. Oh and some wicked karate kicks too iiuc. I thought the same but I'm more so thinking next year when he'll be an expiring. Could get some steam as a stretch-big at the deadline. You never know.
  17. Melton plus whatever pick plus whatever we flip Anderson for could be better for us than having Baze. Something to think about.
  18. And he replaced a far worse one. Far, far worse one ... and I don't even like Slink. I want Baze here as a culture builder but I get the 'why' of trading him. It's not outrageous.
  19. Heh that's perfectly good bait, mayne. And sturt loves us too much to go away.
  20. Heh, I sit at my desk or whatever client I'm at and listen via the app (that's right @sturt I got a job, you wanker). I hope those were the best hot wangs you ever had. We all know you love some hot wangs.
  21. I told you this is the worst time to listen. Much better in-season.
  22. It's ok. Surely your workmates know you watch plenty of porn at work. Hearing this video play was probably refreshing to them.
  23. kg01

    Deep C

    Yeah, I just wanted to call him a lady.
  24. kg01

    Deep C

    You're Kramer. @Spud2nique is Elaine.
  25. Ayo @Spud2nique, the NBARadio morning show has adopted #TheHeurtLocker as the rookie/player they have to like. Scalabrine said (a) he's a red-head (like Scal) and (b) he went to Maryland (like Isola). I'm telling you, the Hawks gonna be media darlings all of a sudden.
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